After returning to the Academy, we first sent Yun Duo'er back to the girls’ dormitory, and then the three Ou Shaotian returned to the boys’ dormitory.

As soon as he arrived at the dormitory, Ou Shaotian couldn't wait to upgrade his Fishing Boat Avatar.

He did not release the Fishing Boat Avatar this time.

Instead, the materials needed for the upgrade are collected in the fish tank space and directly upgraded.

Along with Ou Shaotian thoughts move, the materials in the fish cabin space began to be absorbed, and his body was also enveloped by a faint rays of light.

This rays of light spread from the tattoo marks on his arm, covering his whole body.

"What's the situation?"

Zhang Pengpeng and Xu Haibo in the dormitory looked surprised!

Although they couldn't figure out the situation, they didn't dare to disturb Ou Shaotian. After looking at each other, they quietly exited the dormitory.

Then guarded at the door.

A few minutes later, the evolution of the Fishing Boat Avatar is complete, and Ou Shaotian also starts to view the data of the Fishing Boat Avatar.

The fishing Boat Avatar data has changed drastically after the upgrade.

Avatar: iron essence flying boat

Level: primary level

Speed: 30ms

Armor: iron essence coverage, excellent defensive power

Main gun: Spiritual Qi gun, Spiritual Qi in compressed air launches an attack, effective range of three kilometers, compressed air bomb every three seconds

Radar: scanning deduction, Investigate basic information, consume Spiritual Qi to deduce the cultivation technique

Fish cabin: contains a hundred cubic meters of space, can store living things

Possession: can be turned into a mark, attached to the body


Upgrade: It takes one ton of thousand-year cold iron, five tons of iron essence, and three kilograms of floating stone

The cost of this upgrade is very scary, but there is no doubt that the upgraded Fishing Boat Avatar It is also far more powerful than before.

The fish cabin space is directly integrated into a hundred cubic meters of spatial pouch, which can hold too many things.

The original main gun heavy crossbow has also changed, becoming a Spiritual Qi gun!

Power surges.

"Too strong, the Fishing Boat Avatar is really too strong now!"

Ou Shaotian couldn't help but exclaimed.

The previous Fishing Boat Avatar can basically only be used as a vehicle, except for the radar function, other functions are not particularly large.

It will be different in the future. The Fishing Boat Avatar not only has the ability to fly, but also gradually possesses powerful battle strength.

The help to Ou Shaotian will also increase.

But after seeing the materials needed for the next upgrade, Ou Shaotian was depressed again.

Thousand-year cold iron, that is not ordinary material, but extremely precious material for refining, not to mention a ton, even a catty, the price is not low!

Moreover, in addition to the thousand-year cold iron, three kilograms of floating stone!

"It seems that the next evolution, we will have to wait for a while."

Ou Shaotian said helplessly.

He is impossible to use all the resources to upgrade the Fishing Boat Avatar, and the cultivation of the body also consumes a lot of resources.

So for the time being, I can only wait for his cultivation base to be upgraded, and then let the Fishing Boat Avatar evolve.

"Come in!"

After turning off the attribute interface of the Fishing Boat Avatar, Ou Shaotian shouted to the two guarding outside the door.

"Shaotian, what happened just now, why is your body suddenly glowing, there is no problem?"

After entering the house, Zhang Pengpeng asked first.

"It’s okay, it’s just cultivation a Spirit Plant Master’s cultivation technique, so a little rays of light will appear. It’s okay."

Ou Shaotian casually found an excuse. Disguised.

After all, the Fishing Boat Avatar is his hole card and cannot be exposed at will.

"As long as it's okay, don't tell us more about the others!"

Zhang Pengpeng nodded.

Everyone has a secret. He didn't mean to spy on Ou Shaotian's secret, but this unprecedented situation made him a little worried.

"Stop talking about this, let's read books, there are still many books to read!"

Xu Haibo directly changed the subject, returned to his bed, and logged in to the Academy Library , Began to read some knowledge about forging.

"I want to watch it too!"

Zhang Pengpeng nodded, also started reading.

Ou Shaotian slightly smiled, and also returned to his bed to read.


In the morning of 2nd day, the classroom of Angler 1 class, the class teacher Wang Feiyu came in as soon as the class time came.

"We are all here, let you prepare, are you all ready?"

Wang Feiyu swept his eyes and said.

When get out of class ended yesterday, he already said that today is a practical class, yesterday I talked about fishing skills, and today is going to sea to practice.

"All are ready!"

The whole class said in unison.

"Then let's go!"

Wang Feiyu waved his hand, motioning everyone to follow.

Then everyone started to act, followed in Wang Feiyu's footsteps, and rushed to the stop of the Academy's flying boat.

For class practice classes, you can use Academy’s flying boat for free.

"Hurry up, hurry up, let me get on the boat!"

Wang Feiyu shouted loudly.

Then the entire group moved quickly.

This is a huge flying boat. All the people from Angler Class 1 went up. There was no problem at all.

After everyone boarded the boat, Wang Feiyu launched the flying boat, slowly lifted into the air, and then flew towards the outside, flying towards the outside of the Floating Island.

Then flew towards the sea below.

The destination is the Level 2 fishing grounds of Heavenly Authority Island. For fishing there, ordinary residents on the island need to pay taxes, but Academy students don’t have to pay taxes.

It didn't take long for the flying boat to reach the sea.

With the slow landing of the huge flying boat, the water splashed on the sea, causing countless waves.

"Well, hurry up and start fishing. Remember, use the Thousand Feathers Fishing Technique taught yesterday, and give me a good practice!"

Wang Feiyu shouted Tao.

The content of the practical class is mainly for students to master Thousand Feathers Fishing Technique. He personally gives pointers and can ask questions if they don’t understand.


All students are excited.

After the fishing rods that were prepared a long time ago were taken out, they began to put on the bait and started fishing one after another.

Ou Shaotian also recalled the skills Wang Feiyu taught in class, and began to practice casting and trying.

Thousand Feathers Fishing Technique pays attention to a clever word. After the hook flies out, the water waves will not be surprised when it falls into the water, like a feather falling into the water, silent.

Even if the spirit fish is on the water, it will not be frightened.

"Work hard, as long as you get started, you can use the radar to deduct it!"

Ou Shaotian concentrates, keeps trying, and throws his fishing rod again and again.

The understanding of Thousand Feathers Fishing Technique is also increasing.

The hook is thrown out very quickly, but it seems to be nothing, falling into the water calmly.

The Yun Duo'er next to it is not bad either.

Comprehension is also very amazing, and it has found its way. Every time the hook is thrown, it is getting lighter and lighter.

Wang Feiyu standing on the deck is also observing the performance of the students. The newcomers Ou Shaotian and Yun Duo'er are naturally his key observation objects.

Seeing the performance of the two, Wang Feiyu knew that he had found the treasure.

"This innate talent is really amazing, it's almost time to get started!"

Wang Feiyu exclaimed in his heart.

From yesterday to today, it has only been more than a day, and I have such a deep understanding. The perception is indeed amazing!

When he learned this Thousand Feathers Fishing Technique, it took him a full week to get started!

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