The moon was high in the sky, and the stars were twinkling.

Jiuli, a loft, in a private room.

Rocky and Hiyori sat across the table from each other.

"My little girl, Hiyori, is grateful for your kindness, and I have no way to repay you. I would like to offer you a song to express my gratitude."

Hiyori stroked the shamisen in her hand, her voice was crisp and melodious, and her tone was neither humble nor arrogant.

She has liked shamisen since she was a child, and she has a high talent. She has also studied and performed for many years.

She has long been the number one in Wano Country in terms of artistic attainments.

Coupled with her unparalleled beauty, the combination of the two has a fatal attraction.

Countless dignitaries would spend a fortune to listen to her play the first half of a song.

But they often cannot get what they want.

Tonight, she will play her greatest masterpiece "Tsukihime" with all her heart,

leaving a deep impression in the heart of Master Rocky and occupying a place.

For her own happiness and the possibility of further progress in the future, she will lay a good foundation.

She also did not disappoint her grandfather's sukiyaki entrustment.

Rocky took a sip of wine and looked at Hiyori, who was stunning even with a mask on.

She is worthy of being the first courtesan in Wano Country. From her figure and behavior, she has a great demeanor.

He nodded and said nothing, agreeing to her performance.

If you really want to make a fuss about it.

With his kindness to Hiyori, if she really wants to repay him, she will never be able to repay him in eight lifetimes.

Well, let's see tonight,

how good is the first courtesan in Wano Country.

Seeing Rocky agreed,

Hiyori said nothing more.

A sad and misty song "Tsukihime" slowly flowed out in her hands.

As the music sounded,

Sukiyaki, who was separated by a door, also became nervous.

Although he was eating, drinking, talking and laughing with Speed, Kuina, Yamato, and Denjiro.

But at this time, his mind was completely in the box.

He hoped that Hiyori could make Rocky like him,

so that his position as the messenger of Kuri's God would be unshakable,

and Hiyori would also find her true love,

which could be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Speed, Kuina, Yamato, Xiaoyu and others... were also moved by this song of Tsukihime.

There was a look of enjoyment on their faces,

obviously they liked this song very much.

Seeing the expressions of the people in front of him at this time, Sukiyaki felt relieved.

No problem.

With the fatal charm of his granddaughter Hiyori,

Rocky, as a young man who has just reached adulthood.

Even if he is transcendent and divine, how can he resist?

I am afraid that after tonight, Hiyori will fall in love with another person.

Unlike his smug expression,

Hiyori, who was playing in the private room at this time, was sweating profusely.

She felt great pressure,


Because Rocky's reaction was too abnormal.

According to the normal script,

At this time, Rocky should be with the countless dignitaries and nobles,

showing an infatuated pig brother.

With a lewd smile, he was intoxicated by her charm.

But Rocky in front of him looked calm,

so calm that his expression did not change at all,

even a little dull,

and yawned a few times,

as if he was bored to sleep.

Is she playing a lullaby? !

Regarding such a weird picture at the moment.

Hiyori is confused!

This is not surprising, Rocky's reaction is normal.

Because he doesn't understand what Hiyori is talking about.

He used to listen to pop music,

and now suddenly there is such classical music,

he really can't get what Hiyori wants to express for a while.

To put it bluntly,

Hiyori is playing the lute to a cow,

the two are not on the same channel at all.

With Rocky's level of artistic appreciation,

he can only appreciate more classical instruments like erhu at most.

If it's a shamisen like Sakura Country,

he really can't understand it.

That's why he feels bored, he is really a little sleepy now.

Rocky raised a hand and signaled Hiyori to stop playing.

If he continued to play, he would really fall asleep,

but he was also stimulated by Hiyori's performance,

the music cells hidden in his body.

Hiyori stopped playing in disbelief.

My heart was beating wildly, and I felt very uneasy.

I fell into deep self-doubt.

Did I make a serious mistake in my performance just now?

But it didn't make sense.


She had practiced "Tsukihime" countless times since she was a child, and she had already mastered it. In order to perform it perfectly for Rocky, she spent a lot of time rehearsing it many times in the past two days. There was no way she would fail. "You played very well! It resonated with me," "I also want to play a song next. I wonder if you can give me some comments." Rocky laughed. "?" A question mark slowly appeared in her mind. She could not see any good signs from Rocky's face that she had just played. But she didn't expect that Mr. Rocky was so excited that he wanted to play a song. She handed over the shamisen in her hand in a daze. Looking at the shamisen in front of him, Rocky shook his head and declined. He wanted to play another instrument. Rocky's mind moved, and a erhu came out from the system space and fell into his hands. He mainly did two things in the past few days while soaking in the hot spring. Fishing, his old profession, was naturally the most important thing that was not left out.

Although there were no fish in the hot spring.

But he had never caught a fish before,

so it didn't stop him from fishing in the hot spring.

As expected, as he fished too many times in the same place, the rewards became extremely rubbish.

This erhu was caught during the hot spring trip.

After spending half a day fishing it, he was so angry that he laughed.

He threw it directly into the system space to collect dust.

I didn't expect it to be used so soon.

Seeing the strange-shaped instrument in Rocky's hand,

Hiyori's eyes shrank slightly.

She had never seen such a thing in Wano Country.

"Excuse me, sir, what is the name of this instrument?"

She asked curiously.

As a person who is proficient in music,

she is naturally sensitive to musical instruments.


As soon as Rocky finished speaking, his body changed again.

From a handsome and beautiful exiled immortal,

he turned into a human-beast image with a hairy face and thunder god mouth.

This was exactly the second thing he did during his trip to the hot spring.

He got familiar with the human-beast form of the Monkey Ape Fruit, the Mythical Beast Species, and the Monkey King.

He had been too busy all along and

had not paid attention to this human-beast form.

Now that he had some free time,

he naturally had to get familiar with it.

Not to mention the other wonders of the human-beast form,

what surprised Rocky the most was.

After he entered the human-beast form,

he gained a huge bonus,

his understanding grew geometrically.

It was as if he had become the darling of heaven and earth,

and he had a new understanding of all kinds of mysteries.

In the human-beast form,

he was like Sun Wukong who sought the truth from Bodhi Patriarch.

He showed amazing talent,

so that Bodhi Patriarch, the great celestial master who was detached from the world,

could teach him privately.

This is obvious.


Hiyori was shocked.

She didn't understand why Rocky, who was so handsome just now, suddenly became like this.

But she also felt that he was very handsome. What was going on?

Rocky now exuded a wild beauty.

Is this the filter that women use when they fall in love?

Hiyori couldn't help but think in her heart.

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