If we don't retaliate against him, this guy will definitely make progress. "

After saying this, he also looked up at Charlotte Linlin and the red hair.

After hearing what Kaido said, Charlotte Linlin nodded in agreement.

Then he spoke to his companion.

"Yes, I totally support Kaido's words.

This guy Monk is indeed a bit arrogant, he dares to come and go at us at any time.

They really didn't pay attention to us.

We must let him know how powerful we are.

Anyway, we are also Four Emperors and we also have our own dignity.

After saying this, they also looked at the red hair, wanting to hear his opinion.

At this time, the red hair also smiled coldly.

Then he spoke.

"I am with you on the united front.

Since you guys are going to take action against this Monk, then I will follow.

Call me when it's time to act, and I'll act immediately. "

After saying this, he also waved his hands towards several people, and then he left here.

Kaido was also very happy when he learned that several people were preparing to participate in this event.

If he were to deal with Monk alone, he would still be a little panicked.

Since there were two other companions who shot together, he was completely relieved.

In his opinion, no matter how good Monk is, there are three of them.

Then cooperate with the leader of the world government, and Monk must be defeated.

Monk is still unaware of this, and just returned to the original location of the Ghost Gate Gang.

Afterwards, all the series of confidential documents here were taken away, and then returned to the underwater world again.

Found Garp and He Vice Admiral and others asked him for advice.

Because this time it is preparation for war.

It is important to ask their opinion.

If these people are not prepared to participate in the war, if they are pulled into the war, it is likely to cause dissatisfaction among these people.

On the battlefield, if these people give up their picks and quit, then I will cry without tears.

Now he is also taking out all his hole cards.

So I can't afford to lose here.

After Monk sent all the confidential documents to the new base of the Ghost Gang.

He also handed over these confidential documents to Celestial Dragons.

After Celestial Dragons received these confidential documents, they also put them where they should be placed.

And after explaining to the Celestial Dragons, Monk left here.

After watching Monk leave, Celestial Dragons also returned to the underground secret passage.

Monk is also unaware of the discussions of the Four Emperors, and the Four Emperors are conducting internal discussions again at this time.

They are also planning to find the leaders of other islands 860 after thinking twice.

Then re-establish the base of Four Emperors.

Because Kaido's island was occupied by Monk before.

After that, the people on Monk's side will know in advance what Kaido wants to do.

So just in case, he is also preparing to plan proportions with the red hair and Charlotte Linlin and others.

I only heard Charlotte Linlin speaking forcefully at this time.

"Okay, let's not worry about this anymore.

Next, let's set off immediately to find an island leader worthy of cooperation. "

After hearing what Charlotte Linlin said, Kaido and Whitebeard nodded solemnly. .

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