"Don't worry, let Monk dry for a day.

Since it is cooperation, there is no need to be so polite. If we cooperate, he will definitely use me.

And I also need the treasure in his hands, so the two sides exchange in equal amounts, so there is no need to be too polite.

If you are too polite, Monk will think that we are inferior to him. "

After hearing what Whitebeard said, Marco also felt very reasonable.

Then he said goodbye to Whitebeard and left slowly.

On the second day, Marco also came in front of Monk and the others.

Then it also explained the purpose of coming.

Shows that Whitebeard is ready to work with Monk.

After hearing what Marco said, Monk nodded flatly.

From Monk's point of view, this matter is beyond dispute.

Both parties will cooperate sooner or later.

In this way, Monk also followed Marko and rushed towards the Whitebeard base camp.

Soon, the three of them came to Whitebeard again.

At this moment, Whitebeard also threw the huge wine bowl fiercely.

Monk also smiled slightly, raised his right hand, and took it behind him.

The two also looked at each other and smiled at this moment, and put the wine bowl close to their mouths together.

Drank the wine in the wine bowl in one gulp.

After finishing the drink, Monk also spoke to Whitebeard.

"Whitebeard, since I'm here, don't hide it.

Tell me, what is your decision now?"

After hearing Monk's question, Whitebeard also laughed twice.

Then he spoke to Monk.

"You offer so many things here, if I still refuse, then I'm a fool.

I am now ready to work with you. "

After hearing what Whitebeard said, Monk smiled meaningfully.

Then he spoke again to Whitebeard.

"Not enough cooperation."

After hearing what Monk said, Whitebeard couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and looked at Monk suspiciously.

Want to hear Monk's explanation.

Didn't Monk say that he wanted to cooperate with himself before?

But at this time, why do you say that cooperation is not enough?

Does Monk want something else?

Whitebeard also asked out the doubts in his heart.

At this time, Monk also spoke forcefully to Whitebeard.

"What I mean is that 'cooperating with me to obtain many treasures is not enough.

Only by surrendering to me can you obtain treasures. "

After hearing what Monk said, Whitebeard also became furious instantly.

He wanted to stand up immediately and attack Monk.

Monk also didn't make any movements at this moment, still looking at Whitebeard flatly.

Monk also spoke to Whitebeard after seeing Whitebeard stand up.

".`If you want to fight, let's fight together.

I also want to (be well) confront you, the Four Emperors, to see if you still have strong strength.

In my opinion, you are already old, and your strength is definitely not that strong anymore.

So, I am not afraid of you. "

After hearing what Monk said, Whitebeard frowned and looked at Monk.

Then he sighed helplessly.

He couldn't refute what Monk said.

He is indeed too old, and his current body is also suffering from constant injuries. .

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