The Thunder team is only responsible for solving problems and bringing order to S.H.I.E.L.D. and the government.

When they fought the Dark Emperor, the fight ended on Scott's side, and the mutants who fell under him were much luckier than Monk and the others who just passed out.

After Monk teleported to where the plane was parked, they disappeared into the launch base area together.

Suddenly, several people appeared, and Nick Friggin, who was looking towards the base, was stunned.

When he saw clearly that it was Monk and others, he said excitedly: "Great, you are so great!"

If given the chance, he will also organize a strong team!


Monk yawned and said, "Go back to the house, I'm a little sleepy."

Everyone nodded, also looking tired.

Nick Fury: "Ugh guys, give me a reaction! I'm so embarrassed."

Everyone raised their hands and lazily shouted: "Yo Ho Ho!".

Nick Fury nods to crowd: 'Thank you for the show'

As soon as the words fell, all the people gathered got into the plane. After the plane took off, Rami LeBeau called Nick Fury to the cockpit, gave him some basic guidance, and then handed over the plane to Nick - Fury.

Nick Fury stunned and shouted at Remy LeBeau: "I haven't learned it yet! What if the plane crashes?"

"Believe in yourself! Come on!" Remy LeBeau made an encouraging gesture and said, "If we crash, there will be Monk to save us, but not you, after all, you and him tut!"

Remibo shook his head, yawned and walked out of the 090 cockpit.

Nick Fury narrowed his eyes.


Breathing cold air.

This is going to hurt.

Most likely the plane crashed and Monk fell!

At this time, he heard cheers from the plane cabin, as if several people were celebrating.

Nick Fury looked at the controls of the plane and sighed silently.

After all, he did it all by himself.

He silently took out a bear-shaped biscuit from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

Meanwhile, as soon as Monk and his companions left, communication between the launch base and the outside world was restored, and the White House rejoiced at the news that the crisis was over.

"But what happened? Who defeated the Dark Emperor? How did they know?"

After the applause, the president couldn't help asking a question.

The people who gathered together looked at each other in blank dismay.

they do not know.

What the hell was that? S.H.I.E.L.D. called them and explained the situation.

After learning that SHIELD discovered Heidi's conspiracy and sent a special team? Because the crisis situation was resolved in time.

As for the discovery of Hei Di's conspiracy a few hours ago, but did not notify the launch base and the White House, the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. did not say anything.

Hang up the phone ì5-Carter saw Howard looked at her in surprise, and gently fiddled with his hair? She smiled and asked Smilingsked: "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I thought you were going to tell them what happened"

"Don't be kidding." Peggy Carter smiled and sat down on the sofa beside her. took out a cigarette, lit it, and carefully put it in her mouth? Crimson's mouth opened slightly, and the smoke escaped from her mouth? Saying: "Don't you know what these virtues are? If I say them all , Not only will it waste my time and saliva? It will also get them a scolding meal."

"Importantly, how could they be polite enough to approve our new application for funding?"

By narrowing her eyes playfully at Howard? She grinned: "All in all, things worked out pretty well, and the Dark Emperor was wiped out.

Pause? Flicker of desperation on the face? Another puff? Said: "They may be really powerful, if such an order exists, he."

Howard walked up to Peggy Carter, put his hand out of the other's mouth and said: "I don't know why: "I don't know what's going to happen, I know he won't like you smoking"

Putting out the cigarette, he said: "Smoking less is not good for your health"

Peggy Carter nodded, stood up and said to Howard, "Let's go have a drink and celebrate.

"Hah," Howard said, throwing up his hands, "celebrate old man"

Peggy Carter smiled, took Howard's hand, and the two walked away quickly.

Compared with the originally beaming party, Hellfire has become a mess at this time.

The failure of the plan and the loss of contact with Hei Di and his party kept them in a state of confusion.

Soon, they received a message.

Everyone who entered the base this time was either captured or (baaj) killed.

As for Hei Di, he was also killed by the masked man.

When Hellfire heard the news, everyone was taken aback and panicked.

Hei Di, the leader of Hellfire, a powerful and invincible person in their eyes, was killed like this?

What happens when he dies?

The Hellfire mutants were discouraged, panicked, even terrified.

At this moment, the white queen Emma and the black queen Serenigalio stood up, and they announced that they would continue to lead Hellfire, shelter them, lead them to a new life, and continue to fight for the future of mutants.

But not together, but against each other.

Thereupon, a fight broke out between them, which finally stopped because of fear of each other's strength.

Her two Ts already hold different philosophies, and even the other mutants in Hellfire aren't like-minded.

Thus, the hellfire inevitably disintegrated.

Some mutants left Hellfire, and the rest chose a leader, either the White Queen or the Black Queen.

In the end, the Black Queen stayed in Las Vegas with her t-followers, while the White Queen led her t-followers away quietly.

Overnight, the Hellfire Club officially split.

On the other hand, Monk and his party also returned to New York.

As for Hank Pym, he didn't want to waste time, or even meet the S.H.I.E.L.D., when he jumped off the plane as it flew over San Francisco.

As for how to land, Monk and the others are not worried. After all, Hank Pym can have an army of ants.

Finally, at dawn, Monk and his party landed at the airport.

"What are your plans?"

Monk looked at the other three and asked curiously.

Scott thought for a while and said, "I plan to start from here, and then return to my old place."

He smiled and said, "Come to Alaska when you have time."

Monk nodded, looking at Logan and Remy Repo.

Showing off the black bracelet on his wrist, Remelebo said: "They promised to get rid of this thing for me when it was over.


"Hey!" Remelbo put his arms around Logan and said with a smile: "Logan, after I get this thing off, let's go on a trip together, anyway, you have nothing else to do.

Plug-in application: a perfect copy of the old version of "Book Chaser", which can replace the original version!


Logan grinned, but didn't refuse.

When all three looked at Monk, Monk said, "I'm going home, the kids are still waiting

This sentence immediately aroused a wave of envious eyes.

"Okay guys, bye."

After several people left contact information with each other, Monk disappeared using instant teleportation.

The three of Logan also said goodbye and walked in different directions.

Looking at the backs of the three of them, Nick Fury was stunned, shy Kidō: "Why doesn't anyone ask me where I'm going?".

"Hey! Fury!"

At this time, Remibo suddenly turned around and shouted.

Nick Fury looked around happily.

"Take me and Logan to S.H.I.E.L.D., I think you have nothing to do."

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