Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 573 [Fish Bones]

The situation deteriorated much faster than Shi Xueman and the others expected.

Shi Xueman, Tie Bing and Kunlun Tianfeng held an emergency meeting. Important generals from the three war departments gathered together to discuss how to deal with the current situation. Everyone looked solemn.

The iron soldier said solemnly: The news I just received is that the Baiyang War Department and the Tianqing War Department have suffered heavy losses, and the Northern War Department has been destroyed. So far, more than twenty war departments have been disabled, and the entire army has been destroyed. There were more than six troops. And according to the survivors’ descriptions, the enemy could have surrounded and annihilated them, but it seemed that they deliberately let them go.”

Sang Zhijun said in surprise: You let them go on purpose?

Shi Xueman thought about it for a while, and his expression became not so good: They want to use the rout to attack our defense line.

There was a wry smile in the voice coming from behind the iron soldier's mask: That's right. They are chasing sheep. Now the war department in front is frightened and they are all running for their lives. Judging from the position, the three routes The army is spread out even more, like a big cloth bag, and ours is the only exit. Now every day, a large number of war troops are retreating from the front.

Jiang Wei said: There are a lot fewer war departments near our camp, and most of the grasshoppers have fled.

The iron soldier nodded: It's better to run away, it will still be a hidden danger.

Others nodded, as the iron soldiers said, these war departments are a big trouble. They are not strong in fighting ability and do not listen to orders. In the past two days, Shi Xueman personally taught a few of the thorn-head war corps a lesson, and those guys retreated obediently. Don't expect them to help, it would be nice if they don't hold you back.

However, these war departments were numerous in number and had mixed personnel. They belonged to different cities and did not govern each other. He couldn't kill again and again, and he couldn't fight again and again. It would be better to leave now.

Even if we know the purpose of blood repair, we still have no good solution for the time being.

Kunlun Tianfeng said: Can a special passage be opened for these war departments to retreat?

Everyone shook their heads. In order to establish a defense line, they specially selected a narrow area that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are bottomless valley cracks on both sides, with violent golden winds blowing out all year round. This is the famous Pearl Wind Bridge. The cracks in the valley are very long, and the gushing golden wind almost forms an insurmountable barrier. However, there are more than ten natural stone bridges on the cracks in the valley, which are not harmed by the golden wind. Because the stone bridge is covered with long and narrow cracks, like a pearl necklace, it is called the Pearl Wind Bridge.

The stone bridges vary in width, ranging from several miles in narrow places to dozens of miles wide.

In order to reduce the defensive area, the Iron Soldiers also used Zhenshen Peak to destroy other wind bridges, leaving the last wind bridge suitable for their defense.

Their defense plan is all built around the wind bridge.

The cracks in the valley are thousands of miles long. If the enemy does not attack from the wind bridge, they will have to make a very large circle, and it will be very difficult to move. Normally, Shi Xueman and the others would have been worried that the blood cultivator would take a detour, but facing the blood cultivator who was eager for revenge, they believed that the blood cultivator was more likely to attack by force.

This is the place they think is best suited for defense.

As they expected, the enemy did attack by force, but what they didn't expect was that the enemy would attack in this way.

Shi Xueman pondered: The enemy is likely to stick close to the broken troops, or use the cover of the broken troops to approach, and our attacks will be restrained.

We can only strengthen the defense line for the time being. Tie Bingren didn't have a good solution. He saw that everyone was frowning and the atmosphere was depressed, so he changed the topic: Ai Hui and the others will be here soon.

Although Shi Xueman tried his best to restrain himself, he still showed a hint of excitement like a little girl and said, It should be there soon.

Sang Zhijun said: Ai Hui must have a way!

The Iron Soldier glanced at the others and was surprised to find that everyone's faces looked much more relaxed.

It's like having a kind of...blind confidence in Ai Hui.

He was suddenly looking forward to it.

Further forward, we enter the front line.

Qiao Meiqi was a little excited. All his belongings and family members were placed on the [fish bones]. He abandoned all worries. He seemed to be reborn and looked much younger.

Fish Bones is the name given by Ai Hui to the Blackfish Zui Mountain and Songjian Valley flying in the sky. The shape of Heiyuzui Mountain is like a black fish with half its body jumping out of the water. However, in order to let it fly into the sky, the outer layer of the mountain peeled off, making it thinner than before, so Ai Hui called it a fish bone.

As usual, the name was despised by everyone. Look at their Zhenshen Peak, how domineering it is! The mountain is obviously larger in size and more powerful, but its name is so ordinary, at least it should be louder!

However, Ai Hui didn't give anyone else a chance.

After leaving Songjian Valley, there were no stops along the way. They did not cover their tracks, and just marched towards the Chongyun Spear's station in such a swaggering manner.

The journey was so smooth that it didn't feel like troubled times.

Why doesn't anyone ask us?

Yes, our big black fish is so majestic! He didn't even react, not even a phantom camera.

Too strange.

Hoda was a little amused as he listened to the mutterings of the team members in his ears. The members of Thunder Sword are basically young people, full of passion for progress, and Hoda also feels very happy to be among them.

Huo Da's attention quickly came back and he humbly asked Shi Zhiguang, who was gesturing alone beside him, for advice: Zhiguang, I still don't understand this acupuncture technique.

Shi Zhiguang came back to his senses: The paper clip method, this is quite difficult. The key is that the inside and outside work in reverse, and they grow in parallel...

He spoke eloquently and without any secrets. Hoda listened carefully and nodded frequently.

The first few times Huo Da came to ask for advice, Shi Zhiguang was a little nervous. He was a master, and the master came to ask for advice. This was really embarrassing. But as everyone became familiar with each other, Shi Zhiguang gradually let go. Later, Shi Zhiguang liked explanations even more, because he found that when explaining to Hoda, some of his ideas became clearer.

I don't know if it's because there is a real connection between sword wielding and embroidery. Shi Zhiguang is actually very talented in embroidery and has made rapid progress.

Even Ai Hui was a little surprised sometimes. In the future, Shi Zhiguang could no longer be a sword wielder, but he could open an embroidery workshop just by relying on his embroidery skills.

In the past, people would tease Shi Zhiguang with his embroidery, calling him Shi Zhiguang. But seeing that Hoda was so addicted, no one dared to laugh at him anymore. Hoda was a master and his status was respected. As a result, Shi Zhiguang's image in their eyes has also become much taller.

Shi Zhiguang was not complacent.

Although Master Huo often asked him for advice, it was precisely because of this that he realized the terror of the master. Although he has just been exposed to sword wielding and embroidery, Master Huo does not look like a novice at all. There are many complicated things that Master Huo can perform on the spot as long as they are mentioned a little bit.

In the last battle, they killed several masters, and everyone was a little disdainful of the masters.

What about the master? Still can't stand a blow from them!

Shi Zhiguang was also affected, but after close contact, he realized how ridiculous their idea was. He had never heard of Hoda's name before, but a master is a master, and any master is an extremely terrifying existence.

The master's understanding and control of Yuanli are not at the same level as theirs.

Hoda's experience was a different story. He has seen so many new things here. What shocked him the most was the fighting method of Thunder Sword, which completely subverted the traditional way of operating Yuanli.

He wished he could control the Windmill Sword immediately, but it was a pity that he only had one Windmill Sword. The war is approaching, and Shi Zhiguang must practice with everyone every day. Hoda has not found a chance to practice yet.

Ai Hui sat on a stone and looked at the Duanmu dusk where the light shone in the bamboo forest not far away.

Duanmu still hadn't woken up yet, so Ai Hui was a little worried and came over to take a look. I found that Duanmu Huang's aura was stable, and the energy fluctuations around him were also very stable, which made me feel relieved.

Loulan ran over and said cheerfully: Ai Hui, we have entered the frontline area and will see Xueman soon!

It's almost here. Ai Hui smacked his lips, stood up and said, Come on, Loulan, let's go to the mountain.

Ai Hui and Lou Lan came to the mountain, stood on the top of the mountain, and looked into the distance.

It was evening, and the setting sun was like blood, reflecting the earth red, and the trees seemed to be stained with a layer of blood. The wind became more fierce and shrill, as if carrying the sound of the fighting at the far horizon.

The earth is barren, and bones can be seen everywhere among the vegetation and trees.

The joy of seeing Tie Niu soon was diluted unconsciously.

When he came to his senses, he realized that at some point, the team members had gathered behind him.

He turned around, looked at the team members, and shouted: Assemble!

Suddenly, everyone woke up from a dream, instinctively gathered together, and stood neatly in front of Ai Hui.

Ai Hui glanced at Hoda who was standing next to the team. Like the other team members, this guy stood up straight. Ai Hui was surprised. He didn't expect that the sword wielder would be so attractive to Hoda.

He calmed down and said in a deep voice: From now on, we will enter the frontline area. I declare that the Thunder Sword has entered combat readiness.

The setting sun shines on the faces of the young team members, and their immature faces are filled with longing and excitement, without any fear at all. The members of Thunder Sword have long been exhausted. They are like a tiger that has been hungry for a long time and finally sets foot on the hunting ground.

But Ai Hui knew that the Thunder Sword who stepped onto the hunting ground might be a hunter, or even more likely to become prey.

This is war.

Ai Hui's heart was heavy with no hope at all. If not forced by the situation, he would never go to the front line, at least not so early in the morning. Now that he is taking his team members to the front line, how many will survive? have no idea. He didn't even know if he could survive.

But similarly, he didn't have much fear.

Thinking of the upcoming battle with the blood cultivator, he was also a little excited in his heart. He had not forgotten the blood of Songjian City, and he had not forgotten the hatred of his master and his wife.

Heaviness and excitement, two completely different emotions, intertwined in his heart, making him silent.

The team members looked at Ai Hui, they rarely saw Ai Hui like this.

Ai Hui thought for a while and said in a deep voice: We are about to enter the battlefield. The enemy is very strong, much stronger than us. Everyone may die at any time. I don't know if I can help you survive. But what I can guarantee is , I will never abandon you and escape alone.

The team members became quiet, the longing on their faces gradually faded, and their expressions became solemn.

Ai Hui took a deep breath and said solemnly: Now I order all team members to mount their swords, swords of thunder, and prepare for combat patrols!

Everyone responded with a roar: Yes!

The neat and tidy team seemed to explode all of a sudden. Everyone split into more than ten streams and boarded the Windmill Sword from all directions.

The colorful windmill at the end of the sword began to rotate.

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