So there is nothing wrong with Monk telling the Venerable Soul like this.

After hearing Monk's words, Venerable Soul also hurriedly spoke to Monk.

"My idea is that since the two of you are planning to compete here, you should also find a referee.

Without the help of the referee here, it would be meaningless for the two of you to compete. "

Monk also raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said helplessly to the "Two Fifty Zero" Spirit Venerable.

"No, you don't want to be the referee, do you?"

Venerable Shensoul didn't speak when he heard the words, but Monk could understand what the other party meant.

Afterwards, Monk waved his hands weakly at Venerable Soul, letting him toss around casually.

In just a short time, Venerable Shensoul actually summoned all the members of the Guimen Gang together.

Seeing those ghost gang members, the corner of Monk's mouth twitched fiercely.

He also never thought that Venerable Soul Soul could be so capable.

What was supposed to be a quiet discussion has now turned into a competition.

This made both of them feel very uncomfortable.

Monk also cast a very embarrassed look at Ben Bird King.

After noticing Monk's expression, Benniao Wang also shook his head, and said to Monk.

"You don't have to mind, I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

It doesn't matter if there are many people, as long as you don't play tricks after you fail. "

After hearing what Benniaowang said, Monk restrained his smile, and said to Benniaowang with a serious face.

"If I win, you have to say that you will join me here in front of so many people.

And can't delay time.

If you can do this, then our discussion can continue.

If you can't guarantee it, then you can leave, and I don't need to delay any time with you. "

Monk doesn't do things that don't yield anything.

If he won the victory with all his efforts, but the Benniao King refused to submit to the death, wouldn't Monk's work be in vain?

In the end, maybe he will become an enemy with Ben Bird King.

If that's the case, Monk would rather not compete.

After hearing Monk's words, Benniao Wang hurriedly shook his head and patted his chest. 0

Then he spoke forcefully to Monk.

"Don't worry, I, Ben Bird King, am a man who keeps his word.

He would never do such an extremely despicable thing.

Don't worry, as long as I lose, I will surrender to you immediately.

We will never violate our agreement. "

Hearing Ben Bird King's assurance, Monk nodded in satisfaction.

Then he spoke to Ben Bird King.

"Since you have agreed, then there is no need for us to go on and on, let's hurry up and learn from each other.

For other matters, just wait until the discussion is over before discussing it. "

Benniaowang also agrees with Monk's words very much.

Just like that, the two also set up a 1.3 fighting posture, looking at each other.

Seeing that Monk and Ben Bird King were ready, Venerable Shenhun also spoke loudly.

"The sparring begins."

Hearing the words of Venerable Soul Soul, Monk and Bird King also acted quickly.

I saw that Benniao King began to circle around Monk, constantly turning in circles.

Monk couldn't help raising his eyebrows after seeing Ben Bird King make such an action. .

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