Fishing In The Four Emperors Territory? All Marine Escort!

Chapter Five Hundred And Sixtieth Ix The So-Called Trap

Wow, what an arrogant little guy!

The corners of Monk's eyes twitched.

If there is an adult in front of him, he will definitely let him know what it means to have a fist that is too big, but a child of a few years old is not enough to bully a child unscrupulously.

The little chubby girl snorted lightly, like a hamster that has won a battle, unable to raise her neck, turned and left the restaurant.

Monk shook his head.

It can't do without such a child.

He sighed in his heart, stretched his legs, and when the other party turned to leave, he walked aside, at his feet, it was such a coincidence, hey, it was such a coincidence that he reached the little fat girl's feet in an instant.


The little fat girl fell to the ground, froze, and let out a groan.

Monk stood behind with Gwen in his arms, pretending he had nothing to do with him.

The little chubby girl rolled around on the ground, pointed at Monk and screamed: "You bullied me!"

Monk blinked and said, "Son, figure it out, you stepped on me"

"You bullied me, you did it on purpose!"

The little fat girl screamed loudly, like a pig that has been taken away.

"what happened?"

At this time, the male teacher came over, looked at Monk, frowned and said to Monk: "As a parent, how can you do this?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense, and aren't you blind now?"

Monk said softly.

This bastard has been in the cafeteria for so long, did he really not see anything before?

The male teacher glared at Monk and said, "You!".

"You, what are you! Are you worthy of being a teacher?"

"I am willing to be."

"I'm going to the principal's office!"

Monk took the first step, carrying Gwen towards the principal's office.

Seeing this scene, the male teacher was stunned for a moment, and strode after her, the little chubby girl got up from the ground with a grunt: "I'm going to sue you now, along with the principal's grandpa!

Principal's office.

Gwen looked at Monk with a little worry, Monk smiled and patted Gwen's head and said, "It's okay."

After saying this, he turned and walked towards the principal.

The headmaster's eyes flicked back and forth between the male teacher, the crying fat girl, and Monk.

"That parent is you."

"There's nothing to say, the parents of the four parties are fast!"

Monk's tone is very light, he is better at communicating with parents.

The principal has a headache: the parents of this little chubby girl are several shareholders of the school, and it will be even more difficult to deal with it at that time.

The male teacher said: "I have already met teacher Peng Peiyu's parents, and her father will come soon."

Hearing this, the principal was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and muttered, "Who told you to notify me!"

Peng Pei shareholders are troublesome.

After a while, not only the parent will be unlucky, but the principal will also be unlucky.

The male teacher said with a dry smile: "When there is a dispute, isn't it important for both parents to be present?"

The principal glanced at the flattering teacher and said helplessly: "Then wait for Mr. Pompeo."

Half an hour later, a man with a thick face and hair that had been waxed countless times, who wanted to write arrogance on his face, walked in and lit a cigar.


The little fat girl cried out in surprise, hugged the man, turned her head and stretched out her hand. She pointed at Monk and Gwen and said "It's them!".

Breathing out a puff of smoke, Pompeo turned to the principal with a fierce look in his small eyes and said, "Get them out, call the police immediately, and have the police take him away. Tell them what he's plotting against the kids in the school."

The principal laughed dryly and said, "It's not good to do that just among the kids."

"Shut up!" Peng Pai said coldly: "If you don't say anything, don't be that principal when you go back!"

The principal was silent, with a struggling expression on his face, while the male teacher next to him said, "I can be a witness!"

Peng Pai nodded in satisfaction, then turned to Monk and said, "Do you know what will happen to you?"

Monk sighed.

I was not disappointed.

Such parents can raise excellent children.

Then he put Gwen on the ground and said to Gwen, "Go outside and wait for me."

Gwen nodded and walked out of the room.

Seeing this scene, Peng Peiao smiled coldly.

Let a child go out on his knees and beg for mercy?

This kind of thing happens to him often.

Monk stood up, smiled at Yuan Peiao, and when the principal and the male teacher looked at him dumbfounded, he swung his fist and hit Fat Pig on the chin.

In an instant, the cigar mixed with the opponent's knocked out teeth burst out of the rippling fat and flew into the air.

Pompeo shook his head, took two steps back, and sat on the ground.


The male teacher looked at Monk in horror.

Monk sneered, stepped forward quickly, punched Tao Xin, let out a scream like a pig, and then looked back at the principal.

The headmaster jerked back and forced a grin at Monk.

Monk snorted softly, pushed his conversation partner's head down, and slammed it hard on the table, knocking him unconscious.

Monk clapped his hands, looked at the dazed little chubby girl, grinned, took out his phone and pressed a number.

The phone connected and Monk said "Oliver? I'm at Gwen's school and I'm in trouble.

".`Okay, I'll wait."

After saying this, Monk hung up the phone and picked up a deck of cards.

Name: Professor X

Character Description: Powerful Summoning ability.

Note: Let's communicate from the heart.

The playing cards disappeared, and a figure appeared behind Monk.

It was a bald man sitting in a wheelchair, staring wisely ahead.

The next second, when the black shadow turned into light spots and swept into Monk's body, Monk turned his gaze to Peng Pai.

Such a person must have committed a lot of illegal and criminal acts, and we will hold the other party and Oliver accountable in the future.

With a wave of his eyes, invisible spiritual power invaded the minds of the three people in the study.

This force did not control them, nor did it change their memories, it just forced them to tell Oliver all about their illegal behavior when they met Oliver

And be honest when asked by other officers.

After saying this, Monk opened the office door and walked out, and sat down with Gwen outside.

(Lee's) Oliver came running in a few minutes later, relieved to see that Gwen was fine, and looked at Monk suspiciously.

Monk gestured toward the office.

Oliver walked in.

Ten minutes later, Oliver came out with a blank face but he still couldn't help asking Monk, "What happened?"

"What's wrong?"

"What happened to them? How did they admit to everything they did before for no reason?"

"Who knows? They should have found out in their conscience." Monk shrugged and said, "Can Gwen and I go?"

Oliver looked at Monk reproachfully and said, "Go ahead and leave the rest to me"

Compared with Yuan Bao's words, parents' quarrels are nothing compared to what Yuan Bao said.


Monk picked Gwen up.

Oliver replied seriously: "No, I should be thanked.

He deserves a lot of credit.

"Thank you for what?"

Monk smiled and left with Gwen. .

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