Fishing In The Four Emperors Territory? All Marine Escort!

Chapter 350 Waiting For Akainu's Answer

After saying this, he also looked at Akainu inquiringly, waiting for Akainu's answer.

Akainu also smiled slightly at this time, and then spoke forcefully to the leader of the World government.

"We can't rush to take revenge on Monk now, we should strengthen ourselves.

In my opinion, it is better to build the Century Government.

The buildings on the World government side were also shattered a lot due to Monk's troubles.

And many of your soldiers died too. "

"The most important thing to do next is to gather the many soldiers.

Then build the buildings here.

At that time, it will be up to the few of us to work together, so that Monk can be guaranteed to pay the price.

After 360 said this sentence, he also looked at the leader of the World government with burning eyes.

After hearing what Akainu said, the leader of the world government nodded heavily.

In his opinion, Akainu's words are very reasonable.

Then everyone began to discuss.

And Monk returned to the underwater world with many strong men.

After returning to the underwater world, the warden also came to Monk with great doubts.

Then he also asked Monk.

"Master Monk, why did you leave (baff) so hastily?

Because we have all the advantages here, even if we pay a certain price.

The scourge of the leader of the world government should also be wiped out. "

"Letting him go this time is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

It will be very difficult to obtain such an advantage next time.

After saying this, he also waited for Monk's answer.

After hearing the warden's question, Monk also smiled slightly.

Then he spoke forcefully to the warden.

"This time we can indeed pay a certain price and wipe out the World government leader and Marine Three Admiral.

But if the Marine three Admirals are just wiped out, then the Marines on our side will also betray.

In that case, our battle situation will change. "

"It would have been a different story if we had left at the time.

After those Marines think slowly, they will think that Marine Three Admiral has betrayed them.

Even if we let these Marines deal with Marine Three Admiral, they will not resist.

Out of this consideration, I made the choice to retreat. "

After hearing Monk's words, the warden nodded heavily.

Then he also let out a long sigh.

Now that Monk is ready, there is no need for him to ask any more questions.

Then they also bowed their hands towards Monk and left here.

When Monk watched the warden leave, he also smiled slightly.

Afterwards, he began to think about what kind of preparations he would have to make in order to get rid of the World government leader and Marine Three Admiral together.

In Monk's view, there are many strong people in the underwater world.

Although there are many in number, their strength cannot meet the conditions for destroying the World Government.

So if Monk wants to deal with the World government, he must form another organization.

Thereby destroying the World government side.

After thinking about it, Monk suddenly realized that he could build an organization on land.

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