After hearing the order from the leader of the world government, the fighters also hurriedly led the way ahead.

Then he took the leader of the World government and came to the place where Monk was.

At this time, Monk was also crossing his arms, looking at the leader of the world government who was getting closer and closer in front of him with a playful face.

The leader of the World government also had a gloomy face at this moment, and said to Monk coldly.

"I don't know why you came to me?"

Monk couldn't help but sneered when he heard the leader of the world government knowingly asked.

Then he spoke viciously to the leader of the World government.

"You guys can put on a show.

I already know all the things you did.

You guys are really shameless, you dare to go to Marine Three Admiral10 and want them to cooperate with you to betray me.

"I came this time just to ask you for an explanation.

If you don't give an explanation, don't blame me for being rude to you. "

After saying this, Monk snorted coldly.

After hearing what Monk said, the leader of the World government also laughed for a while.

Then he answered to Monk.

"What shamelessness is this? I use benefits to collect their sincerity. Isn't this a transaction?

Since it is a transaction, there is nothing shameless or shameless about it.

And you, in my opinion, are even more shameless.

For no reason, I went to find those people in Naval Headquarters, and gathered them all together.

This also made me extremely angry. "

"Naval Headquarters was originally managed by my World government.

But you bastard stole it. "

Monk also looked at the head of the World government jokingly at this moment.

Then he spoke to the leader of the World government.

"If I'm not mistaken, Naval Headquarters is a cooperative relationship with your World government, right?

They have worked for the World government for so many years, but they still haven't achieved much.

Because they didn't give them much authority here, and they have been suppressing them.

So, it's time for them to change their partners. "

"You guys don't want to be so high-sounding.

Then you give me an explanation, and then I can leave with peace of mind.

And you have to make sure that you don't make some small tricks afterwards.

Otherwise, I would definitely make a fuss here. "

After hearing what Monk said, the leader of the world government also crossed his arms.

Then he said to Monk in a cold voice.

"You guys are really crazy.

This world government is my territory, and in my territory, you dare to say such a thing, it is really a little incomprehensible.

Today I give you a chance, you can turn around and leave, I absolutely don't care about you.

But 930 is if you are still here and don't give up, don't blame me for sending people to surround you.

Then kill you here. "

Monk heard that the leader of the World government was still fighting against him there.

He is also not going to say anything more to the leader of the World government.

Monk is ready to act decisively at this moment and defeat the leader of the World government.

Let the other person know how great you are.

In that case, the leader of the World government will not dare to say those rampant words anymore.

Monk also shot quickly at this moment, and rushed forward.

The leader of the World government was also slightly surprised. .

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