Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 398 Grass Thief

Qingfeng stared at Ai Hui. His sword breathing posture was a bit strange. Although he had seen it many times, he still couldn't help but be curious. Yuanli is sucked in from the sword body and joins the Zhoutian movement. I have never heard of a similar Zhoutian movement.

He always felt that Ai Hui had many secrets and many of his behaviors were mysterious, but when he thought about it carefully, he found that Ai Hui's behaviors seemed very normal. What Qingfeng found strange the most was that Ai Hui had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had seen him before somewhere. However, his memory would have problems periodically. It seemed that he had seen it before but he couldn't remember it.

Ai Hui was the last one to complete the Zhoutian Movement. The period of the Sword Breathing Movement was much longer than the ordinary Zhoutian Movement.

Seeing that everyone else was waiting for Ai Hui to complete the celestial movement, Yuan Xiu immediately understood that Ai Hui was the leader of this group of people.

Ai Hui opened his eyes and saw Yuan Xiu standing respectfully to one side, and he understood.

However, he was still not used to such treatment.

Through these Yuanxiu, Ai Hui knew that their current location was in Caiyun Township, which was still some distance away from Asakusa Castle, which made everyone happy.

Ai Hui asked some more about the smuggling business, such as how the business was and how many people could be transported every day. This group of Yuanxiu knew that these small businesses would not be coveted, so they answered very readily.

Only then did Ai Hui gain some understanding of the smuggling business.

They can deliver seven or eight times a day, but there are dangers, especially when receiving, the huge crowds can easily cause accidents. As soon as they see something slightly wrong, they will immediately take to the skies. Then they complained more than once about how poor these old natives were. The only reward that the old natives could get was the remains of the magic weapon. Their daily result is to collect a pile of magic weapon fragments.

Fortunately, the price of the remnants of the magic weapon is now much higher than before, making it easier to sell. The more troublesome thing is that they need to go to a larger city to find the merchants who can buy the remnants of the magic weapon. Most of my time every day is spent on this.

Ai Hui took out some Yuanli beans and gave them to these Yuanxiu as a reward for these Yuanxiu.

The Yuan cultivators were overjoyed and quickly reminded Ai Hui that a group of thieves had recently been active on the border of the Emerald Forest and were attacking the caravan, asking them to be careful.

Saying goodbye to these Yuan Xiu, Ai Hui and others drove the three-leaf vine car towards the Emerald Forest.

On the three-leaf vine car, Ai Hui asked Zhao Bo'an: "Do you know about the grass thieves?"

Zhao Bo'an said quickly: "I know one thing. It was created by Zheng Xiaoman, the adopted daughter of Zheng Yuanhong, the former leader of the Grass Killing Department. The Grass Killing Department refused to surrender, and all the backbones were bloodbathed. It is said that someone secretly informed Zheng Xiaoman and some The key family members of the grass killing department escaped and called themselves grass thieves. There was no movement before, but now that the population of Caiyun Township has decreased, their activities are very active. Many Yuan Xiu who are dissatisfied with Daizong have also heard of the news and have become very vocal recently. . The grass thieves are the most ruthless to the caravans of the Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce, not even letting people and goods go. The big chamber of commerce will let them go after paying the money to buy the way. The small chamber of commerce and the others have done nothing wrong."

Zhao Bo'an spoke with great respect for the grass thieves.

Ai Hui was a little surprised: "This thief's reputation sounds good?"

"It's very good." Zhao Bo'an explained: "Although Zheng Xiaoman has a fiery personality, he never kills innocent people indiscriminately. The thieves have strict discipline, which is better than the current grass-killing department. Daizong usually does not go out in seclusion, but The people below are really too greedy and have damaged the reputation of Daizong."

Ai Hui asked: "Is it the Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce?"

"No!" Zhao Bo'an's tone suddenly became a little more angry: "The Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce will help any business in Jade Forest, big or small. If you want to make money, there is no other way but to join them, or they will ruin your business. , or they will cause trouble for you, frame you up, and do whatever they can. But if you join them, the majority of the profits will belong to them, and they will receive contributions from all aspects every month. After all your hard work, you will not be left behind much. And the whole family will be affected by all aspects. If you make any mistakes under the restrictions, the whole family will be implicated. How can Daizong spend so much on his own life? The Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce is like a swarm of locusts, sucking blood and bones, it is really abominable!"

Qingfeng was stunned for a moment: "Is it so serious?"

Zhao Bo'an glanced at him. He had heard him call himself a disciple of Daizong before, and now he couldn't help but sneered: "Under Daizong, we are naturally full of luxury and extravagance. Who cares whether we, the common people, have a place to stand?"

Ai Hui asked: "With the strength of the Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce, it is not a difficult problem to eliminate the thieves, right?"

Zhao Bo'an shook his head and said: "On the contrary, the Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce has suffered a lot of defeats, and there is nothing we can do against the grass thieves. Most of the backbones of Cao Ze are from the old grass army. They have family backgrounds and are good at military affairs. In addition, many people in Jade Forest may be grateful for their kindness. Perhaps they hate the Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce for being greedy and cruel, so there are many people who secretly inform thieves. The Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce has also punished many families, but it still keeps getting banned."

Ai Hui nodded: "So now that Caiyun Township has a small population and the Presbyterian Council doesn't care, there is more room for grass thieves to move."

Zhao Bo'an was full of confidence: "Yes, sir, there is no need to worry. As long as it is not the Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce, the thieves will not make things difficult for us."

Ai Hui shook his head: "It's better not to encounter him."

He just wanted to see Senior Sister Mingxiu and didn't want to cause any complications.

Qingfeng suddenly said: "You are going to the Emerald Forest, so let's say goodbye."

Ai Hui was a little surprised: "Why is this?"

Qingfeng said calmly: "The grass thief has no grudges against you, but he will definitely not let me go if he encounters me. Besides, as long as you enter the Emerald Forest, the Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce will find me, and they will definitely have the secret technique to find me. I think you My swordsmanship has reached a bottleneck recently, and my sparring is of little significance, so let’s just say goodbye.”

Ai Hui thought about it and felt that what Qingfeng said made sense, so he stood up and said, "In that case, don't go through. You should pay attention to your own safety, and I hope we won't be enemies in the future."

Qingfeng shook his head: "How could I be your enemy? You will definitely become a master in the future, and your future is limitless. I will not be so overestimating my abilities. Farewell!"

After saying that, he flew down from the three-leaf vine car and disappeared in another direction.

Ai Hui stared at it for a while and then looked away. In this chaotic world, people gather and scatter like duckweeds. Fortune plays tricks on people, who knows what the future will be like?

Without Qingfeng, only Zhao Bo'an can drive the three-leaf vine car.

The flying speed of Zhao Bo'an's three-leaf vine car was obviously much slower than that of Qingfeng, and Ai Hui did not rush him. On the rattan cart, I thought about and figured out the art of swordsmanship. When I set up camp, I entered the thatched cottage and continued to look for notes.

Every time he entered the thatched cottage, the shopkeeper would recommend several tasks to him. Recently, the Patriarchate's Council has been developing very well, and its scope of tasks is wider than before. Coupled with building a reputation among the aristocratic families, manpower became scarce. The shopkeeper also handed him a letter, written by Mrs. Ye.

In the letter, Mrs. Ye spoke sincerely, saying that she lacked trustworthy people around her and was extremely eager for him to come and help. She also explained in a subtle way that she was now more powerful and could give him a better future.

Ai Hui wrote back a letter, saying that he had recently decided to travel around the world to hone his sword skills, thanked his wife for her appreciation, and would bother her if he had the opportunity in the future.

As for the tasks recommended by the shopkeeper, he rejected them all.

His daily life is extremely simple.

He Xiazi and Mo Zhong had no time to pay attention to him. They focused their attention on the roots, wood and stones on the rattan cart. In the old land, they lacked vitality and were unable to study. With nothing else to worry about now, the two immediately plunged into research.

Before this, the two of them had never been to the old land, nor had they come into contact with the materials of the old land. This was like a brand new world to them.

Mo Buyu has a lively personality, but becomes quiet and focused when he works. She inherited Mo Zhong's craftsmanship. Although she looks immature in many aspects, it can be seen that the little girl is very talented. She seems to have an innate intuition about vegetation, which is the greatest talent for a grass weapon craftsman.

There are many similarities between the weapon craftsman and the grass weapon craftsman. One is forging gold and Yuan, and the other is tempering wood Yuan.

He Xiazi is usually a boring gourd, but when discussing with Mo Zhong, he acts like a chatterbox and speaks harshly. Mo Zhong is loyal and honest, but when discussing refining, he blushes and becomes thick-necked, refuses to give in, and is ready to use his fists if he disagrees.

Although Zhao Bo'an was born into a businessman's family, in Ai Hui's view, he was too bookish and was not yet a qualified businessman. Fortunately, although Zhao Bo'an lacks experience, he has been exposed to it since childhood. After being tempered by reality, he has begun to become more experienced.

The depression along the way is more serious than that of the Silver Mist Sea.

Especially the previously busy trade routes, now there are not many caravans to be seen. The rampant grass thieves are certainly one reason, but the more reason is that the population of Caiyun Township has decreased, the cities along the way are depressed, and the profits of the caravan are meager.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to make a profit unless the goods are transported to the wilderness, where the profit is astonishing. But if you want to transport goods to the wilderness, banditry is now serious and the risk is extremely high. In addition, the wilderness is not a peaceful land. The pioneers who are always fighting for their lives cannot resist the temptation of the caravans, and it is very easy to take risks.

The closer to the Emerald Forest, the smaller the number of caravans.

Zhao Bo'an reminded Ai Hui that they had begun to enter the territory of the grass thieves.

Although Zhao Bo'an expressed confidence in the grass thieves, Ai Hui could still tell that he was a little nervous.

Ai Hui is not too worried about himself, he is worried about Senior Sister Mingxiu of Asakusa Castle. Senior sister Mingxiu is from the Lu family, and her brother Lu Chen is the eldest disciple of the Daizong. Even if the grass thief doesn't hate her deeply, he will never let her go easily.

And if he can hold Senior Sister Mingxiu hostage, the thieves can negotiate with the Lu family and ask for benefits.

I hope there are enough people around Senior Sister Mingxiu to protect her. Considering the power of the Lu family in Jade Forest, Senior Sister's safety should not be ignored.

Not knowing if he was about to meet his senior sister, Ai Hui felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He asked Zhao Bo'an and his party to stay in the nearest town and wait for his return.

He decided to fly to Asakusa Castle himself, which would be faster.


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