Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 170: The stone statue of Senju Hideki is dug out, and the selection of the fourth generation

After digging for half a day,

Hinata wiped the sweat from his forehead,

"You bastard Hideki, why do you do Ninjutsu on such a large scale? You're exhausted."

"How about it? Is it almost there?"

"Right away, right away."

After another hour of digging,

Hinata Ri'an suddenly became gentle,

Cleaning one by one,

Another hour passed,

A perfect stone statue of the Thousand-Armed Heroic Tree comes into view.

"Huh, it took a long time to catch you."

Hinata Rian complained,

He, Hinata Ri'an, had been pampered since he was a child. When had he ever suffered such a crime?

"Good day, don't stop, look carefully. Can we move him?"

"Let me see if I can move it away. There is still blue chakra pulsing in this guy's heart. It's really hard to die. He can't even die."

"Then take him back to Konoha and study how he came back to life."

Shigan Aburame commanded,

"Psychic art·Eimaru."

"Woof woof."

"I just recovered, and I'm quite energetic."

"Woof woof."

Inuzukaru channeled Hidemaru and took on the task of transportation.

"Good day, go ahead and be careful not to lose Hideki's feet."

"Isn't that certain? Damn it, he brought trouble to himself, and in the end it was me who was the one who took the trouble. Doesn't it make sense?"

Hinata Ri'an makes complaints but still works seriously.

"I'll go, he's so heavy."

Shigan Aburame made a bunch of insects to help lift him,

Okay, one pile is not enough,

A bunch more,

"What did this thing do? Why is it so heavy?"

Eimaru was also suppressed and let out a scream,


"What kind of technique is Hideki? Who knows?"

"Go back and find Teacher Orochimaru. Isn't the magic of Ryūchi Cave called Inorganic Reincarnation? See if you can resurrect this idiot."

Ah sneeze,


Orochimaru recording data in the laboratory: Why do I have a bad feeling?



Hokage's office,

The three senior executives sit here quietly,

Sarutobi Hiruzen kept smoking,

Mito Kaden looked at the vacant position and didn't know what he was thinking.

"En, how about you take over Danzo's position."

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked,

Danzo disappeared, and the position of root leader became vacant.

A ninja village cannot be without such people who are rooted in darkness.

"Okay, I'll take charge of the roots."

Mito Kaden took over this serious task,

"However, Hiruzen, the reason for Danzo's disappearance must be investigated clearly. I heard that he was originally planning to deal with that boy Shigan Aburame and make Ryoma Aburame the leader of the Aburame Clan, but now Danzo and Ryoma Aburame All disappeared, it’s hard not to have anything to do with Aburame Shigan.”

Mito Kadoyan said that although he and Shimura Danzo had quarreled many times, the friendship for so many years was not worth it after all.

I usually dislike Danzo Shimura's way of doing things, but without him, some things would be really inconvenient.

"No, Danzo's matter cannot be investigated. Shigan Aburame has made outstanding contributions in the battle against Kirigakure. The heroes of Konoha cannot be touched now."

"Then what should we do? Danzo's matter is just over?"

Mito Kadobu looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with disappointed eyes.

This time it was Danzo who was abandoned. I don’t know who it will be next time.

"It's not abandonment, it's just that things have priorities. The most important thing for us now is to let Orochimaru sit smoothly as the Fourth Hokage."

When he went to bed, Xiaochun looked embarrassed.

"Hiruzen, the atmosphere in the village is not very friendly, especially due to Orochimaru's reputation. The village is spreading rumors that the Third Ninja World War was caused by Orochimaru's attack on Amegakure Village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also paused for a moment.

This time they really tricked Orochimaru.

"So who is everyone's favorite candidate for Hokage now?"

"Hyuga Hinata of the Hyuga clan, Inuzuka Ryu of the Inuzuka clan, Namikaze Minato, it's a pity that Hideki Senju died, otherwise his voice would have been the highest."

"Inuzuka and Minato Namikaze?"

"A ninja cannot be Hokage. This is the absolute bottom line."

Mito Menyan said.

"Yan, I understand, but the Inuzuka Inu performed very well on the battlefield of Kawa no Kuni, and I heard that the Sunagakure kid who was suppressed by him has a vague reputation as the Kazekage."

"The same goes for Hinata Hinata. The guy he defeated easily has become the Fourth Raikage."

"The only one who can rival them is Namikaze Minato, who has made outstanding achievements in all three battlefields."

Sarutobi Hiruzen analyzed it,

It seems that Orochimaru's winning rate is really not very high.

But Namikaze Minato has a very good relationship with the ninja boys. After he becomes Hokage, he will definitely not continue to suppress the ninja clan according to their plan.

"Hiruzen, how about you directly designate Orochimaru to become the Fourth Hokage."

After sleeping, Xiaochun suggested,

Since there are various methods, it is better to just flip the table.

"No, we received so many supercilious looks at that time, and the most important thing is that we have the full support of the Senju clan. Now where can we find another great ninja clan who can fully support us."

Mito Menyan also expressed his thoughts.

"Let's do this, Yan. After you take charge of the roots, first spread some favorable remarks about Orochimaru in the village. Let's take a look at the situation first. If we are still not optimistic, we will promote Feng Shuimen to become Hokage. The ninja clan must not get involved in Naruto. position.”

Aburame Shigan, Uchiha Kamito, Hinata Ri'an, Inuzuka Rui: You just think too much. Not everyone takes the position of Hokage seriously. Now you just let Orochimaru be the Hokage. We are all being unreasonable.


Yuyin Village,

The mighty ten thousand ninja army,

arranged in front,

Hanzo stood high up,

Delivering a speech on the expedition,

"Brothers, I, Hanzo, have been in charge of Amegakure Village for almost twenty years. This time we are closest to the position of the five great ninja villages. As long as we become the five great ninja villages, no one in the ninja world will look down on us. There will be many people posting tasks in our Yuyin Village, and we will get more money, endless food, and a better life.”

"The only opponent we have in front of us now is the village of Iwagakure, which is seriously injured. There are only five thousand ninjas at most. We now have more than ten thousand brothers. Do you think we will win?"

"Will win!!"

"Will win!!"


"Yes, brothers, we will win, and we will move to the top of the five ninja villages as a winner. A bright future is waving to us. Brothers, for Yuyin Village and for your better future, In this battle, Yan Yin will not be destroyed and we will not retreat.”

"Immortal Iwagakure, vow not to retreat."

"Immortal Iwagakure, vow not to retreat."


"Let's go now."


Hanzo gave an order,

The Yugakure army began to set off,

The target is directly at the Kingdom of Earth.

You must force the cowering Iwa Ninja out, and then defeat him with one blow.

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