Fishing In The Four Emperors Territory? All Marine Escort!

Chapter 493: The Treasure Sea Dragon Soul

After saying this, he looked at Monk inquiringly, waiting for Monk's answer.

Ben Niaowang also showed the same puzzled expression on the side, and he was also a little curious.

After seeing the searching eyes of the two, Monk also felt a little helpless.

Then he told the two people in front of him all the details of what happened.

After they learned the specific situation, they suddenly realized it.

And he also threatened that he must fight the black water ghost for Lu Dabao.

At that time, the black water ghost must pay a heavy price.

After hearing what the two said, Monk waved his hands helplessly, and said to the two.

"As long as the two of you follow along, it's fine if you don't make trouble casually.

Other things don't need the two of you to deal with. "

After hearing what the other party said, Venerable Shenhun and King Benniao also felt very regretful.

When they were about to leave, Monk also stopped the Venerable Soul and Ben Bird King.

Then he said helplessly to the two of them.

"Don't leave, you two, take care of Lu Dabao for me first."

After saying this, he motioned for the two to take Lu Dabao away.

Lu Dabao was also well-behaved, and left with Ben Niao Wang and Venerable Shenhun.

After Lu Dabao and others left, Monk had a rare time of leisure.

Just when Monk thought that his side would definitely be able to relax for a long time.

A treasure called Sea Dragon Soul was also born out of nowhere.

I heard that the protection of this sea dragon soul is no small matter.

As long as the sea dragon soul can be obtained, the user can become the third in the world.

Monk is not very interested in this rumor, but he is very interested in Sea Dragon Soul itself.

In this way, Monk also called Ben Bird King and Venerable Shenhun to his side.

When they learned that Monk told them to go, they understood what Monk was thinking.

Then the two hurriedly came to Monk.

After pushing open the door, the two saw Monk's serious face.

Then Monk asked the two of them.

"You two, have you heard the rumors about the soul of the sea dragon recently?"

After finishing these words, he waited for the reply from Venerable Shenhun and Benniaowang.

After pondering for a moment, Benniao King turned his head to look at Venerable Soul Soul.

Venerable Shenhun also shook his head at this moment, his idea was to let King Benniao answer.

Benniao Wang also nodded slightly, and then spoke forcefully to Monk.

"Master Monk, after investigation by me and Venerable Soul Soul.

We also discovered that the treasure of Sea Dragon Soul has attracted the attention of many people. "827" If you want to get the sea dragon soul, you must act quickly.

Otherwise, you will get nothing at that time. "

After saying this, they also looked at Monk seriously.

After hearing Benniao King's reply, Monk nodded lightly, and then spoke.

"I understand what you said, but what should I do next?"

After finishing these words, he was also serious, and looked at Venerable Shenhun and King Benniao in front of him.

Although, I heard that the two of them have already told the general situation of Hai Longhun.

But Monk still doesn't know exactly where this sea dragon soul is and what it looks like. .

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