Fishing In The Four Emperors Territory? All Marine Escort!

Chapter 155 The Atrocities Of The Celestial Dragons!

Whoring 100 billion Baileys for nothing, even now that Monk and Five Elders are pulling their beards and fighting fiercely, he feels that in order to be able to go whoring for nothing, he will be nice.

As long as you can prostitute for free, don't be shabby!

So Monk didn't hesitate at all, and immediately agreed.

At the same time, he smiled and said: "Five Elders elders, but we have prepared 100 billion Baileys for fishing here, you have to wait a little bit."

Monk's words made several Five Elders look at each other again, and they all saw the depression in each other's eyes.

The reason why this kid came to the Holy Land Mariejois today is because he came to fish? Not because of their orders?

Five Elders thinks that Monk is probably because of this.

If today's fishing refresh location is not in the man-made lake outside the ancient city of Mariejois in the Holy Land, it is very likely that Monk will not appear here.

This recognition made Five Elders and others no longer have any desire to talk to Monk.

Before, they tried to see if they could recruit Monk, but now Monk's various operations have made Five Elders and others not want to recruit Monk.

Even the Great Elder, the Fourth Elder and the Fifth Elder who had been helping Monk speak before, have no idea of ​​recruiting Monk.

Even if such a person is recruited, he does not have much sense of belonging to the World government, and it is too prone to accidents.

Therefore, Five Elders has given up the idea of ​​recruiting Monk, and after the fishing is over, it is time to start Shikai to decide the business.

Roger must kill!

Monk must be bound in the Holy Land, even if it is imprisonment, he must be imprisoned in the Holy Land, so that Monk can become a force that the World Government can grasp.

The Great Elder got up and began to lead the way for Monk to the man-made lake outside Pangu City.

After Monk followed, Roger, Zefa and others also followed, the Marine executives were blocked by other agents.

Make it impossible for Marine executives to stay with Monk and others. 10

Garp and others were quite upset, "What happened to us Marine staying with our own people?"

"Are there any restrictions?"

However, the CP spy agents ignored it at all, and even Kong came forward, which made Garp [Wang Admiral and other ten kinds of Gao Kang say nothing.

Anyway, Kong is also the former Marshal of the Marine, and he has friendship with people like them, so we still have to save face.

Right here, Monk and others were separated from Marine's top management, and they were divided into two groups heading for Pangu City.

And just after the two parties left the power room, the three elders behind said to the CPO captain: "Lead people to completely block Pangu City, and notify Isaac."

"Let him make a deal with a few prisoners on Prison Island. As long as they help, the World Government is willing to let them go."

The CP spy captain hurriedly said respectfully: "Understood, Elder Lord!"

When he lowered his head, the corners of his mouth involuntarily drew up.

The CP spy captain doesn't have any good feelings for Monk. Since yesterday at Naval Headquarters, he has been pissed off by Monk, and just now he was scolded by Monk as a dog in power, which made him want to fuck Dead Monk.

Now that Five Elders is definitely going to make a move on Monk, it is naturally an exciting thing for him.

Isaac was blasted by the air before, and he was quite dissatisfied with Marine and Monk, so he must be happy to participate in the siege of Monk.

As for the prisoners on Prison Island, they will naturally not be allowed to go free after the World government runs out. Anyway, after the suppression of Monk is over, "it's the same to suppress them again.

There were 10,000 army elites and several army generals at the scene. Although the army Admiral was not recruited, Kong, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, was there, which was enough.

Now that the Marine generals happen to come to the Holy Land, they can also issue a mandatory order to them to attack Monk.

Presumably they dare not not take action, once they do not take action, think about the treatment of the former Shichibukai Jinbei and you will understand.

The World government has never lacked subordinates. If Marine and other generals are disobedient, then there will be a world conscription and a major reshuffle for Marine. Just after this war, Marine suffered huge losses, and a conscription will also be held.

First Elder, Second Elder, Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder, the four elders walked in the front, followed by Monk, and alongside Monk was Sengoku, the Marine Marshal.

At this time, Sengoku was worried, he understood the meaning of World government, presumably the World government would suppress Monk after the fishing was over.

At that time, what should he do?

As the Marine Marshal, he cannot take action against the people of the World Government. It should be said that he still has to help the World Government suppress Monk.

But that is Monk, my nephew, my relative...

How did this get you off your hands?

At this moment Sengoku realized Garp's mood back then.

How did the original Garp fail to save Ace?

What kind of torment is it inside?

Because I am struggling with these things in my heart, I say that Sengoku is not in the mood to be in the unexpected world right now.

Behind him are Zefa, Roger, Momousagi, Hina and the two Seraphs, and after that is the Golden Teijin.

The three of Tezoro looked at the two rows of CP spy agents lined up on both sides of the road, and their footsteps felt a little soft.

"Boss..." Mr. Tanaka couldn't help but whispered.

"Could it be that there are so many CP spy members on the road every day in the Holy Land?"

Tezoro's face became gloomy when asked, "How would I know?"

"Can you think before you ask this question?"

"It's also my first time to come to the Holy Land..."

Mr. Tanaka opened his eyes, "Boss, you are not......"

But soon he shut up, he was going to say boss, haven't you been a slave of Celestial Dragons?

Thinking that this was a memory that Tezoro didn't want to bring up, he almost shut up.

Since Tezoro said no, then there is no.

The three of Tezoro walked in a panic, followed by a group of CP intelligence agents, and then Kong, with Garp on his side and behind him, three Admirals and other Marine executives.

The three Admiral, Garp and others looked at the defenses around them, and they all felt dignified.

Garp couldn't help but said to Kong: "Commander, when did the Holy Land become so heavily guarded?"

"Who are you guarding against?"

Kong chuckled, "I'm not wary of anyone."

"Then when did the Holy Land deploy so many defensive forces?" Akainu also asked.

Kong was a little surprised.

In fact, Garp, Tsuru and other high-level executives will come, Kong is not surprised, and even Aokiji will come, he is not surprised.

But Akainu and Kizaru will come, which makes Kong very surprised.

I didn't expect people like Akainu and Kizaru to come forward for Monk.

But after thinking about it, Kong also thinks it's normal. Monk's magical item has indeed brought huge benefits and improvements to Marine.

Let Marine's strength reach the highest level in 800 years, even in the period of Kong's command, it is impossible for a whole Marine to deal with the Four Emperors.

Of course! In the previous era, there was no such thing as Four Emperors, but a group of legendary pirates.

Seeing that Kong was silent for a long time without answering, Aokiji said lightly: "Commander, I hope the military department can give our Marine some face."

"The benefits and improvements that magical items bring to our Marine are obvious to all."

"There is nothing wrong with Monk, his power is his own, and how he wants to use it is his own business."

"As long as you're not on the opposite side of the world government, there's nothing wrong with it, right?"

Aokiji's words undoubtedly clarified the topic. In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the sudden appearance of so many military forces in the Holy Land Mariejois must be aimed at Monk.

Kong kept silent and didn't answer, and he could see that Monk was indeed helping Marine to improve, and indirectly also helping World government to improve.

But everyone is not guilty, but pregnant is guilty!

Even if Monk is on the side of Marine and World government now, what about the future?

What if Monk doesn't plan to stand on the side of the World government in the future?

Once the Monk is no longer on the side of the World government, no matter how powerful the magical item is, no matter how powerful it is, it will be a huge trouble for the World government?

Five Elders wanted to make Monk Celestial Dragons, in fact, they wanted to master and control Monk through the identity of Celestial Dragons.

But Monk's attitude shows that he does not want to be controlled by the World government. In order to control the "power" of Monk, the World government can only resort to force.

"Please trust the high-level decision-making. As the military department, the high-level must abide by the rules." Kong suddenly said, his tone became stern.

"You must have sworn oaths when you joined the Marine, right?"

"Soldiers must be 100% obedient!!"

Three Admiral was silent, Garp and Crane were also silent.

I didn't expect the Five Elders to be so decisive this time. Originally, they came this time to make the World government look at their Marine high-level face and give up some radical decisions. Now it seems that their coming here has no effect.

Under the leadership of the Great Elder and others, everyone also passed through the living area of ​​Celestial Dragons.

The castle of Celestial Dragons is extremely luxurious and dignified.

It looks so holy, but unholy things are happening in the square.

A group of Celestial Dragons are putting their slaves on their backs in a race to see whose slave can run the fastest, where humans are turned into animals for fun.

Even though there were many CP spy agents and many soldiers guarding the scene, there was no one to stop the Celestial Dragons from atrocities like this.

Monk glanced at the square, watching the scene where the Celestial Dragons played with "humans", and his heart was filled with anger.

This is the emotion that a normal person from an equal and peaceful society should have.

The sense of justice has never been something that should be cast aside or discarded.

Monk really couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, he couldn't help but stopped.

Zephyr, Momousagi, Hina, Roger and the two Seraphs stopped after Monk stopped.

They have actually seen what the Celestial Dragons are doing on the square, but because they are in this world, they actually have a layer of shackles in their minds—the Celestial Dragons are the highest nobles in the world, and they can't do anything.

But Monk didn't, but after Monk stopped, they all stopped too.

The elders in front sensed that Monk stopped, so they couldn't help but stop.

The Great Elder turned his head in surprise, looked at Monk and said, "Monk, what's wrong?"

"Why stop here?"

Sengoku looked at Monk, he also saw what happened in the square.

But at the same time, he is also bound in thought, and he has nothing to do with Celestial Dragons, the highest nobles in the world.

But he saw the anger burning in Monk's eyes, and couldn't help but understand what Monk was going to do.

He whispered to Monk: "Monk...don't do unnecessary things now, this is a holy place..."

Sengoku's voice is low.

However, Monk ignored these things, he couldn't help but sneered: "Holy land?"

"Since it is a holy place, why do such absurd and cruel things happen?"

The original principle of Monk's life is to be bad, to plan to be happy, and to live this life happily.

However, the so-called out of sight, out of mind, now that he has witnessed the current scene with his own eyes, he should turn a blind eye and feel uneasy.

Imagine that when you have enough power and strength, when you see a scene of bullying on the street, most people in your previous life will shoot.

Although Monk felt that more things are worse than less things all his life, but now he has the strength and strength, he can't turn a blind eye to these things.

Ha ha! Monk laughed at himself in his heart, it seems that he finally broke his own principles.

Monk stepped forward, and he couldn't turn a blind eye to the moral abuse of the Celestial Dragons.

The four Five Elders elders in front looked at Monk and frowned slightly when they heard Monk's words.

The Great Elder said: "Monk, these are the slaves of the Celestial Dragons, all of which cost real money and belong to the Celestial Dragons' personal belongings.

"Since it's a personal item, then Celestial Dragons can do whatever they want."

Although the third elder did not keep up, the second elder and the third elder have similar personalities.

The Second Elder looked at Monk, who was showing anger on his face, and said coldly: "Monk, you refused to become the highest nobleman in the world, then you are now a mortal in front of the Celestial Dragons, and you have no right to tell me what to do."

"Let's go, Monk!"

"Don't continue to waste time here, fishing is important..."



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