Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 547: Popular Tower Cannon (2)

Ai Hui still didn't know that Tie Niu was vigorously promoting the tower cannon.

As usual, he practiced on the top of the mountain and absorbed the thunder in the clouds.

Suddenly he stopped and looked towards the vast mountains in the distance.

somebody is coming!

Ai Hui closed his eyes, grasped the hilt of the sword in his hand, and his perception expanded. The whole world became extremely quiet and clear.

He saw a person, carrying a white flag, walking one foot deep and one foot shallow in the jungle, walking towards the direction of Songjian Valley. The figure's appearance was vague, but his movements were clumsy and his strength was low.

He suddenly groaned and looked in another direction.

What day is it today and there are so many guests?

Ai Hui shook his head, turned into a sword light, and landed in front of Gu Xuan and others who were practicing. He said to Gu Xuan: Stop for a moment. Two groups of guests have arrived. Let's go and greet them.

Hoda did not expect that his first task would be to transport goods. He wanted to refuse. After all, he was a master, and a master also had dignity.

Shipping goods? Is it really not a joke?

But he looked at the solemn and solemn face of the city lord and the anxiety that could not be concealed in his eyes.

Well, the city lord treated him well, he could only comfort himself in this way.

Resisting the twitching of his cheeks, he reluctantly responded in a muffled voice.

But when the boss took out an astonishing number of essence beans from the treasure house and piled them in front of him, Hoda's eyes suddenly widened!

He believed at that time that this was indeed an extremely important task!

Not only him, when the boss took out the Jingyuan Bean, the city lord's mansion, which was noisy just now, suddenly became quiet. The light and energy fluctuations emitted by Jingyuan Bean are full of lethality, regardless of gender, age or child.

Then the boss told me earnestly that the other party never liked credit and would never ship the goods until he saw the cash. He also said that the other party has a very bad temper and should never conflict with the other party, etc.

Now Hoda is flying in the sky carrying these essence beans on his back.

To be honest, this was the first time he had come into contact with so many Jingyuan beans. Sometimes he even had evil impulses. What if he took the money and ran away? But reason finally defeated impulse. In this world, you are very lucky to meet a boss like the city lord. If you take the money and run away, there really will be no place for you in this world.

He finally understood now that whether you are tired from flying depends on what you carry on your back. Carrying a heavy load of Jingyuan beans on his back, he didn't feel tired at all and flew at the fastest speed in his life.

Remembering the boss's instructions, he took out the flag that the boss had prepared for him, with the word Qiao prominently written on it.

The boss was afraid that he would be accidentally injured, but Hoda himself didn't take it seriously. He was a master after all, so how could he be accidentally injured so easily? Although the blood card in the Lemon Camp was spreading like crazy, Hoda felt that he was still not that easy to get hurt.

But now he just wants to complete the task assigned to him by the city lord as soon as possible. The city lord said that if it is urgent, the faster the better.

After a while, several figures appeared in front.

Hoda was refreshed. Songjian Valley had always been mysterious, and various versions of rumors were widely circulated. He was very curious. Whether it is Ai Hui, who is known as the Thunder Sword Brilliance, or Shi Xueman, who is at the height of his power, or Duanmu Huang, a disciple of the Daizong, they all have many widely circulated deeds. Now there is another tower gun master, the first tower gun master in history, Qian Dai.

There are tigers among the pines, this sentence is the most mainstream view of the Pine Valley at the moment. In people's minds, Songjian Valley is not large in scale and has a small number of people, but the most important thing is masters.

However, when Hoda saw who was coming, he couldn't help but look disappointed.

They are all very ordinary!

It seems that the realm of Yuanli is not as good as the guards of Tinglei City, there is nothing special about them.

The visitor saw the flag on Hoda and asked, Who is your Excellency?

Hoda, neither humble nor arrogant, said: I am listening to Hoda from Leicheng City. On the orders of the city lord, I came here to urgently order a batch of snow lava from Guigu.

The other party glanced at him: Follow me.

On the way to Hoda, they were always looking at the Yuan Xiu in Songjian Valley, feeling greatly disappointed. The fluctuations of Yuanli are superficial and thin, not powerful enough, and lack enough vigilance to expose the back to oneself casually.

Is this the true strength of Song Jian Gu?

Huo Da was disappointed in his heart. It seemed that there were always people in the world who stole names and deceived the public, just making things up to confuse everyone's sight.

Following Yuan Xiu in Songjian Valley, Hoda came to an empty earth city.

This city... is so ugly!

Compared with the prosperous Tinglei City, this earthen city was pitifully small in size and very crudely made. It had no protective capabilities. Huo Da was extremely disappointed at this moment. He just wanted to complete the mission and go back as soon as possible, and he didn't want to stay for a moment longer.

Yuan Xiu from Songjian Valley brought Hoda to an empty house and pouted inside: Just wait inside.

Hoda smiled instead of being angry. This Matsumatani Yuanxiu's strength was poor, but his temper was very arrogant!

As a master, Hoda will be treated politely by all parties wherever he goes. It was the first time after he was promoted to master that he was called around like this. He wanted to see how confident Songjian Gu was.

He strutted into the room.

The room was empty except for a stone table with a pot of tea and a few pottery bowls on it.

To Hoda's surprise, there was a person in front of the table.

This man was short and fat, covered in mud, looked very embarrassed, and had very low cultivation level. The fat man was breathing heavily and sipping tea. Hearing footsteps behind him, he turned around to look.

The fat man saw Hoda and smiled gently at him: Are you here to buy snow lava too?

As he spoke, he took over a pottery bowl, picked up the teapot, filled it up, and pushed it to the empty seat aside: Come and have some tea, you must have been flying for a long time.

Hoda's expression slowed down, he walked over and sat down, and said reservedly: Thank you.

He picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then frowned. The taste was really bad! He was listening to Leicheng and was enjoying the top treatment. When had he ever drank such coarse tea?

The fat man smiled and asked, Which city are you from?

Listen to Leicheng, Hoda. Hoda asked casually: Who is your Excellency?

The fat man chuckled and said, I'm from Xinguang City, An Chou Chou.


Hoda shook his hand, the pottery bowl fell to the ground, and the tea spilled all over the floor.

Tianxin City.

So she said no?

Madam Ye's voice was as calm as water, but Nian Tingfeng felt a chill in his heart. He lowered his head and said, Yes, Shi Xueman said that Chongyun Spear does not need so many masters for the time being. Thank you Madam for your kindness.

Mrs. Ye chuckled lightly: Young people, even if they are ambitious, will always have to try something to know what the world is like.

Nian Tingfeng: What Madam said is absolutely true.

Mrs. Ye picked up the tea cup in front of her and took a sip: What's going on with the tower cannon?

Nian Tingfeng said with some helplessness: Every time we set up camp along the Chongyun Spear, we will demonstrate the art of tower cannons. We are allowed to watch, and we can also enter the camp to visit. From what my subordinates think of their intentions, I am afraid that they want to sell more snow lava.

Mrs. Ye was surprised: Shi Beihai's daughter has become such a philistine? It's not like her style.

Nian Tingfeng considered it carefully: My subordinates are also guessing whether this is Ai Hui's intention.

Mrs. Ye asked: Has the price of snow lava dropped in the market?

Nian Tingfeng shook his head: No.

Mrs. Ye exclaimed: Then how can these guys afford to use it? Although the tower cannon technique is powerful, it consumes a lot of snow and lava, so not everyone can afford it.

Nian Tingfeng reported: I heard that they discovered that second-class fire liquid can also be used. Only a small amount of snow lava needs to be added. The power of the tower cannon will not be reduced too much.

Mrs. Ye put down the tea cup in her hand, feeling a little irritated for no reason.

The Presbyterian Church has long studied the tower cannon. The tower cannon is a first-class weapon, but it is expensive to build and requires the use of snow lava. The cost is very high. The tower gun itself also has many shortcomings, such as the need to set up in advance, low attack frequency, etc. In fact, it is more suitable for siege warfare or defensive warfare.

It is precisely because of these shortcomings of the tower cannon that although it is very sharp, the Presbyterian Church is not too vigilant.

Unexpectedly, Shi Xueman used the tower cannon to achieve such a great victory.

Moreover, Shi Xueman changed from his normal behavior and vigorously promoted the art of tower cannon. What Mrs. Ye didn't expect was that a way could be found to overcome the shortcoming of snow lava consumption.

She originally planned to provoke a fight between Xinguang City and Songjian Valley, but she didn't expect to be interrupted by Shi Xueman.

Madam Ye saw further. The popularity of tower cannons would have a far-reaching impact, especially her Master's Light plan, which would have a fatal impact.

If the master is the foundation of a country, then the master is the winner in local battlefields.

The number and strength of masters directly affects the strength of a war department. The tower cannon is a weapon that can pose a threat to the master. Previously, tower cannons were only available in Songjian Valley, and there were not many of them.

Nowadays, once the tower cannon becomes popular, the role of the master on the battlefield will be greatly weakened.

Mrs. Ye, who put all her chips in the Master's Light Project, was undoubtedly the one who suffered the most.

She was silent for a moment and asked, What can you do?

Nian Tingfeng gritted his teeth and said: The power of the tower cannon lies in the snow lava. If we can master the snow lava...

His palms snapped in the air.

Mrs. Ye's face was uncertain.

What Nian Tingfeng said was indeed a once and for all solution, but there were many obstacles in it. Shi Xueman, who had just won a great victory, was now so famous that he had made great contributions to the world. Dealing with Songjian Valley at this time will have a huge impact on the reputation of Tianxin City, and people will question the fairness of Tianxin City.

Righteousness is the most important weapon in Mrs. Ye's hands.

Furthermore, Songjian Gu’s strength also made Madam Ye very afraid. Until now, no one knows how the masters who sneaked into Songjian Valley failed and died.

If it were any other force, it would have been crushed long ago.

Now how to do?

Mrs. Ye couldn't help clenching her fists. No matter what the cost, Master's Light is a battle that cannot be lost!

She took a deep breath and her eyes were as determined as iron: If you want to kill Songjian Gu, what can you do?

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