Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 253 Fierce Battle in the Cave


A dull blast sounded from Lao Lei's chest.

A crescent moon, with a cloud of blood mist, came out from Lao Lei's back. The blood cultivator who rushed over to support him had no time to dodge and could only block his vitals with his arms.

Those who were able to survive the massacre in the wounded barracks were all ferocious. The injury not only did not frighten the blood cultivator, but instead aroused his ferocity.

With a muffled groan, this person advanced instead of retreating. His body was bent strangely, and his feet were stepping across the cave wall.

As fast as a ghost, he passed by Lao Lei. Before he landed, his other leg was bent like a jackknife.

His movements were extremely fast. This movement was just between lightning and flint. The previous movement was even more silent, but when the leg knife fell, the sharp sound of wind suddenly enveloped the entire cave.


His legs were like sharp chopping knives, instantly sinking into the ground, and the hard rock was like tofu.

In the dark cave, Xue Xiu's expression changed drastically.


How can it be?

He launched the attack with almost no pause, and the area covered by his leg was extremely wide. He thought he was sure of success, but unexpectedly he failed.

Where is Ai Hui?

Could it be that Ai Hui immediately retreated as soon as he succeeded in the attack?

Suddenly something touched his back, a sharp chill, like a needle. His body froze, but his eyes suddenly opened wide, revealing a look of disbelief.

He thought of a possibility.

Ai Hui not only did not retreat, but instead took the initiative to get close to Lao Lei, using Lao Lei's body to hide his figure.

In other words, Ai Hui is behind him!

Even though he was on both sides of the enemy, he still marveled at Ai Hui's reaction and dexterity, but a chill arose in his heart. He was different from Lao Lei. He knew Ai Hui's reputation, but he still had full confidence in them. Because he knew how much his strength had improved by leaps and bounds. This unimaginable improvement even seemed to him to be contrary to common sense, but it also gave him great confidence.

Even if the opponent is Ai Hui, he still feels that he has the strength to fight.

But only then did he truly realize how terrifying and dangerous Ai Hui was. They were at an absolute disadvantage in the confrontation between the two sides and fell completely into Ai Hui's calculations.

If Ai Hui knew that the other party could think clearly in an instant, he would be very impressed. Ai Hui's entire body was now curled up, with his back pressed against Lao Lei.

The sharp Yuan Li cut open the skin on Xue Xiu's back, and Xue Xiu didn't even feel the pain. This was because the opponent's sword was too sharp.

Xuexiu was heartbroken. Before the pain spread, the leg inserted into the ground suddenly exerted force. His back suddenly leaned back, and the sword penetrated his body. His back was like a wall. Patted towards Ai Hui.

Ai Hui also didn't expect that the other party would be so cruel and willing to sacrifice his life in exchange for his injuries.

At this moment, the blood cultivator behind him also rushed to kill him.

The blood cultivator's iron fist was wrapped with red blood, like a red drill, and struck Ai Hui. Ai Hui's elusiveness almost frightened the opponent. The opponent did not dare to hold back at all with this punch. The blood all over his body was filled with light, and his power surged.

The opponent saw that the cave had limited dodge space, and actively sought opportunities for head-on confrontation.

As long as they meet head-on, they can give full play to their numerical advantage.

In the blink of an eye, Ai Hui was caught in the dangerous situation of being attacked from both sides. Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, he saw that the Dragon Vertebral Sword in Ai Hui's hand suddenly bent, like a bent spring. The force of the opponent's back leaned back, making the sword almost Bend to the extreme.

However, with the buffer of the Dragon Vertebral Sword, the opponent's retreat momentum stagnated.

Ai Hui released the forced control on the Dragon Vertebral Sword. The extremely curved Dragon Vertebral Sword suddenly straightened like a loosened spring. A powerful force suddenly burst out. Ai Hui's body was pushed backward by this force. With the help of This force made his back, which was close to Lao Lei's chest, tremble suddenly.

[Fish arches its back]!

The power transmitted by the surging Yuanli and Longzhi Sword was like a huge wave formed by the convergence of two torrents, slamming hard on the unconscious Lao Lei.

Bang, Lao Lei's chest suddenly sunk inward, and then his body was like a rock knocked away by a running giant beast, leaving an afterimage and smashing backwards.

It was too late for the blood cultivator behind him to withdraw his strength at this moment, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue punching away.

The bloody fist collided with Lao Lei.

The heart-stopping sound of shattering bones and the dull sound of fists and flesh echoed in the cave.

The injured blood cultivator was already feeling extremely cold. All their attacks seemed to be expected by Ai Hui, and all their ferocity was like being poured down from the head by a basin of ice water. He just wanted to escape now.

Following the power from the Dragon Vertebral Sword, he lunged forward, trying to take the opportunity to escape.

He felt like the sword stuck in his back was like a toothed saw. Every moment he pulled it out, it was extremely painful. But at the moment, he couldn't care less and just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

He rushed forward and was about to break away from the sword. The saw-like bone sword seemed to suddenly come to life.

This feeling was so strong that the hairs on his body suddenly went straight to the roots.

More dangerous warning signs erupted in his heart, and he had a premonition that his life was about to come to an end.


The strong stimulation made him completely abandon all scruples, and his body lit up with bright blood lines. Each blood streak was the size of a copper coin and was distributed on various parts of his body, including his face, back of neck, arms, etc. They flowed slowly. If Ai Hui counts carefully at this moment, he will find that the number of blood streaks on this person's body is no more, no less, exactly nine.

The blood streaks lit up, and the blood in his body boiled, becoming bright like magma. The blood in the body sensed the invasion from outside, and they squirmed like monsters, rushing towards the Dragon Vertebral Sword on the back crazily.

He didn't know why he did this. It hadn't been long since he had blood streaks, but at this moment, this kind of counterattack was like an instinct hidden deep in his body.

The blood in the blood cultivator's body flows very fast. If you can see through it, you will find that there are countless blood streaks in this blood cultivator's body at this moment. They gather from every corner of the body and converge on the tip of the Dragon Vertebral Sword.

When the blood touched the Dragon Vertebral Sword, a strange sword sound suddenly sounded.

Hissing is like a bloody snake spitting out a letter.

Longzhijian was very excited, it smelled the scent of the same kind.

At the same time, the end of the bandage wrapped around Ai Hui's wrist was raised like a snake's head, and it was wrapped around the hilt of the sword in a strange way.

The sound of the Dragon Vertebral Sword, which was hissing just now, suddenly stopped, and the agile and strange Dragon Vertebral Sword suddenly turned into a fire stick.

This incident happened so quickly that even Ai Hui was a little surprised.


The bandage had just absorbed the drop of blood from the girl in red, and Ai Hui didn't even have time to carefully examine the changes in the bandage.

Bandages used to be blood-refined items that could swallow blood.

There is nothing surprising about the fact that blood-refined objects can swallow blood, but due to this characteristic, bandages have saved Ai Hui several times.

If it weren't for the bandage, he would have died in the bloody disaster.

He has always been very concerned about the bandage absorbing blood. After his careful observation, the bandages seemed to be becoming more and more picky about blood.

Nowadays, the blood and bandages of ordinary blood beasts have no interest at all.

It will only move when it encounters some special blood, such as the strange drop of blood of the girl in red.

Ai Hui didn't expect that the bandage would move this time, and he could feel the Dragon Vertebra Sword's fear of the bandage. Yes, if there is life on both sides, it is fear.

These special features of the bandage all highlight its extraordinary quality.

Suddenly, Ai Hui was full of curiosity about the bandage. In the era of cultivation, what was its true appearance?

It's a pity that the master's wife got it by chance, and she doesn't know anything about its origin.

Ai Hui's thoughts were turning with just a flick of his finger. The strange red color flashed along the Dragon Vertebral Sword and disappeared into the bandage. As if it had successfully hunted, the bandage retracted silently and automatically tied a knot on Ai Hui's wrist.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ai Hui would have thought that the scene just now was an illusion.

The Dragon Vertebral Sword returned to Ai Hui's control. The touch from the tip and body of the sword shocked Ai Hui.

The blood cultivator in front had no breath of life at all, and the bright blood lines on the blood cultivator's body were now completely gray.


Ai Hui dodged lightly as the sound of wind behind him approached.

Lao Lei, who was covered in mud, flew past him, and Ai Hui could still see his wide eyes, as if there was still a trace of disbelief.

In the blink of an eye, the two companions were killed by Ai Hui. A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of Xuexiu behind him, and he shouted sharply: Shi Wei! Why are you still standing there?

Before he finished speaking, Ai Hui rushed in front of him like a predatory beast.

The blood cultivator retreated step by step, resisting with all his strength.

Ai Hui's sword strikes were as fast as a violent storm. There are no fancy moves, just sword moves that look unusually ordinary, but in Ai Hui's hands, these sword moves are precise, fast, and powerful.

The Dragon Vertebral Sword seemed to be alive in his hand. It was extremely weird. It could be bent at will and could always be stabbed from incredible angles. What's even more annoying is that the seven small swords are like a dangerous swarm of bees. They will bite the smallest flaw.

In the blink of an eye, Xuexiu's body was covered with wounds, like a bloody man.

Shi Wei, save me...

Before Xue Xiu finished speaking, the Dragon Vertebral Sword bent strangely and penetrated through the gap between his arms.


A splash of blood spattered, the blood cultivator's body stiffened, and the Dragon Vertebral Sword pierced his throat.

The blood cultivator suddenly fell to the ground.

Shi Wei was trembling all over. He did not expect that the battle would be so one-sided. His throat was dry and he stammered: Ai Hui, I was forced to do so. I don't want to be your enemy. You, please let me go...

Ai Hui was somewhat kind to Shi Wei and said calmly: I know you, you are a student of Songjian Academy.

Ai Hui's calmness made Shi Wei relax a little, and his tone became much smoother: That's great, I'm afraid you don't know me. For the sake of my classmates, let me go.

If you want to survive, you have to surrender. Ai Hui looked at the other party calmly and said in a deep voice: I will hand you over to the City Lord's Mansion. You won't die, they need to observe you, and you still have a chance to be treated. Drug.

No, I won't surrender...

Shi Wei's eyes were filled with ferocity and violence, and his expression was struggling.

Then it's life and death. Ai Hui shook his long sword and slowly walked towards Shi Wei.

Ai Hui's constant approach brought a strong sense of oppression to Shi Wei, and the expression on Shi Wei's face became even more struggling, with the light of fear and danger beating violently. Mobile phone users please visit

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