Fishing In The Four Emperors Territory? All Marine Escort!

Chapter 174 \"Punch Out Of Get Off Work!\"

It never occurred to Im that his "god" would worry about such a vulgar thing as money.

200 [God-level·Monster Cells], the minimum value is 1,000,000,000 Baileys......

In addition, the price of Monk will double every time, which is 2 trillion Baileys.

But if you spend 2 trillion Baileys, there is no guarantee that you will be able to catch [God-level Monster Cells] every time.

According to the fact that two [God-level · Weird Cells] appeared in the ten times of God-level fishing this time, it would take 10 trillion Baileys.

All the wealth in this world is estimated to add up to this much.

This is the world of pirates, not the 21st century of the previous life

Many countries are actually very poor, otherwise, there would not be so many people choosing to be pirates.

Im only feels a headache in his head, and it seems that the most practical thing is to fish for [God's Skill]......

Wait...Im suddenly found a problem, he has been confused from the beginning.

But the problem that was forgotten later is that Monk didn't have a demon seed at the beginning, but later he produced demons and fruits when he was fighting the Five Elders elders and Kong.

In other words, Monk has always been hiding some kind of hole card, and this hole card Im believes to come from a magical item that was fished out.

So what is this magical item?

A magical prop that can directly appear the gods and demons.

Im found that the goal is this is the right way. Although Conqueror's Haki has not reached the status of "god" after obtaining the fruit of the god-and-devil seed, but as long as there is the fruit of the god-and-devil seed, it is very good to have the ability of "god" .

Conqueror's Haki will be practiced slowly later to make up for it.

Thinking of this, "Seven Four Seven" Im couldn't help looking at Monk.

Monk didn't think too much about it. After finishing the fishing, he wanted to "check in and get off work".

But he noticed Im's gaze.

Monk couldn't help turning his head to look, just in time to find Im looking at him.

This made him ask, "Why?"

"Monk, I have a very curious question."

"We still make a deal in the same way as between us."

"I want to know, how did you get the fruit of the God Demon Seed?"

"And you can ask about things you're curious about, too."

Monk touched his nose, and he didn't answer in a hurry, but pondered in his mind whether it is necessary to accept this deal.

Now he already knew that the nineteen "gods" were the nineteen kings before, and that two of them were the "God of War" and the "God of Drama"...... He also knew that they were about to recover.

The only question now is what that giant straw hat represents, and what the Celestial Dragons' so-called national treasure is.

No! Another mystery is that Im mentioned Joey Boy's failure before, what did he do to fail?

Frog fun! You don’t know if you don’t think about it, and you’re startled when you think about it.

I didn't expect that there are so many mysteries, Nika, the sun god... this is also a mystery,

Why is the World government afraid of the sun god Nika?

Normally speaking, the World government is controlled by Im. This "god" level powerhouse with the Devil Seed will not be afraid of Luffy, the sun god Nika form. After all, the Devil Fruit will definitely crush Devil Fruit.

There are still many things Monk doesn't understand, too many...

After pondering for a while, Monk decided to ask a question, that is, what exactly did Joey fail back then.

Monk thinks this question is the most important and the most secretive.

After all, Joey Boy is also a strong person at the "god" level, and according to what Im said just now, the "god" Joey Boy seems to have fallen after doing that unknown thing.

And what exactly caused this incident to cause the fall of Joey Boi at the "god" level?

Anyway, this thing is sure to be a big deal.

As for the existence of the magical item [Fusion Devil Fruit Tool], Monk doesn't care.

After all, looking at Im, a bird who is "dissatisfied with desires", he will definitely find himself to fish.

Since it is certain that [Fusion Devil Fruit Tool] will be fished out in the future, it doesn't matter whether Monk tells Im or not.

Sooner or later, something that Im will know, in exchange for a secret thing, no loss!

"Im, what happened to Joey Boey that year?" Monk didn't answer whether he wanted to make a deal, and asked directly.

The two sides have "dealed" so many times, there are some things that don't need to be said.

Im raised his eyebrows, and then he gave a rare smile, "Monk, you really know how to choose questions.

"But the question is worth nothing compared to the question I'm asking...."

Monk directly interrupted Im's words, "Stop talking nonsense!"

"If you feel that the value is not equal, you won't make a 'trade', besides, this is to tell any information about the birth of the fruit of the devil seed.

"According to your statement, it's the way to become a 'god'. Isn't such news worth enough?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Im choked on Monk, but he still said lightly, "It's really not equal in value, Monk.

The two groups of people around Kong and Sengoku all stared blankly.

Feel the deep secret.

After understanding, they now know one thing, that is, Conqueror's Haki attaining the status of "God" is a condition for becoming a "God", and the possession of the fruit ability of the God Demon Seed is a symbol of becoming a "God".

The value of the information that can forcibly give birth to a "god" is not equal?

So what did Joy Boyy do back then?

Many people have already begun to swallow their saliva.

Monk also realized that the matter was really not simple, but he was still a little wary in his heart, worried that Im would trick him.

After all, he had cheated Im before, and now Im is likely to cheat himself back.

Monk had a flat expression, forcibly suppressing his curiosity.

"What do you say, Em?"

"If you want it, you don't want it, hurry up! I'm going to clock out of get off work." Monk pretended to be indifferent.

"Monk, your acting skills are really bad." Im said with a light smile.

"It doesn't matter, just now someone said that my acting is better than the 'God of Drama'."

"Everything is someone's words, I really want to laugh."

Im choked again, he did say this before.

"Never mind, let me tell you a secret, Monk."

"When it's hot, other people can't know it."

Speaking of Im's eyes flashing with a golden light, Monk noticed that the people around him couldn't detect their conversation.

Monk is not surprised at all, after all, he is not allowed to use this little trick for the "god" level.

"Monk, in fact, from the beginning of your various words, I have already analyzed that you do have some understanding of what this world really looks like.

"But it's just superficial, and many people don't understand it yet."

"There was no World government more than 800 years ago. Every kingdom in this world is independent. For human beings, resource wealth is the most urgent thing.

As a result, wars between kingdoms continued. "

"It is true that war is cruel, but it is undeniable that the rapid development of human civilization comes from war."

"In the endless war, we have achieved the position of 'God', the second of the sun!"

"Oh?" Monk showed curiosity, which was very close to his guess.

At the same time, he was also a little surprised. Is Im planning to tell everything about the "one hundred years of blankness"?

However, Monk was still too optimistic. Im changed the subject and said: "Joey Boy is an adventurer. When wars broke out in various kingdoms, he went to the world to take risks. He was the first to achieve the position of 'God'." people."

"And he is also the strongest 'God'!"

"The strongest god?" Monk raised an eyebrow.

"That's right! And what he failed was when he set foot on the real god position."

"The real god?" Monk was a little confused after hearing the words.

What's the meaning?

"Im, don't you call yourself a 'god'?"

"Why do you still say that when Joey Boy stepped into the real god, he fell?"

'Gods' are indeed gods, but they are not true gods. They are still bound in this world, between the heavens and the earth, and the real gods are freed from this layer of shackles.

When Im said these words, his eyes were constantly flickering, with great anticipation and longing.


Im suddenly raised his voice, making Monk raise his eyebrows.

"Have you ever wondered why your mysterious fishing ability is so high?"

"The ability is so special?"

"Even me as a 'god' was suppressed?"

Monk's heart trembled violently. He just thought that his [God-level Fishing System] was because of the time-traveling benefits that came with him.

But looking at it now, it seems that things are not so simple.

Could it be that my [God-level Fishing System] personality is the ability of the "true god" in Im's mouth?


Monk felt a little awkward in his heart, and it seemed that there were more and more mysteries. 0

No, no, no! I can't continue thinking about it.

Monk forced himself to calm down his thoughts, it was too brain-burning, and he also smelled a sense of destiny of an arranged fate.

He hated fatalism the most.

Breathing out a breath, Monk regained his composure and sneered: "Im, my fishing ability really comes from the Devil Fruit fishing ability."

"It's too outrageous to be associated with the 'true god' level."

Immediately, the excited expression on Im's face disappeared, and he regained his composure, "Monk, you and I are both smart people."

"Actually, there is no need to hide some things, you and I know it well."

Monk rubbed his nose and was immediately happy, "Since you and I know each other well, I don't need to say anything."

The corner of Im's mouth twitched, this kid...

However, after an afternoon of "confrontation", Im has become accustomed to Monk's unrelenting and unforgiving character.

After calming down and recovering his expression, he looked at Monk and said, "It's time for you to answer my question, Monk."

Monk didn't lie to Im either, "I can have the fruit of the God Demon Seed..."

Im seems careless, but in fact he cares very much.

"It's because of the [Fusion Devil Fruit Tool] that was fished out. As long as you fuse two of your own Devil Fruits, you can get a God-Devil Seed Fruit.

Im originally thought that Monk would tell a shocking secret, but he didn't expect Monk to finish it in a few sentences.

"If you fuse two Devil Fruits, you can get the God Demon Seed!?"

The expression on Im's face changed drastically, and he was extremely shocked, "It's that simple?"

"That's right! It's that simple!" Monk nodded lightly.

"This..." Im didn't know what to say for a while.

If only he could give birth to the god and demon species so easily

If it is fruitful, then for more than 800 years, he has been able to make many "gods" appear in his subordinates.

It's too subversive.

"Don't be so excited!" Monk said flatly.

Im wanted to calm down his emotions, but it was difficult to calm down.

It took nearly ten minutes for Im to calm down his emotions, so that his expression could return to calm.

"Monk, please don't continue to say that your fishing ability is Devil Fruit ability.

"Such words are meaningless!"

Monk sneered and ignored Im.

"Get off work!"

With a thought in his mind, a golden door appeared immediately after.

"Uncle, Zefa, Momousagi, Hina...let's go back." Monk said to them with a smile.

After Sengoku heard the words, the expression on his face was a bit complicated.

Now he is no longer the Marshal of the Marine...

Zefa, Momousagi, Hina and others did not express much emotion.

Because they have followed Monk for a long time, wherever Monk is in 2.1, they will follow.

Seeing the back of Sengoku leaving with Monk, the eyes of everyone on Kong's side were also full of Xia Chen.

Kong was a little lonely. He didn't expect that Sengoku, a talent cultivated by himself, would leave Marine at the last time of his career.

The four elders did not express much emotion.

Garp, Marine, Admiral, and Crane are the most complicated people.

After this incident, Sengoku, Momousagi, Hina, Zefa...the original comrades-in-arms will no longer be comrades-in-arms.

It is very likely that there will be a reward order...

It can only be said that life is really full of variables.

The golden arbitrary door opens, and the golden light bursts out to shine in all directions, which is so high-profile.

Sengoku, Zefa, Momousagi... and others stepped in, and Monk stepped behind.

When he was about to enter any door, he touched his nose and said to Marine, Admiral, and Garp: "The door will be reserved for five minutes, and if you want to go, you still have five minutes left."

Bell time consideration. "

Marine Three Admiral, Garp

They didn't expect Monk to win them over in front of Im's face.

Kong, the faces of the four elders suddenly became gloomy, isn't Monk too shameless?

But they couldn't say anything.

It was okay before, but now...forget it, my life is important.

They couldn't help looking at Im, now only Im can stop Monk from pulling people.

But unexpectedly, Im left without looking back.

He still needs Monk now, and he needs Monk for fishing, so that he can face the coming nineteen "enemies"

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