Fist of Imagination

Chapter 377 How to dispel the remaining anger

People often subconsciously view the online world as an endless existence, similar to concepts such as the universe, the future, overtime, personal potential, brain capacity, and weight loss plans.

However, it is not.

According to unofficial statistics from Blue Star in the early 21st century, the storage capacity of global data centers is about 2,000 EB, which is about 2.1 billion TB, and the new data generated around the world every day is usually about 2.5 EB.

For ordinary humans with limited life spans, they will never be able to browse so much data in a lifetime. In this case, it is understandable that they compare the online world with their imagined personal potential, but imagination is just imagination after all.

The capacity of equipment carrying network data is limited, and the carrying capacity of electromagnetic waves to extraordinary creatures also has its limits.

The mutated fat boy soul moss has amazing suction power. Over the years, the fragment of the source of rage has accumulated a very terrifying amount of anger. As the fragment continues to grow, the amount of soul moss it can graze will continue to increase. The older it gets, the more powerful it is. Can suck.

Once the source of anger exceeds the physical storage limit of the blue star's network data in this world, it will come to reality with an army of mutated souls, just like the emergence of online dating, and communicate face to face with those angry netizens.

By then, base stations, optical modems, routers and other communication facilities and various terminal equipment will become outlets for anger. Killing people along the network cable is no longer an empty talk. It is possible to play a game or answer a phone call to make yourself angry. (physics).

This is the end of Blue Star in the world No. 706 on the other side.

Liang De sensed the Sony Ericsson radar contained in the martial arts soul.

I don’t know whether Teacher Fengxian has limited authority to peer into the future, or whether he has reservations in order to avoid the risk of leaking secrets. Anyway, the doomsday messages updated in real time on Sony Ericsson’s radar are always vague, unclear, and the abridged version. Similar.

According to the information currently provided by Sony Ericsson Radar, he can confirm that Gray Heron Park is the first stop for the source of the angry tide, but he still cannot determine the specific time of the end. He only knows that the prediction of the end has been accurate from the original two months to seven days. Inside.

Of course, in theory, as long as we measure the size of the current wave of anger and the speed at which it collects anger, and at the same time know the carrying capacity limit of the Blue Star network in this world, we can figure out the specific time of the end. The calculation will not take any longer than Xiao Ming's calculation. How difficult is it to fill a pool.

The problem is that Mr. Liang's spiritual breadth and surveying and mapping skills are just that, how can he measure the two key data?

Thrip is a Bai Jie inferior like herself. Although there are differences in soul abilities, the difference shouldn't be too big. She probably can't do anything she can't do.

Alas, this can’t be blamed on the equipment given by Teacher Fengxian. The task he assigned was to watch around, witness the apocalypse, and become familiar with the Blue Stars of all worlds. If he just completes the task, the current functions of the Sony Ericsson Radar Totally enough.

But now that Mr. Liang wants to save Doomsday, this thing is a little behind.

When I finish this business trip and sacrifice materials, I will ask if I can upgrade the Sony Ericsson radar.

Efforts to save Blue Star Doomsday can obviously increase his exposure and greatly improve his work efficiency. Teacher Fengxian should also provide support. After all, this Thunder Evil Sect is only a penny-pincher in appearance, but he is still very generous.

"Can you take that little note of yours?"

Liang De sent a message to Ji Ma Yuanshen.

At this moment, he shared the vision of the soul generated by Thrip's magical ability to detect enemies. In his vision, the scene inside the angry tide was clearly visible:

It is also a broken word "anger", made up of countless tiny dusts. The size of the word is smaller than that of the main body in the blockade area, but the extraordinary power fluctuations it emits are many times stronger than the main body, and the whole word jumps one after another. , looks much angrier than the main body.

Ji Ma said: "Yes, but I need to get through the anger around it and let Editor-in-Chief Yu's signature touch it. Your soul will change..."

“Although my Yuan Shen Wanhua is refined and outstanding, things like anger can explode as soon as they come into contact with it, and once they resonate with it, it can easily cause fire.

“I just tasted a little bit and I was deeply affected by it, and I almost had a psychological shadow.

Alas, the reason why this situation is happening now, in the final analysis... is because you, Ying Xuetang, are too ill-considered! "

Mr. Liang said seriously:

"If you bring not a small piece of paper but a long-range prop like a paper airplane, you can just let it fly in.

Could Tangtang Yingxuetang not think of such a simple thing?

"Oh, I'm really worried about your Ying Xuetang matter. Let's do this. Let's disconnect from the Internet and go offline. You can quickly contact the editor-in-chief Yu to apply for assistance. By the way, I'd like to ask if you can apply for an enthusiastic person like me. A special labor fee or something.

Please remind me that in addition to being a public-spirited and enthusiastic person, I am also an extremely loyal customer of your Yingxue Hall. Whenever I have time, I will go to your Xiangbei branch in No. 415 World on this shore to make purchases. Sometimes I can't wait to live in it, it's like a second home to me...

Rounding things off, I am also a member of Yingxue Hall, and I am one of my own. See if you can get more crystal clusters. "

Thrips: "..."

"Be prepared, I'm going offline to unlock Yuan Shen Wanhua. I have ten seconds to disconnect from the Internet. Ten, nine..."

"Stop, I don't plan to apply for assistance for the time being."

Thrip doesn't like to talk too much, nor does she like to hear too much from others, so she is very good at catching the key points in other people's words.

Among the alumni of Sheng Wuxu Private High School, she likes dealing with Lin Baolong and Shen Shiyu the most, because they don't talk much, and some people are particularly annoying, such as Sun Xunqiao and Sun Xunqiao.

Liang De is not particularly annoying, but sometimes he talks a lot of nonsense. He often says some meaningless things to cover up his true intentions, as if he doesn't want others to know too much, and doesn't want to know too much about others. It's weird.

For example, he said so much just now, and what he really wanted to express was nothing more than asking for help from the upper echelons of Yingxuetang to save the humans on this blue planet.

"Let's try to see how far we can go." She said to Liang De.

"If it's impossible, I'll talk to the higher-ups.

"You and I will work together to open the boundary source, which should be able to temporarily separate the anger on the periphery and rush in to contain the source of the anger.

The first step is simple, the key is how to deal with the remaining anger after containment, I plan..."

"If it's impossible, how do you know if it can be done! "

Before Thimphu finished talking about her plan, Liang De interrupted her.

The message he sent was urgent and fast, the internal energy in the gray-black soul was surging, and the surface had four colors of light flashing anxiously.

"I'm not saying that we can't do it, but how long will it take?

Do you know when the doomsday will come this time! "

"I know, there are still 129 hours, 7 minutes and 16 seconds."


The colorful light flashing on Liang De's martial arts soul was stunned.

" did you know that?"

Thima sent him a wisp of puzzled soul fluctuations, saying:

"Knowing the current volume of the anger tide and the speed of anger accumulation, substitute it..."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, I'm not asking you this, how do you know these data, such a large range, such heavy interference, your martial artist's spiritual perception can fully cover it?"

Thima was even more confused, "Why do you need to cover it fully? A glimpse of the whole leopard can tell the whole picture. Just use Yiyi Lingfeng to do a slice analysis and you will know. It's very simple and everyone can do it.

"Didn't Master Zhao teach you Xiantian Gangqi when he taught you that?"

"I'm getting off topic, my friend. Look at your concentration...

Let's get back to business. Even if you have enough time, it's meaningless for you to do this by yourself. Can't you just ask someone to do it?"

Thank you, everyone. See you tomorrow! ('')

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