
Watching the agency employees walk away, Monk grinned and casually threw the note aside.

Young people nowadays always like to take shortcuts.

Sighing, Monk turned his head and saw that Charles and Eric were looking at him with burning eyes, and couldn't help but pick Taku: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Dad! Where did you get so much money? Where did you get so much money? After all, Fury's money hasn't arrived yet, right?"

Charles now even has a sense of unreality about what happened.

Monk: "Ah, just, just happened."

He got some money himself, then the White Queen had a lot to thank him for, Howard sent him a huge check and he turned out to be a rich man. …  

Eric couldn't help asking: "Dad, tell me the truth, which country are you the prince of?".

"How old are you? Still have such a naive idea?"

Monk shattered Eric's illusions.

"Dad, I have a very serious question for you." Charles asked, rubbing his hands together. "How much do you have left?"

Seeing that Monk bought the manor and didn't take care of it, it doesn't look like he has spent all his money.

Monk silently counted and said, "Maybe there are seven or eight more places to live."

"What!" exclaimed Eric, "seven or eight?"

Charles scratched his forehead: "Our family is so rich!?"

They looked at each other, and suddenly felt like screaming.

Thinking of the toys they couldn’t afford when they were young, the two of them frugal to buy food for the two of them, and even remembering that when they were in college, they had to frugal and even work part-time to afford gifts for their girlfriends. They couldn’t help but hug their heads. cry bitterly.

"Is that a lot of money?" Monk frowned. "It's nowhere near those real billionaires!"

According to this consumption rate, the money will be spent soon.

Both brothers were at a loss. Is this really the mentality of the father?

Seeing the expressions of the two, Monk smiled secretly in his heart, then straightened his face, and said seriously: "Okay, the place to build the school has been bought. "When will the enrollment start? When will the action start?"

When it came to business, the two brothers suppressed the sudden surge of passion. After a moment of silence, Eric said, "I'm leaving soon."

"Eric..." Charles murmured, concern in his eyes.

Leaving is easy to say, but only when you know what leaving means can you realize the division of this sentence.

"Let me know before you leave," Monk murmured.

Eric nodded and said "I know"

"College admissions aside, we need a good opportunity.

Now is not the time to recruit students, because the school has not yet proved its worth. Rushing to recruit students will only lead to pressure from all sides, and they will be punished by Shen Mi.

Monk raised his eyebrows and said, "Then it might be the Black Queen?"

The Black Queen is very important in their plans.

Both nodded, and Eric said, "I'll dive into Hellfire, but I'll need some time to gain their trust, build my prestige, and get rid of suspicion after killing the Black Queen."

Charles put his chin on his hands and said: "I will wait for your signal, and at the same time, I will look for opportunities to make myself famous."

Both of them nodded, Monk looked at his watch and said: "Okay, all that needs to be said is over, now let's go to fill our stomachs, I have taken a fancy to a nearby restaurant, we...

Eric Kaidō: "Dad, let's go home, I want to eat what you made.

He forced a smile on his face and said, "It will be a long time before I can go home.

Charles smiled wryly, Monk nodded, a card appeared in his hand, begging for venom, after thinking for a while, it turned into a portal and appeared in front of them, "Masters are gone!"

Three days later, Monk's home.

Early this morning, Eric got up. He put away the things in the room, stood at the door, looked around, closed the door, and walked downstairs.

He quietly came to the kitchen, stood there recalling for a while, fiddled with it for a while, and then began to prepare.

Monk's room

When he stood up, he heard Eric's voice, and he watched Eric scurrying about in the kitchen with super vision, a smile quickly slipped from the corner of his mouth [then couldn't help biting

Monk held his head in his hands, staring blankly at the ceiling, and scenes flashed before his eyes.

Smiling faces of three kids running and playing at home.

The way he got into trouble at school, the way he averted his eyes when facing him in the teachers' lounge.

The funny expression when I called myself daddy for the first time and learned to walk for the first time......

Even the scene of meeting the three children for the first time is still fresh in his memory.

But unconsciously, the three children have grown up and even began to choose their own paths in life.

Sad, but……….

As long as they think that they will become talents in the future, they will be happy.

Monk forced a smile, followed by a long, lazy sigh.

Of course, still very excited.

But lying down won't solve anything.

Monk got up and washed his face, then walked downstairs.

"Dad, are you up yet?"

Eric looked at Monk outside the kitchen and smiled, looking a little nervous.

Monk deliberately asked: "What are you doing sneakily?".

Eric shook his head, walked out with two breakfasts, and put them in front of Monk nervously.

Monk took a look and the result was not bad.

So...he has done it many times? 012508410 Feilu 220382250]

He knows exactly what he's talking about.

"Dad, why don't we try?"

Eric hands the cutlery to Monk.

Meng 987k nodded slightly, but this made Eric nervous.

Does dad look a little upset?

Is it because he is leaving today?

Eric frowned.

Monk took a sip and nodded: "It tastes good."

So this certainly isn't the first time!

Eric grinned, but the next moment his expression froze.

"So, you cooked breakfast for a lot of girls in college, right?"

Monk looked at Eric with some apprehension in his eyes.

Eric was stunned for a moment, and inspiration came to his mind, he hurriedly said: "I just want to try my hand at them!"


This principle is closely connected.

Monk couldn't help laughing: "You little guy, am I really that scared?"

Eric shook his head and said "just a little embarrassed".

For more than twenty years, he never seemed to have cooked any meal for his father except this one breakfast.

Monk said, "There's nothing to be ashamed of, who asked me to be your father, go and eat it, it's really delicious."

Eric nodded, watching Monk eating breakfast with satisfaction, his heart suddenly ached.

At this time, Charles came out of the room, looked at the two people who were having breakfast, and squeezed out a smile on his face. He walked to the kitchen, brought out the breakfast, sat down opposite them, and ate in silence stand up. .

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