Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 269 Tragic Ending

You stay here.

The girl in red threw a word, like a wisp of red smoke, drifting towards Songjian City.

Tian Kuan's reversal was like a strange peak, and she couldn't hold it back.

It would be a shame not to join in the excitement.

She knew exactly what Tian Kuan was going to do next, and she was more curious about how Ai Hui would respond.

Ai Hui's information is not a secret, everyone in the entire Songjian City knows it. He is now a legend in Songjian City, and every bit about him is one of everyone's favorite things to chat about during breaks. It's clear to all without even bothering to inquire.

Coming from the old land, he worked as a wild coolie for three years. He entered the induction field as an older person and was accepted by Wang Shouchuan as his disciple. He also learned embroidery from his master's wife...

Judging from various information, Ai Hui and his master and his wife have a very deep relationship.

He will definitely take action!

She was more interested in Ai Hui than anyone else. That guy was someone who couldn't be judged by common sense. He always did amazing things, and no one knew what he would do next.

Ai Hui held the Dragon Vertebral Sword and rushed towards Tian Kuan's position.

The wind roared in his ears like thunder, and Ai Hui's heart was as calm as ice at the moment. He held his sword, kept his body low, and flew along the broken streets. He seemed to be unaware of the fatigue he felt after the fierce battle just now.

His brain was running at an unprecedented speed, and he was desperately thinking about how to save his master.

There must be a way!

he told himself.

Tian Kuan's purpose of holding his master hostage was to prevent his wife from completing her plan to use the city as a cloth. The master's wife has a strong temperament, and if he wants to make her surrender, Tian Kuan will definitely torture the master.

Ai Hui forced himself to concentrate on thinking. He did not dare to be distracted in the slightest. Any distraction would only make him feel heartbroken.

His expression was like a granite carving, every line unchanged.

Any anger or sadness is of no use now. At this moment, what is needed is calmness, absolute calmness. Any kind of motivation will not help.

He forced himself to remain calm, letting the palms holding the sword hilt turn white.

First, he needed to get close to Tian Kuan, as he lacked long-range attack capabilities. Tian Kuan cannot be noticed, so that the effect will be better in a sudden attack.

Ai Hui soon decided on the plan and quietly approached from behind Tian Kuan's right hand. Although he needs to make a big circle, it is very beneficial to his offense. Tian Kuan grabbed the master with his right hand. If his attack was fast enough and he slashed along Tian Kuan's shoulder, he might be able to rescue the master.

His condition was not good, his body was extremely tired and he had very little energy left, but he still decided to get closer first.

Only when you get closer will you have a chance.

Ai Hui's last trace of anger was suppressed by him, and like a seasoned hunter, he began to approach his prey.

He didn't think about what to do if he couldn't do it. He kept thinking of various plans in his mind and tried to find loopholes in various plans.

There will only be one chance, you can only succeed but not fail.

He ducked down and took advantage of the cover of ruins and gravel to start taking action.

We have nothing to talk about.

Han Yuqin's expression returned to normal and her tone was calm.

Although your husband is in your hands, if you think you want to use him to threaten me, you are totally wrong. We have lived so many thoughts, and there is no regret in dying. As long as we save Songjian City. Let him go, I promise to let you leave here.

Let me leave here? Tian Kuan smiled softly: I think Master Han, you are wrong, I am letting you go. You see, we don't have many conflicts in the first place, why bother to fight like this? As long as you quit Naturally, we can leave Songjian City safely, and Master Wang can also be safe and sound.

He had a calm demeanor, and even when facing the Grandmaster, he was not timid at all, and his demeanor was fully displayed. He could feel that the blood-spiritual power in his body was undergoing transformation, and a steady stream of power was constantly penetrating into the depths of his body.

What an intoxicating feeling.

He was ecstatic in his heart. If he could win, his realm would definitely break through.

If you are so arrogant, then there is nothing to talk about. Han Yuqin said in a solemn tone: My husband and I are both half-body people who are buried in the ground. When we die, we will die.

Death? Tian Kuan's tone was surprised, as if he had heard something incredible: How could he die? What value does a dead person have? Besides, there are many things in this world that are more terrifying than death, and they happen to be my specialty.

His left hand grabbed Wang Shouchuan's left palm and spread his fingers.


One of Wang Shouchuan's fingers was crushed to pieces.

With their fingers connected to their hearts, Wang Shouchuan's body suddenly tightened. The severe pain made him want to struggle, but the palm holding his throat was as motionless as an iron pliers. No sound could come out, and his body was trembling.

Bastard! Han Yuqin's face was full of evil and murderous intent.

Look, it's just the beginning, Master Han, you can't stand it. Tian Kuan said in a teasing tone: Do you want to kill me? Giving your husband a happy life is also a good choice. How about it? Do you want to think about it?


Another finger of Wang Shouchuan was crushed to pieces.

Han Yuqin's whole body was trembling, the energy around her began to fluctuate, the golden wind cloak was disordered, and the sky fire shining on her became very unstable.

Tian Kuan showed sympathy on his face: You have been married for so many years, and it is too cruel for you to kill him with your own hands. But what to do? The world is so cruel. Is it impossible to do it? In fact, it doesn't matter if you think about it, a bad old man , how can it be compared to the lives of so many people? If you die, just die. Why don't you pay a price for it?

Han Yuqin's body trembled even more violently, and the colorful ladder under her feet began to fade.

A scratching sound fell in Ai Hui's ears. Ai Hui's footsteps stagnated, but he quickly returned to normal. The expression on his face did not change at all, and his movements remained silent, as if they were not affected at all.

Arrive at the target location.

He raised his head and looked at Tian Kuan in the sky.

Tian Kuan now not only grabbed the master's throat with his right hand, but also grabbed the master with his left hand. It was useless to just cut off Tian Kuan's right arm.

The bigger trouble is myself, my body is empty.

When the ninth golden needle was driven in, they encountered several blood beasts. They had just experienced a fierce battle and everyone was at the end of their rope, including Ai Hui.

There must be a way.

Ai Hui told himself.

Do you need help?

A faint voice suddenly sounded from behind Ai Hui.

Ai Hui stiffened and turned around suddenly, and a standing red figure came into his field of vision. The long red sleeves were fluttering like clouds of smoke, and the blurred beautiful eyes were staring at him deeply, like the nebula vortex rotating in the depths of the universe. The moist red lips with a hint of uncertainty were like clouds and mist passing through the valley.

is her!

One thousand dollars!

Ai Hui's pupils suddenly shrank.

You are the first person to compliment me on my beauty, even though it cost me a thousand yuan. She blinked, with a hint of meaning: Maybe we can do a business.

Ai Hui stared at her without saying a word.

Don't look at people like that, you're so mean. The girl in red stuck out her tongue and said with an innocent look on her face, You don't have much time.

A delicate and bright red plum blossom suddenly appeared on her snow-white forehead. The blood plum blossoms slowly flew out and fell into her palm, as bright as her red lips.

Her face turned pale and her eyes were blurred: This is much more expensive than a thousand yuan. As long as you eat it, you have a chance to kill him. Of course, in business, there will be rewards and sacrifices. I will collect some from you. Interest.

Ai Hui made no move.

Although it's a bit of a disadvantage. The girl in red's smile became sweeter: But you don't have much leverage, so this is all you can do.

The delicate plum blossoms reveal an unspeakable charm.

Tian Kuan's excited voice came from the sky, as if he had thought of something fun: I thought of a better way.

He squinted his eyes, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Han Yuqin's reaction was more intense than he expected. The Yuanli around Han Yuqin was becoming chaotic. He came to the conclusion that Han Yuqin's master was just forcing himself to improve, not a true transformation!

She must have used some special method to temporarily improve her realm.

Now that her emotions were strongly stimulated, her state of self-improvement began to get out of control, and her energy backfired. Contrary to Han Yuqin, the blood spiritual power in Tian Kuan's body is constantly rising. He is a little excited. He feels that he has reached a breakthrough level.

Han Yuqin was like a whetstone in his eyes. The whetstone of a would-be master was so rare that he could only find it.

A complete victory in this confrontation is his chance to break through!

Breaking through on the corpse of a would-be master, what an exciting moment.

He smiled playfully, like an executioner slowly tightening the noose around the prisoner's neck.

What do you think, turn him into a blood cultivator?

A drop of blood seeped out from his fingertips, like a drop of dew condensing on his fingers.

Poof, a straight finger with a drop of blood suddenly inserted into Wang Shouchuan's shoulder.

I actually do it for his own good. His vitality is weak and he has only a few days to live. Transforming into a blood cultivator can let him live for a while. You see, you can spend the rest of your life together. The scene is so warm, Yuan Xiu and Xue Xiu together Live life till old age.”

Han Yuqin's face was filled with pain, the rainbow ladder under her feet completely collapsed, and the energy around her was crackling and burning.

Her hair seemed to be on fire and dying.

Morikawa, you have to help me.

This was her favorite thing to say to him when she was young. She was so proud and so unscrupulous. But as long as she said this, he never refused. Countless memories passed before her eyes like a tide, the warmer they were, the more stinging they were.

He was the one who harmed him.

Tears burst from his eyes, ignited by the chaotic Yuan Power, mixed with blood and fire, and flowed down.

Tian Kuan released his grip on Wang Shouchuan's throat and instead grabbed his arm.

Terrifying blood lines appeared on Wang Shouchuan's face, and he shouted in a hissing voice: Kill me, kill me!

Kill you?

Tian Kuan firmly grasped Wang Shouchuan's body and said cheerfully: It depends on how ruthless our Master Han is.

kill me……

Wang Shouchuan's scream became muddy and blurry.

Hearing his master's scream, Ai Hui expressionlessly reached out to pick the alluring blood plum blossoms and threw them into his mouth.

Just when the girl in red showed an expression of success, he said calmly: I will destroy the blood of God.

The girl in red's smile froze.

Blood of God...How does he know about Blood of God?

Ai Hui didn't look at her anymore. He clenched the Dragon Vertebral Sword in his hand and turned to look at Tian Kuan in the sky in front of him.

Weird power filled his body, and he exuded an unusually cold aura.

His face was as cold as a rock, with sharp edges and corners, and every line was like a knife or an axe. He was indifferent and expressionless, as if he was witnessing a farce that had nothing to do with him.

The mistress is on the verge of collapse...

In front of his eyes, the master showed off his plan like a child offering a treasure. He was so proud that he had no regrets even if he died, as long as he could help her.

Master's body was struggling, and his low roar was a sign of deep pain and despair, as well as a longing for death...

If you long for death, can you die without regrets? Would you rather die than have your hard work ruined? Would you rather die than have your pride shattered?

Yesterday I was still planning to take my master and his wife to the old land to open an embroidery workshop and accompany them through their final years.

There are no final years.

Ai Hui felt like he was falling into boundless darkness, with coldness and darkness sweeping towards him, but he knew that he still had one last thing to do.

He wants to defend the pride of his master and his wife.

The girl in red's pupils suddenly expanded, and Ai Hui in front of her disappeared like air. With her strength, she didn't even see clearly how Ai Hui disappeared.

The sky suddenly darkened and night fell.

Brilliant and unparalleled light blooms in the dark night.

Returning to the night, when it blooms, the night comes back.

Countless epiphyllums fall from the sky, and the light and rain are scattered, which is poignant and picturesque.

Tian Kuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and the blood spiritual power in his body suddenly exploded. Just as his body was about to move, it suddenly froze.

He looked down at his chest, and a sword came out of his body. His eyes were full of disbelief.

Wang Shouchuan relaxed his body and looked at the sword blade on his chest. He recognized it as Ai Hui's sword. The struggle on his face receded like the tide. He looked calm and blood foam spurted out from the corner of his mouth.

He smiled. He couldn't see Ai Hui and said vaguely, Good boy.

Han Yuqin looked at Wang Shouchuan blankly.

Wang Shouchuan turned his face away with difficulty. His vision was blurry and he could only see a vague figure. He felt like he had returned to the scene when he first met her when he was eighteen years old. The timid young man did not dare to look directly at her face.

We have walked together and grown old together.

It's a pity that I can't wait until the end.

He used his last bit of strength to wave gently in her direction.

Staring blankly at Wang Shouchuan's face with closed eyes, tears burst out of Han Yuqin's eyes again. She let out a long roar, and the sword-like sunlight once again pierced the dark night and thick clouds. Countless flames rose around her body, and the five-element ring above her head began to rotate.

Yuanli burned her flesh and blood, and she looked like a phoenix standing in the flames, with a solemn expression.

With her slender hand, a beam of light shot through the air. It was her needlework.

Rays of light converged from all directions, circling around her like a school of fish chasing each other.

With her slender white arms raised above her head, she turned her body as if singing or dancing.

Morikawa, you taught me this.

Morikawa, this is the work of your painstaking efforts.

The beams of light rotated along with her body. They rushed into the sky and flew to every corner of Songjian City like raindrops. They drilled into the ground, and the Songjian City was like a huge piece of cloth, and the light beams were like beating needles and threads, shuttling through the Songjian City.

The girl in red's expression changed drastically, and she quickly retreated.

The blood-colored pine city recedes, and vegetation emerges from the ground. They grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and green spreads throughout the pine city. The ruins are crawling, rubble and waste, as if an invisible hand is controlling them. The broken ground remains intact, and the buildings are back to the beginning.

Time seems to go back.

Songjian Castle has returned to its original state.

The flowing fire light shrouded the entire Songjian City.

Tian Kuan, who was pierced by the Dragon Vertebral Sword, had no time to scream and dissipated like flying ashes. Wang Shouchuan's body also turned into fly ash, leaving only one arm.

Ai Hui subconsciously caught Master's arm and dropped it to the ground.

A ray of light fell next to Ai Hui, but it was Han Yuqin. Han Yuqin's body was surrounded by flames, and her flesh and blood were melting away. She looked at Ai Hui and said, Good boy, Master and Master Wife both want to thank you.

Her eyes were complicated, including relief, gratitude, pity, and worry.

If it weren't for Ai Hui, all the efforts would have been in vain, and all the sacrifices would have been of no value. Ai Hui, who made such a choice, endured extraordinary pain.

Ai Hui pursed his lips tightly.

Hui'er, you are very capable. Help me to take good care of you, Senior Sister Mingxiu.

Master! Mingxiu burst into tears.

Han Yuqin took Wang Shouchuan's broken arm from Ai Hui. Just like usual, her face was full of tenderness and her fingers were clasped together, and she told Ai Hui: Master's wife is gone, Hui'er, Mingxiu, bury me and your master together.

Fire shot up into the sky, and her body was swallowed up by the flames. Only the hand holding the remaining arm was free of flames.

When the fire light dissipated, only two clenched residual arms remained.

Ai Hui was stunned and carefully picked up the pair of tightly linked arms.

A raindrop as big as a bean fell on his hand. In the blink of an eye, the torrential rain slanted down, passed through the sky fire cover, and hit the ground. For a moment, the world was filled with rain and fog.

The plan to use the city as a cloth was successful. The five elements of Songjian City were integrated. Blood beasts and blood cultivators could not exist in Songjian City, and it was finally safe. But there was no joy on everyone's face. No one thought that the final battle would be so tragic.

Witnessing the sacrifice of Wang Shouchuan, Han Yuqin and his wife in such a tragic way, everyone has mixed feelings in their hearts.

Shi Xueman looked worriedly at Ai Hui who was digging a hole in the heavy rain. He refused everyone's help and dug a hole in the muddy water with Mingxiu's hands.

She couldn't imagine how painful and sad Ai Hui felt at this moment.

The fat man suddenly said: In the wilderness, when I was digging holes, Ai Hui would never help me. He would not dig holes for dead people. He said that everyone is dead, and it makes no difference whether they are buried or not.

Everyone was silent.

Ai Hui carefully put the clasped arms into the dug hole and covered it with soil. Mingxiu handed over a wooden sign, and he wrote Grave of Master and Master's Wife crookedly on it.

Insert the wooden sign.

He knelt in front of the tomb, staring at the tombstone like a stone statue, letting the rain hit his face and flow freely.

He no longer has a master or a wife.

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