After making up his mind, the leader of the World government also frantically fled to the distance.

At this time, Whitebeard also lost interest in chasing the leader of the World government.

In his opinion, the leader of the world government at this time is a waste who only knows how to escape.

There is no pleasure in chasing this guy.

In this way, after Whitebeard watched the leader of the World government leave, he also looked at the empty World government.

Then he sighed and left towards the courtyard.

In the underground world, Monk also received a report from the warden.

I learned about the current situation of the World Government from the warden.

This made Monk extremely happy.

At this time, the warden also said to the grinning Monk in front of him.

"Monk, what are we going to do?"

457 After hearing the words of the warden, Monk also considered his words.

Then he spoke forcefully to the warden in front of him.

"At this time, of course we are going to meet the hero of Whitebeard.

Since he has done such an important thing, how can we not greet him?

Now send someone with me to pick up Whitebeard, I want to give him a big congratulations.

After hearing Monk's words, the warden also backed away slowly.

Then go arrange it.

And Monk also stood up after thinking for a while, and walked (bacj) outside.

After Monk left his residence, the warden also brought a large group of people and gathered there.

Thus awaiting Monk's action.

Monk also nodded in satisfaction at this time.

Then he moved forward with the people behind him.

When Whitebeard returned to the outside of the underground world, he was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

He didn't expect that these people would be surrounded outside.

Then he also asked Monk suspiciously.

"Monk, what are you doing here?

Why are you all gathered here?"

After saying this, he also waited for Monk's answer.

Monk also smiled slightly after hearing Whitebeard's question.

Then he spoke forcefully to Whitebeard.

"All of us gathered here to welcome you, a great hero."

After Whitebeard heard Monk's words, he understood the whole story in an instant.

Then he scratched the back of his head and smiled embarrassedly.

At this time, Monk also smiled and walked to Whitebeard's side.

After patting Whitebeard on the shoulder, he prepared to take Whitebeard back to the underground world.

At this time, Whitebeard suddenly thought of something.

Then he spoke loudly to Monk.

"Monk, I've kicked out the head of the world government.

The World Government at this time has also become an empty shell, why don't we take advantage of the present to occupy the World Government?"

After saying this, he also looked at Monk with burning eyes.

After hearing what Whitebeard said, Monk smiled slightly.

Then he didn't care, and said to Whitebeard.

"Since the World Government is already empty, no one will occupy it in the recent period of time.

We can definitely delay it for a few more days.

The most important thing now is to set up a banquet for you to celebrate your achievements. "

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