While Monk and Teacher Jia Mazi were fighting wits and courage, the three Clark brothers far away in the suburbs of New York were also brewing their own money-making plans.

For them, it is not difficult to make money, the most important thing is not to break the law.

After some discussion, they came up with an interesting idea.

They spent the whole day preparing to go to New York to make money together tomorrow.

Due to a supernatural event in their school, the whole school had to be on summer vacation, but students from other schools continued to attend classes, and their target was the high school students who attended this school, more precisely, a private noble school of high school students.

Eric has been busy all day today, and Charles will be busy tomorrow. As for Clark, he is just a bodyguard driver in the plan.

Early the next morning, the three of them set off for New York City with two backpacks on their backs, and the destination was Santa Fiacle School.

The next thing they have to do is to deliver things to the school gate after school.

The things that were given to him were trinkets made by Eric himself with discarded metals, not very expensive, but very beautiful, especially able to attract the attention of girls and cause "kawaii" screams.

Of course, to get what was sent, they had to play a game called "Guess Your Love Mind" with Charles.

With Charles' ability, he can definitely guess right.

This is just the beginning, and the next step is the highlight, which is the "payment" link.

When the minds of the people who come to play this game are guessed, most people will participate in this question out of curiosity, and the next thing is Charles playing his own tricks, uh

No, it's time to use your rich experience.

He will tailor effective quotations for customers and charge as much as possible for individual items.

They also have a more advanced service, which is to help customers who are in love with someone or want to pursue someone, and become "guess" the idea of ​​customers pursuing their goals.

For example, what do you like, what do you dislike...

At such an age, it is easy to overflow with love in the mouth. In order to keep up with the footsteps of the beloved and bring happiness to the lover, these noble high school students who are not short of money at all can spend a lot of money.

At first, people who played the game were just happy to buy Charles' services, but then demand simply fell short.

In just three days, the three of them earned enough travel money, which was a huge sum of money...

After earning enough money, the three came to a restaurant to celebrate.

"Haha! We succeeded, it was so easy~`!"

Charles smiled smugly, an eyebrow almost flying out of his features.

Eric said politely: "You have the most credit this time, Charles!".


Charles said with a smile: "It's better if your jewelry is well done. If there is no attractive jewelry, there will be no sequel!"

"It's up to you!"

"No, no, it's your fault."

Seeing the two people flattering each other in a commercial manner, Clark fell silent and tapped the table with his fingers.

Both of them were silent, they tacitly raised the juice in their hands, and said to Clark, "It's all brother's fault!"

Clark nodded in satisfaction, grinned and said, "Eat something, then find me: "Eat something, then find a hotel to stay in, tomorrow you can leave directly from New York!"

When leaving in the morning, they locked the door.

"For those who chase after love!"

“For our trip!”

"For this collaboration!"


All three nodded approvingly, touched the cups lightly, and grinned.

"Why, you've already set off for a trip?"

Monk leaned on the chaise longue, listened to the laughter of the three boys talking on the phone, snorted in surprise, and then asked with a straight face: "Where did the money come from?"

"Oh!" Charles sighed, "I'm so clever."

Eric's expression changed, and he said, "We earned it well."

Monk muttered "Clark?".

Clark coughed lightly and replied, "Yes."

"Oh?" Monk asked curiously, "Then how did you earn it?"

"I'll tell you!" Eric picked up the phone and told Monk the whole story.

Monk was silent for a few seconds after listening, and then said: "You can feed me later"

Hearing this, he sighed, hung up the phone, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

These three children always caught him off guard.

Still, that's really not a bad thing.

Monk smiled happily, slipped the sunglasses off his face, took a sip of his drink, and walked slowly forward on the soft sand.

The next day, Coulson returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. to continue working.

With no one in the way, Monk can finally get to work.

Look, there is a sea ahead, full of mermaids.

One and a half months later, Monk, who had fished for a month and cast nets for half a month, returned home. After staying at home for two days, the three brothers also came back.

Clark was admitted to college soon, and during this period, Monk wanted to give Clark a fighting class.

Clark is physically strong, and in the future he will be able to withstand most opponents with his speed and heavy punches, but when facing opponents of the same level, unless he has superb skills, he will be defeated.

So Monk decided to give Clark some practical guidance.

Knowing Monk's plans, Charles and Eric desperately wanted to join him.

But a day later, they were played by Clark.

Clark's learning ability is very poor, everything can be mastered by memorizing it temporarily.

The next day, Monk had nothing to teach.

Monk was also very depressed about this, and he did mutter a few words about Clark's learning ability.

However, he has new powers to increase Clark's combat experience.


(Okay) New York is a big place, there are big and small martial arts gyms and martial arts schools.

As long as you want, you can always find a suitable partner."

So from the moment Monk made his decision, New York City was wary of kickers.

Half a month later, Clark fulfilled his wish. This time, after packing his bags, he finally left home to go to college.

Despite Monk's insistence that he didn't need a escort, he drove him to school, then back to New York after two days in Boston with Charles.

Because Eric and Charles are starting school too.

The days became boring and ordinary again, but there was one less person in the family, and Charles and Eric grew up, and the family became quieter and quieter.

As the days passed and Charles and Eric left for college to finish their studies, Monk was left alone at home.

He's not alone, but Monk is a little out of sorts. .

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