After the cultivation was over, Ou Shaotian immediately took a shower and washed it for more than half an hour before coming out of the bathroom.

"It's finally washed, it's so refreshing!"

Ou Shaotian couldn't help but smile.

I have been tempering flesh refinement for this period of time, and I haven't taken a good bath. The dirt from tempering makes my whole body dirty.

The state of cultivation shouldn’t be interrupted again, now it’s finally better.

Completed the eighth tempering and successfully broke through.

At this time, his spiritual power exceeded 80,000, which was comparable to the eighth-level Great Angler, which is not too exaggerated.

This is also the benefit of extreme body refinement.

Nine skin refinement, wait to complete nine flesh refinement, and then achieve the limit nine tempering each time, he will be much stronger than the same level.

"The fish ponds are all eaten up, it seems that I have to go out!"

Ou Shaotian underestimated and decided to go to the fishing grounds.

The current fishing ground is not far from the village, and it can be reached within ten minutes at most.

Besides, it's still the morning at the moment. If it goes by, it should be possible to fish for another afternoon. There is no time for it.

So Ou Shaotian got ready and set off directly.

Among the fishing grounds, Yun Duo'er and the others are fishing. They are all looking very casual.

"Ai, when will Shaotian leave the customs?"

Zhang Pengpeng said a little nostalgic.

I am used to fishing easily behind Ou Shaotian. After I am used to fishing continuously, I now rely on my own fishing, which is really boring.

Not to mention the long time to catch fish, most of the fish caught are unclassified goods.

"It should be soon, or let's go find him at night!"

Xu Haibo couldn't help but say.

"I said you guys be patient, isn't it just fishing slower, why do you disturb people's retreat!"

Yun Duo'er immediately maintained it.

Although she also hopes that Ou Shaotian will leave the customs as soon as possible, but she will not disturb Ou Shaotian, and she endures the emotion of miss.

"You don't have to fight, look over there!"

Zhang Pengpeng has sharp eyes, but immediately noticed Ou Shaotian's Fishing Boat Avatar, and he was immediately happy.

"It's really Brother Shaotian, very good!"

Yun Duo'er also smiled.

Ou Shaotian slowly approached while sitting on the Fishing Boat Avatar, and also saw Yun Duo'er and the others, so he directly let the Fishing Boat Avatar drive towards them.

"Long time no see, how are you doing?"

After getting closer, Ou Shaotian also smiled.

"Not good, it's not good at all. Without you, our fishing speed is too slow."

Yun Duo'er suddenly pursed his mouth and said coquettishly.

Ou Shaotian couldn't help but use the Avatar's radar to scan, and smiled and said: "Haha, your location is really not good, you should go to a place about a kilometer ahead of the right."

The location of Yun Duo'er and the others is really bad. There is no fish group underwater, only three or two idle fish.

"Okay, let's change places right away, are you together?"

Yun Duo'er suddenly asked.

"No, let's get together, I plan to go to the fishery seabed and see how the seabed is!"

Ou Shaotian shook his head and refused.

He came here this time, the most important purpose is to check the seabed, and by the way capture some graded aquatic creatures.

"Okay, then you be careful!"

Yun Duo'er nodded.

Then the two sides separated. Yun Duo'er and the others went fishing at the place pointed by Ou Shaotian, while Ou Shaotian put away the Fishing Boat Avatar and dived into the seabed.

This newly built fishing ground is not long, and the radiation of Spirit Gathering Array is only about ten nautical miles in radius.

The closer to the center, the stronger the Spiritual Qi.

A variety of aquatic plants are becoming more and more luxuriant, the most of which are lush and lush aquatic plants, followed by red corals and the like.

"Yes, the environment is much better!"

Ou Shaotian took a look and was very satisfied with nodded.

The seabed environment has improved, and more and more fish groups are attracted. Level 3 fish groups are everywhere.

In addition to spirit fish, there are many other aquatic creatures.

Among them, spirit jade has the most shrimp, as well as big turtles, sea mussels, and big blue crabs. The seabed in the fishery can be seen everywhere.

Among them, spirit jade shrimp is the fastest breeding aquatic creature, and the number is also the largest.

"Xiaojin, come out and eat hard!"

Ou Shaotian thoughts move and released Soul Spirit Purple Gold Black Tortoise.

Purple Gold Black Tortoise, which also has Great Angler-class battle strength, is seabed in this fishing ground and can be eaten freely, just like a master.

After Xiaojin came out, he rubbed his head against Ou Shaotian, and then happily pounced on the spirit jade shrimp.


An arm-sized spirit jade shrimp was directly bitten by it.

ka beng crisp!

Swallowed in threes or twos.

Ou Shaotian also felt a spiritual power fed back into his body.

After that, he also ignored Soul Spirit Xiaojin and let it move freely, while he continued to stroll around the fishing grounds.

Xiaojin didn't leave him too far, so he grabbed food around him.

However, Xiaojin is too careless, and occasionally feels embarrassed.

No, I encountered a Strange Octopus!

[Name]: Mo Yuzhang

[Rank]: Rank 0 Level 3

[Grade]: Precious

[spiritual power]: 3874 points

[Remarks]: Variations among common octopuses, the jetted ink is stronger, and the lethality is more powerful

Facing this ink jade When it was time to chapter, Purple Gold Black Tortoise was a little embarrassed, was sprayed with ink, and let it run away.

"wu wu wu!"

Xiao Jin, who couldn't speak, uttered wu wu angrily.

"Well, who told you to be careless, how many times stronger than others I don't know, I was actually teased!"

Ou Shaotian said with a smile.

Looking at Xiaojin covered in dirt, he also felt a bit amused. He was so strong, but he was teased.

It's also a lesson!

Xiaojin sorry’s shook the head, and then went to vent other prey.

Ou Shaotian also ignored him, but went deep all the way, gradually leaving the range of the fishing grounds and heading towards the deep sea.

Although the seabed of the ordinary Sea Territory does not form a fishing ground, there will be spiritual caves in many places, and many powerful aquatic creatures will be raised.

And many precious Spirit Fruit.

After a long time, good things will appear.

It's just that the sea is too vast, and the element of luck is very important.

However, Ou Shaotian had good luck. It didn't take long before he found a precious spirit plant, a kind of bamboo made of bamboo sticks and fishing rods of Top Grade Material.

Called Purple Jade Bamboo!

[Name]: Purple Jade Bamboo

[Rank]: Rank 0 Level 3

[Grade]: Rare

[spiritual power]: 3999 points

[Remarks]: The top grade in the spirit bamboo can be used to make fishing rods and stick weapons. It is a rare good material

"It's actually Purple Jade Bamboo. It's really good. This is Top Grade Material!"

Ou Shaotian couldn't help but excited.

Seeing the information scanned by the radar, he was very happy.

This kind of Top Grade Material is precious even if it is put in Floating Island. If you want to buy it, it depends on luck.

A good fishing rod is really important for an angler.

For many people, Purple Jade Bamboo is a good thing that can never be changed.

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