Fishing In The Four Emperors Territory? All Marine Escort!

Chapter 149 Monk's Military Influence!

Monk left, followed by Zefa, Momousagi, Hina, Seraphim, Roger and others also left the scene one after another.

Since Sengoku told him to shut up, he just shut up, mainly because he didn't want to be too troublesome.

You must know that once he tells the truth about the world government, there will be no benefit and endless troubles.

World government will definitely not let him go.

No matter how strong a person is, it is still a bit difficult to fight against the whole world.

World government's 800-year background is not a joke, followed by Im an uncertain factor.

Monk doesn't know whether the old guys in the power are strong, and the strength of Im who is hidden behind the scenes, who may have existed for more than 800 years and has mastered the entire world, is also a mystery.

What's more, the technology of "Map Cannon" in Im's hands.

Once he exposes the truth of this world, there will be a lot of troubles.

It didn't fit the life Monk wanted.

Now that his uncle is planning to retire, Monk has already planned his future life, staying in the Golden City, taking his uncle, Zephyr, Momousagi[Hina, two Zhu Weishi and Roger to "retire".

As long as he can live a good, comfortable life, the development of this world, and the follow-up "story", he doesn't want to participate, he just needs to be a witness.

This is Monk's plan for the rest of his life...  

Meeting room!

Although Monk left with his own people, his words echoed in everyone's hearts.

The World Government is a liar, and has lied to the world for more than 800 years...

What did the world government deceive "163" to the whole world?

What did Monk mean by this sentence?

The generals present were all very concerned about this, which made each of them seem a little preoccupied now.

If someone else said it, the generals would take it as a joke and wouldn't take it seriously, but this is what Monk said...

The meaning of Monk's words is different. One is Monk's current status and influence among Marine generals, and the other is that Monk has several precedents before telling the truth that they, Marine executives, do not know.

The most famous one is to reveal the identity of Ace, Roger's son, which shocked everyone.

So Monk's words are very catchy.

Seeing the silence of everyone present, the CP spy captain said slowly: "Everyone, what are you thinking?"

"Because of the words of a little kid, do you start to doubt the World government you have worked for for many years?"

"You have to know that the World Government has allowed the world to have rules and order. It is the existence of the World Government that allows the people of this world to live in peace..."

The Cp spy captain began to "brainwash" the world government in the direction of justice and the highest point of morality.

This trick is still very effective. After all, the reason why the people present will join Marine, isn’t it because they believe in the World government? Isn’t it for justice?

Once they doubt the World government, to be honest, it shows that their effectiveness over the years has become a joke.

Most people don't want to make themselves a joke!

After the Cp spy captain finished speaking, he stopped dwelling on this topic, changed the topic, looked at Sengoku and said, "Sengoku [this is the nephew you disciplined?"

"There is no one in sight, no rules, if many people are like him, what kind of darkness will this world fall into?"

Sengoku cast a glance at the CP spy captain, and said calmly: "I know it well, I have been able to manage Marine for so many years, you have no right to question me.

Cp Spy Captain frowned, a little displeased with Sengoku's words, "Sengoku, although you are the Marine Marshal, you have to understand that I am your upper echelon..."

"The attitude of speaking should not be like this..."

After a pause, the CP spy captain didn't seem to want to continue this topic, "You said that you will bring Monk to the Holy Land Mariejois tomorrow, can you do what you say?"

"If it can't be done, then our Cp spy and you Marine can only resort to force."

And at this moment, Garp got up, his expression was a bit cursing, "Hey! It's just after the battle, so there are so many things going wrong."

"The old man is tired and tired, and I don't want to listen to these things anymore."

After speaking, Garp strode towards the door of the conference room.

The CP spy captain suddenly said coldly: "Garp don't mess around. y

"If it is really suppressed by force, you have to help."

"Help your sister! This old man is just a Vice Admiral. There are so many people with higher positions than me at the scene, and they want me to act.

Garp's words can be described as straightforward, his character and style of acting are like this.

Ignoring the Cp intelligence captain, he left directly without the slightest sloppiness.

"You..." The Cp intelligence captain's face was extremely livid.

Garp is really the same as the rumors say, he has no rules at all.

"Damn! This bastard, if he hadn't considered his status and influence in the army, he would have punished this arrogant guy long ago."

Garp's departure, however, seemed to ignite the fuse.

Akainu, the "Strongest Admiral", also got up, and after a while of silence, walked away.

"Yo! I remember I have something to do!" Kizaru said, getting up to leave.

All the Marine generals at the scene began to find trouble and leave. Obviously, after the Cp spy captain said that if Monk refused to obey, he would be suppressed by force and Marine must assist, the generals showed their attitude.

For Monk's status in the eyes of these people, the Cp spy captain was shocked. He never thought that a kid who has no position in the army has such a terrifying influence.

None of the Marine executives wanted to take a shot at Monk.

The face of the CP spy captain became even more ugly. He looked at the people who had left, and said coldly: "You, you, all of you, come back to me!"

However, no one paid any attention to the CP spy captain.


The Cp intelligence captain was very angry, and wanted the Cp intelligence agents to stop these Marine generals.

Isn't this too presumptuous? He is the commander directly under the authority. These generals are all lower than him. How can they treat him like this?

Seeing that something was wrong, Sengoku finally spoke again.

"Hey! The war just ended, everyone is exhausted, and they do have important things to do, so it's normal for them to leave.

"Don't worry about Monk, I will not ignore the recruitment of the Five Elders, and I will take Monk to the Holy Land Mariejois tomorrow.

Sengoku has already given face to the Cp spy captain, letting him keep his anger from venting.

As Marine Marshal, Sengoku's guarantee is still very reliable.

After some exchanges, this matter has been settled. Tomorrow Sengoku will take Monk and Roger to the Holy Land Mariejois.

Cp spy captain's mission this time is considered complete, and he doesn't intend to continue to stay in Naval Headquarters.

There is no way if he continues to stay here, he feels that he will be pissed off. In different organizations, no matter how big his position is, it is other people's territory, and he has no right to speak at all.

After the Cp spy agents left, only Sengoku, Tsuru and other sporadic generals were left in the conference room.

Sengoku pinched his eyebrows a little irritably, "The war is over, but troubles are still going on.

"I can't help it! Who told Monk that he is too good and self-reliant?"

Crane opened his mouth lightly.

"Excellent people often have strong ideas, coupled with the special Devil Fruit ability, which makes today's Monk too dazzling."

"We Marine all want to control the power of Monk, let alone the World government."

Sengoku shook his head and laughed, "Can I take this as a compliment?"

"It's your nephew, not you, Sengoku!" Tsuru replied also directly.

Instead of this topic, Crane changed the subject and said, "Speaking of Sengoku, are you really planning to take Monk to the holy land of Mariejois tomorrow?"

"Yeah!" Sengoku nodded.

"Bringing Monk to the elders of the Holy Land Mariejois will at least dispel most of their concerns."

"For the sake of my Marine Marshal, at least the Five Elders won't press too hard, and at most let Monk become an employed member of the World government.

"Since the Five Elders have the idea of ​​making Monk a Celestial Dragon, why don't you want to persuade Monk to become a Celestial Dragon?" Crane asked.

"Perhaps becoming Celestial Dragons is his best choice, and it can even bring great benefits to you and the descendants of this surname.

......" Sengoku was silent, and after a while, he spoke lightly:

"If I become Celestial Dragons, I'll be laughed at by Garp. 0"

Tsuru cast a deep glance at Sengoku, and then sighed, "I really can't understand what you guys are thinking.

"In my case, I wish I could become Celestial Dragons..."

"It will be of endless benefit to me and to my descendants...

The meeting room fell into silence, and I don't know how long it took.

Crane spoke again, and said in a deep voice: "Speaking of what Monk just said, don't you care?"

"The World government has cheated the world, what is it cheating?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know, Tsuru, there is no need to mention this matter." Sengoku said.

"No matter what lies to us, we just need to know that the world needs an official organization called World Government."

"Once the influence and prestige of the huge central authority, the World Government, is completely disintegrated, I can't imagine what that kind of world will be like..."

The crane is also silent, indeed, such a world is unimaginable.

Perhaps this is even greater than the impact of the Age of Discovery, which will affect the entire world, causing various wars to break out in various parts of the world, and causing the loss of life.

That's something Sengoku doesn't want to see, so it's better not to choose to know the truth.

At the same time, on the side of the Golden City, in the office of the building on the current floor.

"Hey! Boss Monk, would you like some tea? This is the finest tea from East Blue..." Tezolo lost all pretensions and respected Monk.

It's not that he was frightened by Monk or afraid of Monk, but that Monk promised him one thing, after catching [Time Wrap Skin], he will help him revive his girlfriend—Dell.

With this premise, Tezoro has now promoted Monk to the altar, completely becoming Monk's younger brother.

The Golden City is now considered Monk's property in a practical sense.

Of course, with money, Monk can’t take as much as he wants, and he needs to consider maintaining some necessary expenses [maintaining the operation of the Golden City so that sustainable development can be achieved.

The money that Monk can get from Tezoro now is more like a dividend, and he can get about 50 billion Pele every month.

This is an extremely frightening amount, even Tezoro's own monthly expenses are not so much.

come to this world

In less than three months, Monk has become the top richest man with a monthly income of 50 billion Baileys.

Although it seems like a lot, it is actually only 5 times of god-level fishing.

"Is there tea from East Blue? Let me see, let me see, I haven't been back to 0.4 for a long time." Garp was delighted after hearing this.

He hurried forward.

Several senior executives of He Ran Marine were present, Garp, Akainu, Kizaru and Aokiji.

"Heh! Garp, haven't you tasted these medicines?" Roger also leaned closer.

"Don't say that you are from East Blue in the future. I taste this tea every day. It is absolutely excellent."

"Who says I haven't tasted it? I'm just too lazy to remember the name..."

Garp and Roger bicker on a daily basis.

On Tezoro's side, while pouring tea for Monk, he asked, "By the way, Boss Monk, when will you take me fishing?"

Monk smiled and said: "Tomorrow, let's see where to go fishing tomorrow, and I will take you to go fishing."

Tezoro was ecstatic after hearing the words.

But soon his face was a little depressed, and he asked: "By the way, Boss Monk, it must be 20 billion Baileys once to fish [Time Wrapped Skin]?"

In this way, he can only fish about 2 times a month, and the probability of getting [Time Wrap Skin] is too low.

Monk accepted the good East Blue tea from Tezolo, and said calmly: "It's okay, as long as you behave well, I can give it to you if I fish it."

After Tezoro heard the words, his face was stained with joy, and he kept thanking Monk.

His greatest wish in this life is to live happily ever after with Stella.

And when the atmosphere was very harmonious, Akainu couldn't help asking: "Monk, what you just said that the World government deceived us and the world, what do you mean?"



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