Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 561 Turret Alliance

He was fooled, and An Chou Chou felt like a clown.

Regarding this result, he calmed down and found that he could not blame others.

He underestimated Ai Hui.

Ai Hui is more ambitious than he expected, more courageous and bigger than he expected.

An Chou Chou sighed in his heart, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but do they think that this matter is so easy? How can a mere piece of snow lava exert so much power? Want everyone to obey his orders?

Not that easy.

Now, most of these war departments follow the orders of the Presbyterian Council and go to the front line. They were impressed by Tianxin City's generous rewards. If they chose to join Ai Hui's camp, it would mean breaking with Tianxin City. When faced with the risk of breaking with Tianxin City, how many people are willing?

Why does Ai Hui think he can control the situation? Can he make everyone listen to him?

Many things cannot be achieved by ambition alone.

An Chou Chou was very curious about what Ai Hui would do next. Judging from Ai Hui's previous experiences, he was definitely not a brainless young man. On the contrary, he acted with a maturity beyond his years.

If you underestimate it once, you are stupid enough. If you underestimate it the second time, it is more than stupid.

An Chou Chou quickly adjusted his mentality and said to Ai Hui, Brother Ai is really brave.

The bandage on Ai Hui's face moved, and he felt his cheeks twitching as he smiled: It's not that I have the courage, it's that I was forced to this point. I can't sit still and wait for death.

An Chou Chou disagreed in his heart, feeling that Ai Hui was just talking for a moment, but he didn't want to get entangled in this issue, so he changed the topic: What should we do in Songjian Valley? Can Brother Ai feel relieved?

He immediately showed a look of realization: That's right, the Lemon Camp is still fresh, so no one will dare to make any plans in the short term.

Ai Hui said without comment, Brother Chou will know in two days.

An Chou said with a scandal, he laughed and said, Brother Yu, I will brazenly harass you for two more days.

Everyone had almost left. In order to deliver the message as quickly as possible, Ai Hui once again asked Windmill Sword to fly Wen Yongmin and others to Tinglei City. Buyers from all walks of life also stopped by, and the news brought them great shock.

When Windmill Sword returned, Gu Xuan's expression was not very good. Ai Hui saw this and asked, Why is this expression? Something happened on the road?

Shi Zhiguang on the side interjected: Those people are so abominable. They kept saying bad things about you, boss, on the sword. They made us angry to death. They shouted that if anyone couldn't keep their mouth shut, they would be thrown out, so these people shut up.

Ai Hui was very interested: What bad things did they say about me?

Shi Zhiguang is an honest person. When the boss asked, he immediately said honestly: They said that boss, you are delusional and do not know your own abilities. You think you are really a nobody. Can't we live without snow lava?

Ai Hui laughed and patted Gu Xuan and Shi Zhiguang on the shoulders: Go and rest.

After a long flight, the two of them were a little tired. They knew that there were still many things to do next, so they went back to rest.

Qiao Meiqi came to find Ai Hui.

Ai Hui was startled by Qiao Meiqi's appearance: Brother, what's wrong with you?

Qiao Meiqi's eyes were red like a rabbit, his hair was messy, and he looked like he hadn't slept in several days. Qiao Meiqi complained sadly: It's not you who made such a big noise. Why do you have to stand in line? You need supplies, I can just make supplies for you. Isn't it embarrassing to have to stand in line?

Ai Hui smiled and said nothing.

Qiao Meiqi gritted his teeth: I have thought about it for a few days, and I still think that following you is more promising. Anyway, in the eyes of Tianxin City, I also belong to the Gongfu faction. If the Ye family becomes powerful, then I will definitely be liquidated. In this case , then follow my brother and give it a try. The worst possible outcome is that you will die!

After saying this, Qiao Meiqi felt relieved and his heart suddenly calmed down.

Ai Hui glanced at Qiao Meiqi: Brother, do you think so highly of us?

Not optimistic. Qiao Meiqi shook his head and changed his tone: But I am optimistic about you. You are born to be a troublemaker. The messier the situation, the more effective you are. You probably didn't even notice this. At that time, I It’s also a bit strange why you stay in a remote place like Songjian Valley. Now you have to go to the front line, which is normal. The current situation is so chaotic, can the Ye family solve it? I don’t think so.

Ai Hui was greatly surprised: Do you think I can solve it?

No. Qiao Meiqi said simply: You don't have the ability yet. But if anyone can survive, then I still have full confidence in you. Besides, with the trump card of snow lava in hand, no matter who you turn to in the future , no one will refuse. At worst, I will surrender with you. If you have a way out, you can survive, and you have the opportunity to make a lot of money, it’s a bit risky, but it’s nothing.”

Ai Hui was greatly amazed by Qiao Meiqi's ideas. He was indeed a wealthy businessman!

He stretched out his hand to Qiao Meiqi: Welcome to join!

He chose Qiao Meiqi after careful consideration. The two parties have been cooperating for a long time and have sufficient trust in each other. It would be difficult to put people at ease if someone else does it, and it would be difficult to achieve Qiao Meiqi's level.

Qiao Meiqi happily high-fived Ai Hui, and then he slumped his face and sighed: Why does my master always become the meat in your bowl in the end? Hoda told me that he wanted to be a sword wielder, so let me follow you Please give me a favor.”

He wants to be a sword wielder? Ai Hui was a little surprised, but quickly nodded: Okay, let him practice with Shi Zhiguang for a while first. He is a master, and he will definitely get started quickly.

Yuan Xiu who can become a master must have outstanding intelligence. It is impossible to become a master through hard work alone. Moreover, the master has a deep understanding of Yuanli, and can quickly understand the essence of whatever he studies.

Ai Hui also didn't expect that Hoda would actually want to become a sword wielder. Unexpectedly, the sword wielder was actually attracted to the master.

He immediately realized that this was a new opportunity.

Today's windmill sword, Shi Zhiguang is very competent as the sword wielder. Shi Zhiguang is young and has more potential than Hoda, but as a master, Hoda is currently at his peak. Soon Hoda will master the secrets of the sword wielder, but the ordinary windmill sword is not enough to exert the power of a master sword wielder.

Hoda, who is at his peak, can withstand faster speeds, more rapid changes in direction, more terrifying impacts, and can achieve more delicate and precise control.

Maybe refine a one-man windmill sword for Hoda?

Ai Hui's mind flashed as a big sword shrouded in thick sword light suddenly disappeared into the air, and the next moment it plowed a bloody path through the enemy's formation.

Only fast will not break!

As long as it's fast enough, it can cause horrific damage.

Sword wielder is a new profession that Ai Hui has just created, and master sword wielder is something he has never thought about. There are many places that require serious thinking, but Ai Hui feels that this inspiration is worth enriching.

The addition of Qiao Meiqi will be of great benefit to the entire Songjian Sect.

The Songjian faction is basically a fighting elemental cultivator. If you let them do business, it will definitely be a mess.

Getting rid of dependence on Tianxin City's supplies is the first step in Ai Hui's plan, and it is also an extremely important step. With snow lava, Ai Hui is not worried about money. But whether it's selling snow lava or purchasing a large amount of supplies, it requires capable people to complete it.

Joining the Tower Cannon Alliance involves taking a big risk and antagonizing Tianxin City, but buying snow lava has no risk. Tianxin City's control is not enough to comment on other people's purchases of snow lava.

The last remaining problem now is Pine Valley.

Lou Lan ran over and said loudly: Ai Hui, the decoration in the valley has been completed!

Ai Hui was shocked.

Yang Xiaodong returned to Chongyun's Spear and relayed what Ai Hui had told him. Shi Xueman didn't say anything after listening.

Early this morning, Shi Xueman sent someone to a nearby city to buy phantom pods.

Inside the camp, Shi Xueman, Fatty Jiang Wei and others were all staring at the phantom.

The fat man patted his thigh while watching: Oh, Ah Hui's hands are so beautiful. Look at An Chou Chou's face, hahaha!

Others' faces were filled with shock, as they had to digest the sudden news.

Of course they knew what Ai Hui's statement meant. It meant that they would completely break with Tianxin City from now on, and it meant that they began to form their own force. The previous Songjian Valley was too small and their number was too small to even be called a force.

Everyone was shocked by Ai Hui's boldness and determination.

There was silence in the camp until the phantom was released.

Shi Xueman looked around and said calmly: Let's talk about it.

The fat man did not hesitate: I support it! It's really boring to have to be angry with the old witch for everything. And they clearly want to steal our snow lava. This is an old hen that lays golden eggs. You can't give it to them even if you kill it. .”

Others also nodded, the fat man's words reaching their hearts.

Mrs. Ye and Tianxincheng did not have high prestige among the frontline soldiers. Everyone was limited by the righteousness of the Presbyterian Church, but they lacked respect for Mrs. Ye. The more the war department fights blood cultivators, the more obvious this aspect will be. Seeing the comrades around them falling continuously, blood and flesh flying everywhere on the front line, and Mrs. Ye doing nothing in the rear, where is the respect in everyone's hearts?

Jiang Wei said in a deep voice: I agree. But we need to discuss possible changes. For example, whether our relationship with Soldier Tianfeng will change due to this. In our original plan, the four God-Suppressing Peaks Only by cooperating can we form a line of defense. If we are alienated from them, do we need to prepare a follow-up plan?

Sang Zhijun asked: How to solve our supply problem? After all, we have made it clear that we will form a big force.

What if no one joins our Tower Cannon Alliance?

What about Songjian Valley? Who will protect it?

Everyone was chattering, and for a while, the atmosphere was lively.

Ai Hui's boldness startled everyone, but after the shock, everyone became more excited. We are all young people, in their prime of life, and of course they don’t want to live in a remote valley. Everyone is looking forward to making a career.

What's more, the hatred between them and the blood cultivator cannot be resolved at all.

Tianxin City's routine was incompatible with them, and they felt disgusted and disgusted from the bottom of their hearts. Now that I finally want to expand my power and move from behind the scenes to the front, everyone is full of longing and expectations.

Everyone knows that this road is bumpy and rugged, and there are dangers along the way, but this does not stop their enthusiasm at all.

Those invisible constraints make them feel uncomfortable and they have long wished to get rid of them.

As for the danger, everyone ignored it. For the war department fighting on the front line, what day is not dangerous? No matter how great the danger and the consequences are, they cannot compare with the danger and tragedy of the battlefield.

Shi Xueman said: We will wait until Ai Hui comes to discuss these issues. I know his specific arrangements very well. But for the issue of Songjian Valley, everyone can rest assured that Ai Hui has already made a plan and will give everyone a surprise.


Everyone looked at each other and became more curious.

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