Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 146: Mighty Dai's ultimate dance, passionate youth


At this time, Metkai seemed to know something,

Struggling hard,

Hinata and Hizashi restrained him hard;

Before coming here, Hinata Ri'an specifically asked him,

"Hizashi, when Uncle Dai dies, let Kai watch carefully."

"Isn't this a little too cruel?"

"It's usually possible, but after Uncle Dai dies, Kai's treatment will undergo earth-shaking changes. He needs to know that his father paid for all of this with his life."


"Also, this is also the most glorious moment in Uncle Dai's life. At such a moment, if his son is not around, Uncle Dai may also feel a little regretful."

The Third Raikage looked at the strangely dressed guy in front of him,

Chakra, physical fitness,

None of them can be considered top-notch.

But with such strength, why could he save Jiraiya from himself?

"Weird guy, what's your name?"

"Matt Day."

"I've never heard of it, are you the next person sent by Konoha to stop me?"

"No, I'm here to kill you."

Matt Dai's reply stunned the Third Raikage.

Then he laughed loudly,

"He is an arrogant person, so he must die."

Three generations of thunder shadows passed away in a flash,

Metadai turned away,

Pull some distance back,

"Arrogant, maybe. After all, I don't have much confidence, but there are a few little guys who have absolute confidence in me. In this case, how can I live up to their expectations."

"Kai, this is the last lesson dad teaches you. Self-discipline is to bloom for the present and for your companions."

"Eight Gates Dunjia, the eighth door of death opens. The formation of Eight Gates Dunjia."

Matt Dai Chakra begins to turn red,

In Hinata Hizashi's white eyes,

A thin stream of chakra passes through the seven nodes of the body, ending at the heart, close to nothing.

And something comes from nothing,

Matt Dai's whole body erupted with scarlet blood steam,


Powerful air waves,

The Third Raikage was also shocked back a few steps.

"What kind of technique is this? How can an ordinary person burst out with such power. We must catch him and bring this back to Kumogakure."

Those who have never seen the sky will never know their own insignificance.

Before the Eight Door Dunjia appeared, everyone thought that physical skills were nothing more than this.

"Xixiang·One foot."

Matt Dai arrived in front of the Third Raikage in an instant,

So fast, faster than Lei Dun! ! !

The Third Raikage was severely knocked away.

Brushing, brushing, brushing,

There was a huge piercing sound,

"Broken ribs."

"Thunder Escape Armor·Maximum power, open."

The eyes of the Third Raikage turned into white lightning,

Staring closely at Matt Dai’s position just now,

"Xixiang·Two feet."

"No, behind me."

Matt Dai appeared behind the Third Raikage,

One punch,

Knocked the Third Raikage down to the ground fiercely,


The third Raikage just touched the ground,

Instant ejection to start,

"No, you can't resist forcefully. This move is a forbidden technique and it will definitely not last. If you persist for a while, his body will be the first to be unable to hold on."

At this time, the Third Raikage's seven orifices were bleeding,

Two huge fist marks on his body,

The clothes on my body were also shattered into pieces.

But he looked at Matt Dai, whose arms were useless and drooping.

An idea came into my mind,

"As long as I hold on, I can win."

"Thunder Armor·Extreme Speed·Flash."

The third generation of Raikage transformed into a lightning bolt, a very fast Mercedes-Benz.

Matt Dai watched closely the movement trajectory of the Third Raikage.

"Xi Xiang·Three Legs."

"Damn it, why can't you hide?"

The Third Raikage vomited a large mouthful of blood.

Was knocked flying to a hill,


A big hole was drilled through the hill,

The Third Raikage's condition is already very bad.

But the momentum is indeed more powerful,

"Okay, since we can't run away, let's try to see who is tougher."


"Thunder Escape Armor, One Hand."

The third generation gathered all the Thunder Chakra onto the tip of his most trusted spear,


"bring it on."

Between the touch of one finger and one foot,

Heaven and earth seem to

Darkened for a moment,

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Then a huge roar sounded,

The fierce fighting battlefield also fell silent at this moment,

Both Kumogakure ninja and Konoha ninja are waiting for the outcome of this shocking battle.

The roar stopped,

The raised dust dispersed,

The body of the Third Raikage stood erect,

However, the spear he trusted most had also been completely broken.

"Long live the Raikage-sama."

"Long live the Raikage-sama."

The morale of Yun Ninja was instantly boosted.

That is at this moment,

A roar spread across the battlefield,

"Xi Xiang·Wu Zu."

With all his limbs broken, Metadai used his body as his last leg.

Rushing straight towards the Third Raikage,

The Third Raikage, who had just exploded everything with just one blow,

Looking at the growing red figure in front of me,

"If I had not thought about escaping at the beginning, but had dealt with it head-on, the result might have been different. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as if."

The body of the Third Raikage was under the gaze of all the Kumo ninjas.

Being knocked into the air and landing on the ground,

After waiting for a long time,

The Third Raikage did not stand up again.

"Lord Raikage!!"

"Lord Raikage!!!"

The momentum that Yun Ren had just mentioned disappeared in an instant.

There were also many Kumo ninjas who knelt down on the ground helplessly.

That is their belief,

Today their faith is gone.

"Retreat, all Kumo ninjas obey the order and retreat."

Dodai broke free from Nara Shikaku's entanglement,

Announcing the order to retreat,

In this battle, Yunyin lost.

And it was an unacceptable kind of failure, they lost their greatest Third Raikage.


The huge body of the Eight-Tails,

He was also thrown into the air in front of everyone in the cloud ninja group.

Their morale, which was already close to zero, was dealt another major blow.

"Eight-tails, how could you do that?"

"Is Konoha really invincible?"

Kumo Ninja has completely lost the courage to continue fighting.

The Third Raikage was so strong, he died.

Even though the Eight-Tails were so strong, they were defeated.

Can Konoha really be defeated?

"The eight-tailed beasts seem to be a bit unworthy of their name. Or maybe you tailed beasts are only at this level."

Rixiang Ri'an walked slowly,

The white eyes are full of murderous intent,

Uncle Dai is dead,

In the plan, he was supposed to die like this, and he would make a lot of money by replacing the Third Raikage one-on-one.

But Hinata Hinata felt really uncomfortable.

Why do I always feel like I’m forcing Uncle Dai to death?

This breath needs to be vented on its own.

Otherwise, if you are haunted by inner demons, you may suffer from depression.

The eight-tailed body was already covered in bruises at this time;

"Xiaoba, please liberate me. Don't worry about my body or the 40% limit. Let him go. Now we must help Yunyin Village retreat safely."

Kirabi tried hard to persuade,

"Bi, the 40% limit is not set by me, but by your body. Once it exceeds 40%, your body will collapse and I will die accordingly. By then it will be completely useless."

"How can it be repaired? Is there nothing we can do about it?"

Kirabi shed tears of pain.

On the other side of the battlefield,

Hinata Hizashi's fingers were bitten and covered in blood.

But I still hugged Metkai tightly,

He knew what Metkai wanted to do,

But this is a battlefield, and it's too dangerous up there.


There is no hero,

There is no shocking battle,

There is no decisive victory,

There is only one child who has lost his father forever.

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