Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 566: One-on-one or group fight?

Xinguang City's high-profile announcement to join the Tower Cannon Alliance immediately caused a sensation in the entire Tianwaitian.

Songjian Valley's reputation is not small, and its strength is also very strong, but in the eyes of the world, it is only a small force after all. Xinguang City is not at the same level at all. It is the second largest city after Tianxin City and the most populous city today. Xinguang City represents an astonishing number of new citizens. Although the strength of the new citizens is generally not strong, no one can underestimate the huge number.

When Xinguang City publicly announced its support for Ai Hui to form a tower gun alliance, many war departments who were originally on the sidelines were shaken. Originally worried that Ai Hui would not be able to stand up, now that Xinguang City's support has immediately allowed everyone to see the future of the Tower Cannon Alliance.

The two war departments of Chongyun Gun and Xinguang City, and the three core war departments, can form the skeleton of the Tower Artillery Alliance.

Many people were worried about Tianxin City's sanctions before, but after seeing Xinguang City's statement, their worries immediately disappeared. If the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up, and Shin Kong City will take the lead. What do you have to be afraid of?

The yet-to-be-formed tower gun alliance has become very popular.

Tianxin City.

Mrs. Ye is watching the phantom. She is very fascinated and can't take her eyes away.

Xinguang City and Songjian Valley are the closest allies...

An Chou Chou's voice was calm and powerful, like the head of a hammer, hammering into everyone's hearts sentence by sentence.

Everyone below had a look of horror on their faces. What Tianxin City is most worried about is the alliance between Songjian Valley and Xinguang City. There are tower cannons and snow lava in the Songjian Valley, but there are few people, so it is difficult to get the weather. And Xinguang City is big but not strong, and it is strong on the outside but weak on the inside, so it is not worth worrying about. But the two joining forces made everyone in Tianxin City tremble with fear.

Nian Tingfeng looked cautious. He could imagine how angry Madam would be.

However, what surprised him was that the lady showed no sign of being angry. Instead, she smiled and said, This An Chou Chou is quite good at bluffing and pretending to be powerful. At that time, he thought that Xinmin could play tricks, but he didn't expect that he could even compete with Ai Hui now. He doesn’t even have the courage to be superior.”

Everyone didn't dare to show off their anger. The less happy and angry the lady's tone was, the more worried everyone became, especially Nian Tingfeng. He had already been warned by his wife after messing up the previous things, but he didn't expect An Chou Chou to issue a statement as well.

An Chou Chou has lost his determination, so there is nothing to worry about. Madam Ye said lightly: As for the tower gun alliance, haha, how can it be so easy to form? Let them toss.

Nian Tingfeng breathed a sigh of relief: Yes.

Mrs. Ye continued: For things on the front line, we are far away and cannot quench our thirst. Let them make trouble. As for what kind of trouble they will have, it is their own destiny. Right now, our first priority is the light of the master. First Master Pi, he will be released from seclusion soon. Tianxin City must be on guard and don’t cause any trouble to me at this time.”

Everyone responded in unison: Yes.

Mrs. Ye's eyes were as cold as ice: I don't blame you for things that you can't control. But if you don't do your own things well, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Everyone's hearts trembled.

Mrs. Ye continued: Tingfeng, how is the selection of the next generation of Master's Light Seeds going?

Nian Tingfeng said quickly: Madam, so far, the forty cities closest to Tianxin City have been selected.

Mrs. Ye asked calmly: Is there anyone stopping me?

Nian Tingfeng said quickly: No one can stop me.

Mrs. Ye nodded with satisfaction: That's good. The light of the master is the right way for our Yuan cultivator to fight against the blood cultivator. Anyone who dares to obstruct it will be the enemy and traitor of the entire Tianwaitian! Tell them that there is no mercy at all. It’s talkable.”

Nian Tingfeng responded: I understand!

Mrs. Ye continued to ask: How many people are elected now?

Nian Tingfeng: Currently, a total of seventy-six people have been selected, thirty-six of whom have arrived at Tianxin City, and the remaining forty are still on the way.

Madam Ye frowned slightly, the number of people selected was far lower than she expected. But thinking about the current situation, it is completely different from when the first Master's Light Project was launched.

Nian Tingfeng noticed Mrs. Ye's displeasure and said quickly: We are heading to a farther city to continue selecting suitable master seeds.

Madam Ye solemnly warned: This matter is the most important thing. Ai Hui'an and Chou Chou are just clowns. Don't be confused about priorities.

Nian Tingfeng said quickly: I'll spare it.

Mrs. Ye suppressed the irritability in her heart. Now she had to rely on Zhongnian to listen to the wind. The Tingfeng Department is the most powerful war department in Tianxin City, and the Tingfeng Department's excellent intelligence capabilities are what she needs to rely on right now.

Even if Nian Tingfeng didn't do something well, she would not scold him casually, but would need to win over him.

When Master's Light succeeds, all problems will be solved!

I just need to be patient for a while longer!

Shi Xueman slowly opened his eyes. The motionless Yun Rantian shook slightly, and a wisp of black smoke dissipated from the tip of the gun.

The injuries inside the body are gradually improving. Although the extent is very small, Shi Xueman is very satisfied.

She put away her gun and stood up. She walked out of the tent and found that something was wrong outside.

Overnight, the camp seemed to be crowded with people. Where did these people come from?

Carrying Yun Rantian, she walked to Sang Zhijun who was busy and asked in a low voice: Why are there so many people?

Sang Zhijun was excited and worried at the same time: Yesterday, Xinguang City An Chou Chou publicly announced that he would form an alliance with us and would send two war corps, Tong Gui and Yu Jin, to join the tower gun alliance. This is not true, these guys smell like meat. They rushed over like wolves. Xinguang City is spending a lot of money, and Bronze Ghost Fish is their two most powerful generals. Is An Chou Chou so optimistic about us? I don’t know what kind of ecstasy drug Ai Hui gave him!

Only then did Shi Xueman understand what happened. He felt relieved and said calmly: You don't know him yet? He's cheating and abducting him. Why not?

Sang Zhijun chuckled lightly: Yes, yes, we also kidnapped our leader.

Shi Xueman said angrily: I'm too lazy to pay attention to you.

Sang Zhijun said quickly: Don't leave, don't leave. How to deal with these people? With so many people around, it's easy to cause trouble.

Shi Xueman said: Tell them to retreat ten miles and wait for Ai Hui to come and announce the charter of the tower gun alliance. No camping is allowed within ten miles.

Sang Zhijun was a little worried: Will this cause trouble?

Shi Xueman said: It's better to have chaos. If we can't suppress them now, wouldn't it be even more chaotic if we form an alliance in the future?

Sang Zhijun realized that Xueman was planning to scare the monkeys.

She hurried over and announced.

Sure enough, someone started making noise and making trouble immediately.

Why! Why do you want us to withdraw?

That's right! This place belongs to you Chongyunzhiqiang? This is a land without one!

Several people started making noises, which immediately triggered a chorus of agreement.

There were many people who saw the trouble, and other war departments did not evacuate immediately, but watched with interest. They were curious about how Chongyun Spear would deal with it.

Suddenly, a figure flashed, and a few people in the crowd who looked proud just now all flew out.

They fell to the ground like gourds at Shi Xueman's feet.

The onlookers were shocked. Shi Xueman's figure was so fast just now that their eyes were blurred and they couldn't see Shi Xueman's movements clearly. The smiles on the faces of several masters in the crowd who clearly saw Shi Xueman's movements disappeared, and all of them showed serious expressions.

An expert will know if there is one as soon as he takes action.

Shi Xuemantu's falcon rises and falls, as fast as lightning, clean and neat. The masters in the crowd thought to themselves that they might be able to pick people out, but they would never be as beautiful as Shi Xueman.

One of them was knocked unconscious and confused. At this moment, he suddenly heard a voice coming from above: Which war department are you from?

He subconsciously blurted out: Huangsha War Department.

Oh, the Huangsha War Department has lost the qualification to join the Tower Artillery Alliance.

These words made the dizzy man on the ground turn pale.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a burly figure and a fierce aura came out of the crowd, his face full of anger: Hei Yan, the leader of the Huangsha War Department, you are too arrogant. My subordinate is certainly reckless. Some, but you are so aggressive! Why should we be disqualified?

Shi Xueman didn't answer and asked instead: Single fight or group fight?

Heiyan almost thought he heard wrongly: What?

Shi Xueman repeated: Single fight or group fight?

Heiyan's face turned red and he gritted his teeth: It's too much to bully others! It's too much to bully others! How come such arrogant and domineering people come to form some kind of tower gun alliance? Will they not be riding on everyone's neck to show off their power in the future?

This sentence made many people in the crowd hesitate. Although everyone wanted to join the Tower Cannon Alliance, they did not want to hand over the power in their hands. If Song Jian Gu's master Xueman showed such strength, many people would retreat in their hearts.

Heiyan glanced at the crowd from the corner of his eye, feeling secretly proud of himself.

Shi Xueman was indifferent: Single fight or group fight?

Heiyan, who was a little proud just now, stared angrily: You!

Although he was half angry, he did not lose his mind. Shi Xueman's strength is too strong. Not only the hand she showed just now, but in the phantom, she is outnumbered and facing several magical blood cultivators, showing inhuman and terrifying combat power. He thinks that he has no chance of winning. . Huangsha War Department is also far inferior to Chongyun's Spear.

Heiyan was furious: What's so great about being strong? Can you bully the weak if you're strong?

Shi Xueman nodded: Okay.

Heiyan was speechless. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

At this time, another person stood up: The division leader is unparalleled in combat power, and Chongyun's spear is indeed extremely brave, but how can he conquer the crowd with his fists alone?

Shi Xueman nodded: Okay.

The man was speechless. After a moment, his face turned red: But...

Shi Xueman looked around with a calm expression and interrupted him bluntly: Who is dissatisfied?

Everyone present was as silent as a cicada, no one dared to speak.

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