Fishing In The Four Emperors Territory? All Marine Escort!

Chapter 19 Brother Ming Is Confused! Use The Door To Reach?

Brother Ming was really shocked, even a little surprised.

I don't understand what kind of tricks Marine Marshal Sengoku is playing on the opposite side of the phone bug.

Send out two Admirals to your De Reiss Rosa? ?

Admiral is the representative of Marine's foreign combat power. Even when the Four Emperors are in trouble, as long as there is a high probability that there will be no full-scale war, Marine will only arrange one Admiral.

But now that the two Admirals are sailing, what are they going to do? ?

To be honest, Brother Ming became a little panicked, the veins on his forehead kept squirming, trying to make a guess, but Brother Ming found that no matter how he guessed, he couldn't come up with a suitable reason.

Besides, didn't Virgo say last night that Naval Headquarters hadn't moved in New World recently?

Brother Ming calmed down the complicated thoughts in his mind, and asked, "Marshal, do you mean today?"

"Could it be that Marine Admiral is on its way here now?"

Sengoku also didn't plan to say anything to Mingo: "Doflamingo, you can just follow what I said yesterday, block the port, and Marine will be able to arrive soon."

Brother Ming replied: "Of course there is no problem, Marshal!"

"It only takes half an hour to completely block the port."

"Very good!" Sengoku responded, "After the blockade is over, please contact me!"

Soon the two parties hung up the phone.

De Reiss Rosa, inside the palace.

Mingo who hung up the phone was full of thoughts, "Marine Admiral is now in Naval Headquarters, how will they get here within today?"

Brother Ming can be quite sure that the current Marine Admiral has not entered New World, because if Admiral makes any moves, Virgo will definitely notify him.

In this way, how did Marine Admiral reach himself within today...

Brother Ming, who couldn't figure it out, decided not to think about it, and now the first task is to block the port.

"Then send Senor to watch the port to see what's going on."

Senor's Devil Fruit ability is a wandering fruit ability that's perfect for this monitoring task.

While waiting for Brother Ming to block, Marine discussed who would go this time.

Sengoku hadn't arranged Marine's affairs in advance, so it was impossible to leave, so Akainu and Kizaru were finally arranged to go.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Garp stuffed Keby and Beru Meber into the team.

With the presence of two Marine Admirals, Kebe and Beru Meber will not be in danger, and maybe they can get some benefits.

Just like Zephyr, who happens to arrive and get the benefits.

Since the time limit is today, Sengoku is not stingy, and directly takes out any door.

As long as Brother Ming finishes sealing off the port, he can set off.

De Reiss Rosa!

It didn't take much time for Mingo to block the port. At the same time, he asked Senor to lurk nearby and wait and see the situation.

Brother Ming has his own affairs to deal with. After all, Marine Admiral, and the two of them arrived here, must cover up some "dark" business.

If Marine finds out, it will be a little troublesome.

Soon Senor was alone in the port.

Senor lurks in the dark with the swimming fruit, and he looks at the sea in the port with his pacifier in his mouth.

"I don't know when Marine will come."

"I heard from the young master that two Marine Admirals are here this time..."

"From Naval Headquarters, can we reach De Reiss Rosa today?"

Senor seriously doubted that he would probably wait in vain, at least until midnight if not in vain.

And just when he was bored, backstroke, freestyle... and other postures to entertain himself.

Senor was very surprised by the sudden sound of sound in the blocked and uninhabited port.

Did someone break into the blockade? ?

Senor looked up quickly, and saw a pink door appearing out of thin air.


Senor was stunned, not understanding why a door suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the pink door was opened from the other side, and the next second Akainu walked out of the door first.

Senor watched this scene, his pupils suddenly dilated.

Marine Admiral Akainu! ?

"What's the situation??"

"Why can he appear from across the door??"


At this moment, Senor had ten thousand questions in his mind.

Akainu appears, followed by Kizaru, followed by a youth.

The young man was not wearing Marine costumes, he had a smile on his face, he was full of ruffianism, and he was also tall. He Ran was Monk.

certainly! Senor didn't know Monk, and Monk was followed by two kids in Marine uniforms, namely Kebi and Bellumebo.

At this moment, the huge wave in Senor's heart has already reached thousands of meters, and he really doesn't know how to describe it.

Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly contacted Brother Ming through the phone bug.

In the underground secret port, Brother Ming saw his phone buzzing and answered it quickly: "Senor, what's the matter?"

"Young master..." Senor lowered his voice.

"The two Marine Admirals have arrived!"

"So fast??"

Brother Ming's voice on the other side was very surprised. The Marine arrived not long after the port was blocked?

"A new type of warship?" Brother Ming asked.

This is the only thing that can explain it. It is very likely that Vegapunk invented a new warship that can speed up Marine's navigation.

But it doesn't make sense, Marin Fanduo is far away from De Reiss Rosa, isn't it too fast?

"No! It's a door..." Senor's deep voice sounded, full of disbelief.

"Door?" Brother Ming couldn't help being surprised.

"That's right! A pink door that connects Naval Headquarters with our port in De Reiss Rosa."

"As if the two lands were connected, the Marine Admiral reached us directly from Naval Headquarters using the pink gate."

"What??" Brother Ming exclaimed.

He was stupefied listening to Senor's words, completely unable to understand what was going on.

Able to connect the gates of De Reiss Rosa and Naval Headquarters? ?

Simply unimaginable.

"It seems that it should be a new invention of Vegapunk, which can connect different boundaries..."

Mingo's sunglasses kept flickering in his eyes. With this thing in Marine, wouldn't the whole world change dramatically?

"Senor, keep an eye on it and see what Marine is doing when they send two Admirals here this time."

Since the two Admirals appeared and showed new technology, Marine's task this time must not be easy.

Brother Ming began to pay close attention.

And at this moment, another phone bug rang again.


Seeing the phone bug ringing, Brother Ming's heart skipped a beat.

It's the phone bug contacting the Beasts Pirates, could Jack be arriving soon?



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