Fishing In The Four Emperors Territory? All Marine Escort!

Chapter 518 Focus On Paying Attention To The Black Water Ghost

If this guy really has any malicious intentions, I will kill him instantly.

Absolutely will not let his plot succeed. "

Hearing these words of Venerable Soul, Monk also smiled in satisfaction.

He was about to organize his words to talk about this matter with Venerable Soul, but Venerable Soul suddenly thought of it.

This made him feel very happy.

After the two went to deal with their own affairs, the Ghost Gate Gang became quiet again.

On the second day, Venerable Shenhun also focused on paying attention to the black water ghost.

He also discovered that in the past few days, the black water ghost was also suspicious, as if he had done something wrong.

This made Venerable Shenhun even more convinced that the Black Water Ghost might betray Monk.

It is even very possible to plan the Ghost Gate Gang.

Out of this consideration, Venerable Shenhun also sent those strong men from the Ghost Sect Gang to spy on the Black Water Ghost.

If, once the black water ghost has those extremely weird behaviors, report it to him immediately.

If he doesn't have time, just tell Monk.

In short, this matter cannot be left alone, and many strong members of the ghost gang also made a decisive decision and took this task.

Originally, there were fewer missions outside, and even if there were, they would need to be robbed by everyone to get them.

But today I suddenly heard that my Venerable Soul has issued such a task.

This task is easy and requires a large number of people, and it also makes these ghost gang strong people like a basket.

In just half an hour, all the strong members of the Ghost Gate Gang participated in this matter.

All the movements of the Black Water Ghost fell into the eyes of those powerful members of the Ghost Gang.

The strong members of the Ghost Gate Clan are also extremely powerful in concealing themselves.

Even though the black water ghosts were much stronger than them, they still couldn't see what they were hiding.

The Black Water Ghost took some problems into account, so he hid it very well a few days ago.

But as time went by, he thought that everyone would definitely not doubt him, so he became unscrupulous.

This made those strong ghost doorframes see some clues.

After learning the specific situation of the black water ghost, these ghosts helped the strong to quickly find the venerable soul.

Then he told Venerable Shenhun about the specific situation.

After knowing the specific situation, Venerable Soul also frowned and found Monk.

After Monk saw the arrival of the Venerable Soul, he also waved his hand towards the Venerable Soul.

He signaled Venerable Shensoul to explain the specific situation.

Venerable Divine Soul also nodded repeatedly after receiving Monk's signal.

Then, after arching his hands towards Monk, he spoke forcefully to Monk.

"The group under his command carefully investigated the black water ghost.

It is very strange to find out what the black water ghost has done in the past few days.

And it seems like bombs are being planted everywhere. "

After finishing these words, he also became quiet.

Hearing the words of Venerable Soul Soul, Monk became angry instantly.

Hearing Venerable Shensoul say this, how could he not know what the hell this Black Water Ghost is going to do?

Then Monk got up slowly, and said to Venerable Soul.

"You lead me the way, I want to see what this guy has eaten so hard that he dares to prepare to deal with me."

After finishing these words, he also gestured towards Venerable Soul Soul. .

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