Im killed the Great Elder directly in front of Monk, saying that he wanted to vent his anger on Monk, which was regarded as a condition for reaching a fishing deal with Monk.

Monk was puzzled by Im asking him to fish. He didn't understand that Im had such a weird and special ability, but he still wanted him to fish.

This is unreasonable!

Im with the ability of the God Demon Seed Silver Key will not die at all, even if his own strength is not strong, even if Im is Vice Admiral, with this ability, the Four Emperors can't kill him.

And judging from the way he easily killed the Great Elder just now, Im's strength is not that simple.

There were all kinds of doubts in his heart, Monk asked his own doubts, why did Im want his own [Myriad Realms Props], of course!

Wanjie Props)] as a magical item.

"Just curiosity!"

Bah! I believe you asshole!

Monk spat in his heart, he didn't believe what Im said at all, if there were no benefits and benefits for a high-ranking existence like Im, how could he bear it?

How could he put his face down, kill the Great Elder, let himself lose his powerful combat power as a condition, and let himself help fishing?

So Im must have his purpose, what he wants to get from his many magical items.

As for what it is, Monk doesn't know.

Monk looked at Im, under the cover of the "star" veil, even Im didn't know what Monk was doing.

He was thinking about what to do next.

Keep killing Im?

But Monk felt that it was useless. Im couldn't be killed at all. If he died, no one would appear in front of him.

Moreover, every time Im appears on the stage, he is extremely pretentious, with various steps and sound effects.

Monk doesn't want to let Im "pretend" anymore.

Could it be that Im can't be killed?

Monk thinks that there is a high probability that he can be killed, but he still doesn't know what to do, what is the opportunity to kill Im.

"Hehe!" Monk said with a chuckle.

"You can fish if you want, but your sincerity is not enough?"

"You killed the Great Elder, but you can make him appear again from the history, wouldn't killing him be the same as not killing him?"

Im in front of him said without any expression: "No way!"

"I erased the Great Elder 457 from the 'long river of history'. From now on, there is no Great Elder at any historical point."

"So the Great Elder is truly dead!"

Monk was extremely shocked after hearing the words, and was completely erased from the long river of history?

Doesn't that mean that the Great Elder has ceased to exist from the beginning to the end?

Monk quickly looked around, and then asked: "Momousagi, Roger, do you know that there is a great elder among the Five Elders?"

"Five Elders?" Momousagi was very surprised.

Roger also showed doubts, "Master, isn't there only four old stars in this world?"

"Where did the Five Elders come from?"

"Monk, what's the matter with you?" Sengoku saw Monk's strangeness, and didn't understand what's wrong with Monk.

How can you say Five Elders?

Obviously only four.

Monk took a deep breath calmly, everyone really forgot about it.

No! It's not forgetting, but the history has been changed. The Great Elder disappeared, completely disappeared. He didn't exist in this world. It's the same now, and it was the same in the past.

Monk took a deep look at Im, and felt Im's terrifying ability.

He was shocked in his heart, but he said without any ups and downs, "Then you can erase everyone present?"

"No!" Im said lightly.

"Only those who have died!"

*For example: Roger, a person who has died in history, now I can make him disappear completely, so that there will be no more "One Piece" in this world

"You're so confident, Im." Monk said with a chuckle.

"Tell me your ability, that is to say, only a person who has died can make him disappear completely, and I and you can't do it."

"Then why should I make a deal with you?"

"You can't do anything to me!"

Im listened patiently, and then said lightly, "You can't do anything to me, Monk!"

"But I have seen life through the long river of history, and your rise is only a matter of these few months..."

"You are really amazing and admirable, Monk!"

"Even I admire you, (bacc) I have spent countless years to achieve the personality, you have reached the same personality as me in just a few months, this is the injustice of the world."

"You have to know that you are no longer a mortal after you have obtained the fruit of the god-devil seed, and you have become a god in the true sense."

"There's nothing wrong with Celestial Dragons claiming to be gods, because I am, Monk!"

Monk raised his eyebrows. From Im's words, we can find a lot of news, that is to say, Im's self-proclaimed god is not groundless, but a person who has the fruit of the god-devil seed, and is no longer in the category of mortals.

At the same time, Im also saw that he possessed the Devil Fruit, and it was also evident from his crushing of the Great Elder that he was not an ordinary Devil Fruit ability.


Im continued his words, "Although you say that you are the same as me in personality, your state of mind is far from being achieved!"

"I have abandoned humanity and turned into divinity. I will not frown on the life and death of anyone in this world..."

"And you care about you, so you have weaknesses."

Monk didn't speak, listening to Im continue to speak, he vaguely felt what Im going to say next.

"You have been watching you all the time, until just now you became the same person as me, and I couldn't keep my eyes on you..."

Monk's pupils change drastically.

Im ignored Monk, and continued to say: "You may know many things that can happen in the future, which confuses me. At that time, you didn't have any divinity. Logically, it is impossible to know many things about the future. matter......"

"But this is not too important. After talking so much, I actually want to ask you if you know that I have..."

After a pause, the corners of Im's mouth were rarely drawn, and he looked at Monk and said, "According to your words, it's a 'map gun'!"

Monk's head was struck by lightning, if it weren't for the "star" veil on his face, others could see the astonishment on Monk's face.

Em restrained her smile, "You know what I'm going to say [Monk!"

"So, are you still rejecting me now?"

Em looked at Monk, and Monk looked at him.


Monk couldn't refuse.

Now he doesn't know how to kill Im, and Im can't do anything to him. The two sides are in a delicate stalemate, and neither can do anything to the other.

But this is for both Monk and Im. Im said so much just now, just to remind Monk that Im still has a "map gun" in his hand.

Once the "map gun" falls, maybe neither Monk nor Im will die, but what about the others?

Others will only be reduced to dust in the "Map Cannon" of the "Destroying Island" level.

There is nothing left, not to mention high-level fairy beans, and even [Time Wrapped Skin] cannot be revived.

In fact, the resurrection is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Sengoku, Zefa, Hina and Momousagi are the ones who have died once "Im has the conditions to erase them.

"You really are mean, Im!" Monk said flatly.

"God is truth, God does everything right, there is nothing mean or mean, Monk."

The corner of Monk's mouth twitched. Im was talking like a magic stick.

But his "magic stick" is really capable.

Monk laughed, "Okay! I promise you Im, go fishing!"

"You should be glad that I don't have the means to kill you now, and when I have the means to kill you, I will definitely torture you to death.

Im's expression didn't change, "I'm waiting for that day!"

After finishing speaking, Im paused and said, "That's right, Monk!"

"I know you've been earning the price difference, and I'll still use 200 billion Baileys for 10 god-level fishing..."

"100 billion is your reward for fishing, but the magical items that belong to me are mine, and those that belong to you are yours. I hope you can be more sincere."

"Although your personality is the same as mine now, I can no longer see you clearly, but you must understand that God's sense is very sharp."

Everyone around was stunned.

Especially people in Marine like Sengoku, Garp...etc.

"What does this mean? Monk has been making the difference?" Sengoku was dumbfounded.

That is to say, Monk has been earning the price difference from Marine before, so that he can get magical items by himself?

Now all the puzzles have been solved. Monk obviously doesn't have that much money, why his strength improves so fast, and why there are so many magical items.

It turns out that they have been "whoring for nothing".

But at this point in time, what can Sengoku say to Monk?

The main reason is that they don't have the qualifications. Everyone present heard what Im said just now. Monk and Im are no longer mortals, but gods.

What does a mortal dare to say to the gods? Even Monk's uncle is not qualified.

The wings of this boy Monk are really hard...

Sengoku was thinking wildly, but Monk was not too surprised.

What he regrets now is that he knew that he should have fused the fruit earlier...

Thinking of [Fusion Fruit]'s myriad world props, Monk suddenly had a flash of thought.

Could it be that Im wants to go fishing for this reason?

In order to be able to fuse the fruit, let yourself have a "god" to help?

Monk thinks it is very possible. After all, looking at it now, the most powerful item from [God-level Fishing System] seems to be the item that incorporates Devil Fruit.

After all, merging into a god and demon species can directly give birth to a "god".

Monk licked his lips, feeling a little depressed.

He sighed, what a pity! Im could feel which Myriad Realms item belonged to him. Monk couldn't choose at random like before.

Now we can only fight whose luck is good.

But Meng felt that it was not a loss, because Im also gave him 100 billion Baileys as a reward. Is this the generosity of God?

Monk stopped thinking about it, looked at Im and said, "Since you want to fish, then pay the money."

Im not talking nonsense, looking at the former Second Elder of Five Elders, now he is the Great Elder of the Fourth Elder Star, because the original Great Elder was erased by Im.

The second elder nodded, respectfully took out the universal capsule, and then came to Monk's side and handed the universal capsule to Monk.

The previous Marine was one of the agencies under the World Government, and it is not surprising that the World Government has a universal capsule.

"There are 200 billion Baileys inside!" The elder of the four elders treated Monk, the enemy, with a respectful tone.

Respect, respect with fear.

Facing "gods", ordinary people are naturally afraid, whether it is hostile gods, or what...

That's God!

Monk didn't talk nonsense, took the universal capsule directly, and then bought 20 [God-level fishing baits] in the god-level system.

After purchasing, he looked at Im and said, "Let's go, what are you still standing here for?"

"Why don't you hurry up and lead the way, don't you want to fish?"

Monk seemed to be talking about his servant.

This caused a trace of displeasure to appear on Im's always indifferent face, but it disappeared quickly.

Everyone around shut up, even the Five Elders... No! Now the four elders dare not interrupt to say that Monk is disrespectful to Im.

What qualifications do they have to speak about matters between the "gods"?

Im didn't say a word, and took his own steps, slowly walking deeper into the holy land of Mariejois.

Monk didn't say anything anymore, and followed Im to the artificial lake outside Pangu City.

At the same time, Monk withdrew his own demon-seeded fruit form and restored his original appearance.

He just looked at Im's back, thinking about it.

Now he and Im are in a stalemate situation of "no one can do anything to the other". It can be seen that Im's ability is strange, but the combat power is not stronger than his own, and his own combat power is not stronger than his own.

The fighting power is strong, but it can't get rid of Im's strange ability.

Now Im has a "map cannon", what is the specific name, and Monk doesn't know "Im didn't specify it just now.

In short, this "map cannon" is also one of Im's bargaining chips to maintain this stalemate. As long as he can get rid of Im's bargaining chip, or find a way to kill Im, then

This deadlock will be broken.

It can completely end all of this.

As for now, Monk can only temporarily make peace with Im and help Im fishing.

In fact, this is not a loss for Monk at all. After all, Im paid Monk 100 billion Baileys, and Monk not only has the 100 billion Baileys, but also

110 billion Pele from Golden Emperor Tezoro.

By the way, is this guy dead?

While Monk was looking, he was looking for Tezoro's figure...

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