From winter to spring, the three members of the Clark family grew up another year.

Clark has gone to junior high school, and Alex has both graduated from elementary school.

"What, spring break?"

Monk looked at the happy Charles and Eric, raised his eyebrows, put down the water glass in his hand, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"New York."

The two were a little puzzled.

They thought they could go to a farther place, some magic, this is a kind of trip to primary school memories before graduation.

Monk nodded and said "Yeah, but no problem!".

The two men nodded happily, greeted each other, then held out their hands to Monk and said, "Money!"

Monk nodded to the two with a smile, took out his wallet, took out some money and handed them to them: "Going to play for a few days?"

The two readily accepted and said, "Three days."

"Such a long time?"

Monk looked a little surprised, but then he grinned and said calmly: "It's great, I can finally spend a few days in peace."

Charles: "I'm going to miss you, Dad!"

Monk poked Charles on the head and said, "Just don't get me in trouble"

Eric said seriously "I'll watch Charles"

Monk stroked Eric's head and said, "When are we leaving? Tomorrow?"

"Yes, leave early tomorrow morning"

"Is your luggage packed?

"We'll pack everything right away!"

The two shouted happily and ran upstairs.

Looking at the backs of the two, Monk smiled and shook his head.

Early in the morning, Charles and Eric hurried to school.

Today, they will go to New York.

Although they have been to these places many times and all the places they should go, they are still very happy this spring outing.

After all, there is no need to go to class.

On a school bus.

Charles and Eric sat together, talking in low voices, sleeping until the car started.

"Hey Eric, can you switch seats with me?"

At this time, a blond girl walked up to Eric who was standing in the aisle, asked politely in a low voice, and kept her eyes on Charles.

Eric glanced at him and said without hesitation: "No!": "No!"

The girl pouted and said, "Come on! I want to sit with Charles".

After hearing this, Charles snorted and said happily: "Of course, Miriam!",

As he spoke, he pushed Eric? and whispered in his ear, "Hurry up!"

Eric looked at Charles in despair, and walked up to the seat of Miriam's girlfriend indignantly.

Charles smiled triumphantly, stood up and gave up his seat by the window? He said: "Sit inside? You can enjoy the scenery."

The girl looked at Charles happily and said, "You're such a gentleman"

Charles looked up: "I always have been."

Watching the laughing couple Eric rolled his eyes and said: "It stinks"

"So, Eric? Want a snack?"

Just now, the curly-haired girl sitting next to Eric carefully opened her backpack.

Eric looked away and said coldly: "Thank you!": "Thank you!".

The girl cautiously looked in Eric's direction. A blush appeared on her face.

Still cold.

A little while later? The bus is refueled, the car starts, and it's headed for New York.

Arriving in New York? A group of people came to the hotel and checked in. Checked luggage? Head to the attractions now.

There are only three days of free time, so the itinerary is very tight.

After seeing a few sights, the day passed quickly, but it was a bit boring for Charles and Eric.

Since they are going places they have been to before, nothing surprises them.

However, when night fell and the children went back to their room to rest after dinner, Charles and Eric, who lived in the same room, crept over humming a song.

"What do you want to do?"

Eric looked at Charles.

Charles rolled his eyes and said, "What do you want?"

"I told dad I'd take care of you"

After a moment of silence, Charles said: "Then let's go together?"

Eric smiled coldly and said, "It's not together, I'm looking at you!"

Charles said at a loss: "Then you follow him."

After all, he quickly dressed, frowned, and quickly checked the surrounding environment with his abilities, and found that those who should be sleeping had already fallen asleep, and those who were awake also used their abilities to make them fall asleep, and then opened the door Went out of the doctor.

Eric quickly chased him out.

It was already midnight, and even in such a bustling city, it was quiet at this time.

Walking in the dim light, Charles looked at the deserted streets and hailed a taxi outside the hotel. Eric hurriedly followed Charles, and Charles didn't say a word. After Charles told the location, the taxi drove to the destination.

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing Charles' definite rather than whimsical expression, Eric couldn't help asking.

Charles pointed to his forehead, using his ability to connect his consciousness with Eric's.

"I'm going to save the world."


The two had a mental exchange.

"Remember those flower sellers we saw outside the Empire State Building this afternoon?"

Eric was impressed with those kids.

The kids were younger than he and Charles, shabby and thin.

Holding flowers in their hands, they stopped couples walking towards the Empire State Building, hugged men's legs, and begged them to buy a bouquet of flowers for their girlfriends.

The flowers are beautiful, but the price is more than ten times that of ordinary bouquets.

Therefore, when these children are entangled with each other, they often meet some people who are not wrong, and occasionally even some flashy people, and they will inevitably be pushed and beaten

‘These kids didn’t come to sell flowers because their families were poor, they didn’t just hang out, they were forced to come to sell flowers’.

When Charles sees these kids, out of curiosity, he tests them with superpowers, and he sees some really bad pictures.

Eric opened his mouth wide in surprise.

Then he heard Charles say "if I remember correctly whoever made these images is a mutant"


Eric exclaimed.

Charles pressed his forehead, recalling the images in these children's minds, and said: "After they are taken away by that person, they will press that person's hand on their head, and then a picture of a rose will appear on their body (good Zhao) case, and the child will obey that person's orders."

"mind control?"

Eric asked.

"It should be a similar ability." Charles nodded.

"Then let's find these children now and use your ability to help them?"

"No!" Charles shook his head, his voice was cold: "I want to find that bastard and kill him.

Only by eliminating the source can these children be truly saved.

"Do you know where that person is?"

Charles replied: "He spends all the money these kids earn every day, on the best food and the best housing.

But these children can only starve and suffer from cold.

he added in his mind.

He saw all this information in the mind of a kid who seemed to be tasked with collecting money earned by other kids every day and handing it to the man Spear.

Get the best, live your best life?

Eric asked: "How many children are there?".


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