Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 135: In the Aburame clan, sometimes even dying requires experience and connections?

"You are Konoha's Aburame boy."

The third Mizukage looked at Shigan Aburame, but the look in his eyes seemed to be looking at his junior.

"I didn't expect that the Third Mizukage-sama could remember this boy's name."

"Insect cloud."

A dense cloud of insects,

Wrapping towards the Third Mizukage,

"Aburame, that's too rude."

The hands of the three water shadows each condensed a line of water,

"Water Release·Water Water Whip."

The powerful water whip whipped the insect cloud in front of him into pieces in four or five strokes.

"A little trick."

"Enchantment·Hundred Insects Seal."

"Phase swap."

The insect swarm behind the third Mizukage was shattered by the water whip,

There was a flash of light in an instant,

More than a hundred barrier insects flew straight out,

The target is up to the third Mizukage,

"The Seal Barrier of Hundred Insects Rises."

A black barrier instantly enveloped the Third Mizukage.

"Boundary collapse·annihilation."

This barrier instantly shattered irregularly,

The surrounding air was also distorted to varying degrees.

There was a bang,

Blue water flows everywhere.

"Water Iron Cannon·Continuous Fire."


Aburame Shigan's body was continuously penetrated;

Exposing the dense black bugs in the body,

"Insect clone?"

"To each other, didn't the Third Mizukage-sama just use the water clone?"

Can that be the same?

My water body is only used to avoid harm,

But it seems that you have been using the insect clone.

"I didn't expect that this generation of Aburame girls would be such timid people."

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Mizukage the Third. Timidity is the greatest compliment to a boy. If you are not 10 trillion percent sure of something, you will not do it."

The Third Mizukage really wanted to give him a look.

Ten trillion,

Do you know how big a number this is?

No, such a timid person actually appeared in front of him.

Doesn't that mean.

"The sea of ​​insects is coming."

The birth of the tree world: Although not a single word is the same, there is an uncomfortable feeling.

On Konoha's coastal front, parasites suddenly appeared one after another, shaking off the dust on their bodies.

The Konoha ninjas who had evacuated looked at the position they once held.

Transformed into a bug,

"I, I, did we fight on these insects before?"

"Hey hey hey, am I under some illusion?"

"Is this the strength of the Aburame clan?"

The other Konoha ninjas looked at each other,

"Wait, what are they going to do?"

Everyone discovered,

There are about a hundred people,

The Oil Girl tribe stood quietly at the edge of the sea of ​​insects,

Chatting about one thing or another,

"I'll tell you guys, I'll be the first in a while."

"Go away, why are you the first? I'm the eldest in my family, ranked first. I want to be the first this time."

"Fuck you, you have nothing to do with me. You still have to look at me for this kind of thing."

"I'm first."

"I'm first."


"Stop arguing, let's go in order, the oldest goes first."

Aburame Shihui gave the order,

The others also stopped one after another,

But no one queued up, and no one seemed to want to be at the back.


A sigh came,

Several old ninjas with gray temples came forward.

"Clan, clan uncle."

Aburame Shihui's mouth trembled a little,

Bang bang,

The leader of the old ninja patted Aburame Shihui on the face and then on the shoulder.

"My child, it is an honor for the Aburame clan to have you and Shiqian. Thank you very much for giving us the right to burn again."

"I have been very happy over the years. Thank you to my family for taking care of me."

tick tock,

Aburame Shihui's tears fell down inadvertently,

"Don't cry, and obey Zhiqian's orders. If you get mad, who will take care of our family?"

The old man scolded sternly,


Aburame Shihui replied loudly,

The old man smiled and said,

Then he took a few other old men and walked to the front.

"I didn't expect that at over forty years old, I could still contribute to Konoha and Aburame. Hahahaha."

"Yes, my wife is gone and my children have grown up. Education and work are all arranged in one package. Subsidies are paid every month. When you want to eat, you can go to the clan cafeteria to eat. When has such a life ever existed in the ninja world? ”

"Yes, the Aburame clan has a good clan leader."

"For the kindness of a meal, you still need to repay it with death. For the love of life and death, fortunately Zhiqian needs a death squad. Otherwise, we old bones half-buried in the ground really don't know what to do."


Aburame Shihui looked at the elder who was about to die in front of him,

Still laughing and chatting,

I can't help but recall,

A few years ago, when the Aburame clan first transformed,

"No, the meaning of ninja's existence is to do tasks. If our clan doesn't do tasks, will we starve to death? Absolutely not."

Aburame Shiguro: "Shihui, please calm down. We are discussing this before Shigan finishes speaking."

"What's there to discuss? We are ninjas. How can we do such a menial job as digging coal?"

Aburame Shigan: "You still look down on coal miners. To put it nicely, you are a ninja. To put it bluntly, you complete missions and Konoha takes a cut. You are just a slave of Konoha. What's so expensive about it?"

"You want to betray the village!!!"

"I haven't thought about betraying the village, but if our people can't survive, so what?"

"You you you."

Aburame Shigan's words shocked Aburame Shihui for a moment,

"Here, this is the welfare benefits of the Aburame clan in the future. Can you achieve it by completing missions?"

Aburame Shihui picked up the "Aburame Clan Welfare Benefits" thrown to him by Aburame Shigan and checked it out,

"How is this possible? Free canteens, free medical care, unified education, job arrangements... How can these things be done within the clan?"

" It can be done by mining coal. Money is not a problem at least. After that, as long as you don't embezzle and I don't embezzle, these are just very simple things. "

"How can you have such an idea?"

"I just want to be nice to my own people. Some people say that these things can't be done. Now I want to try whether it is really impossible."

Aburame Zhihui's thoughts,

again went back to a few years ago,

before the Third World War,

"This war, Zhigan needs, someone, to risk his life to activate, that, Aburame, forbidden technique, are there any of you willing?"

Aburame Zhihui said intermittently, he didn't even dare to look at the tribesmen in front of him,

Hearing that no one answered,

Aburame Zhihui also expressed understanding,

After all, this is to select people to die, how could anyone be willing?

"I'll do it."

"I'll do it."

"Brother Zhihui, I'm your cousin, please let me cut in line for this matter."

"Get lost, you can cut in line in the cafeteria, but you don't have the qualifications for this matter. Get out of here, I'll sign up first."

"He doesn't have the qualifications, but I do. I'm 36 years old, you have to respect the young."

"When you get old, just retire. We young people have to take on this important task."

"You brat."

"You old devil."


The scene returns to the present,



Two huge creatures broke through the blockade of the insect swarm,



"Die, ahhh."

"Zhigan, Zhihui, I'll thank you for my family's life."

Aburame also burst out with chakra.

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