Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 179 The Hokage election is over

"The selection ceremony for the Fourth Hokage has now officially begun."

"We will now introduce the outstanding Konoha ninjas who are qualified to participate in the selection of the Fourth Hokage."

"The first one is Inuzuka Ryu, the leader of the Inuzuka clan. Inuzuka Ryu experienced the Second and Third World War in the ninja world and made great contributions in Konoha's war against foreign villages. He is one of Konoha's outstanding talents."

Inuzukaru waved forward,

Everyone in the underground applauded in response.

Especially the Inuzuka clan and partners who have close cooperation with Inuzuka Logistics.

"Second, Hyuga Rian, the young leader of the Hyuga clan, participated in the Second and Third World War of the Ninja World and made great contributions to Konoha."

Hinata Ri'an waved forward,

There was also thunderous applause below,

The members of the Hyuga clan waved the ground with extra force;

Especially the retired patriarch of the Hyuga clan,

"Guangzong Yaozu, Guangzong Yaozu, the first member of the Hyuga clan who has the potential to assume the position of Hokage has finally appeared. After so many days of negotiations, most of the ninja clan should vote for Rihan."

The old head of the Hyuga clan stared at the dozen or so heads of small and medium-sized ninja clans diagonally behind him.

Roughly speaking,

"We've given everything we should give, you'd better be wiser."

The dozen or so clan leaders replied with a look of reassurance.

Anyway, no one from the Senju clan is running for election, so they will vote for whoever gives more, without any pressure at all.

"Third place, Namikaze Minato, is the apprentice of Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas. He is known as the "Golden Flash" in the ninja world. He has experienced the second world war in the ninja world and became famous in the three wars in the ninja world. Hit the three major battlefields and lead the team to defeat the attacks of Kumogakure, Kirigakure, and Sunagakure! This is the future of Konoha!"

The host introduced in a hoarse voice,

Namikaze Minato was embarrassed for a while,

But he still stepped forward with a very sunny smile and said hello.

The people below applauded.

At the same time, there were discussions from time to time.

"I know this guy, he has delivered takeout to me."

"Ah, I remembered, it turned out to be the delivery boy."

"I know him."

"I know him too."

"I asked why the "Golden Flash" takeout shop is closed today. It turns out that he is here to participate in the Hokage campaign. The takeaway guy is really powerful."


"The last one, the mainstay of Konoha, during the Second World War in the ninja world, Master Jiraiya and Master Tsunade together resisted the Amegakure troops led by the ninja world's demigod Hanzo, and even fought a battle with zero casualties in Konoha. An epic victory. During the Third Ninja War, he single-handedly led the team to resist the ninja demigod Hanzo, laying the foundation for Konoha's final victory. Now let us welcome Leng Jun Orochimaru with the warmest applause. "

Inuzuka Rui, Hinata Hinata: Hey, hey, forget about the one who introduced Minato. We endured it. Isn’t it too much this time? Also, wasn’t the zero-casualty battle in the Land of Rain commanded by Shikan and Shikaku? ? Do you have the nerve to grab it directly?

Insect: There are no zero casualties. Do you know how many of our insect cells died in that battle?

Orochimaru didn't feel anything at all;

Mainly, he is thinking, if I got the blood-stained ninja's body yesterday, am I going to dissect it today? Or will it be an autopsy tomorrow?

After stepping forward and waving,

The host announced,

"The voting begins now. Everyone has the right to vote, but one vote can select two people at the same time. The person with the highest number of votes becomes the fourth generation Hokage, and the person with the second place automatically becomes the captain of the Hokage Shadow Guard to protect the personal safety of the Hokage. ”

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Haha, one vote has very little room for manipulation, but with two votes, the room for manipulation is huge. There are more than 60,000 votes with Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato written on them. I don’t think this is possible. lose.

The planner, host, and vote counter are all my people, so I ask you, how do you lose?

What's more, there are many of my people among the voters.

In order to prevent people from the ninja clan from checking the handwriting,

The voting card is also specially designed to be painted with dots.

Flawless arrangement,

Orochimaru will definitely become the fourth generation Hokage, and Minato will also successfully enter the training sequence of the fifth generation Hokage.

Konoha will always walk on the right path set by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Seeing that the voting is about to end,

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly gave Mito Kadoyan a look.

It's time to take action.

Several staff members counting the votes exchanged glances, and they were the ones who worked together.

When the ballot box was about to reach 60,000 votes, a small hole suddenly appeared inside the ballot box. The votes inside fell in instantly, and then closed instantly.

One of the staff members secretly mixed in the counterfeit bills that were originally prepared.




Aburame Shigan's real body is replacing her own heart.

Looking at the scene above the developer bug, I was obviously stunned.

What is this for?

Isn’t it democratic voting?

Why do you still do these things?

Then he shook his head,

"Sure enough, there is no such thing as democracy. Everything is a secret operation. Sure enough, if a family wants to live a better life, it must stay away from these dirty things."

The scene that happened before my eyes,

This made Aburame Shigan even more determined to lead the transformation of the Aburame clan.

Being a ninja is a dead end.

At the same time, he also looked at the artificial heart squirming in his hand, which was composed of blood-feeding worms and glued with magical chakra.

"We still need to improve, this method is still too outdated."


The voting lasted from morning to night.

Namikaze Minato also took the opportunity to receive many outside orders.

There are always people who don’t want to go home,

There are always people who don’t want to miss the moment when the Fourth Hokage is announced.

Choose to be near the Hokage Building and wait quietly.

When Minato saw it, wouldn't this business be coming?

There's nothing to do if you stay up there anyway.

In this election, Minato also felt that he didn't have much hope.

Lord Orochimaru is more senior than him,

The achievements of Li and Ri'an were both greater than his,

Why don't you take this opportunity to save more money?

I heard many married seniors say,

Before getting married, I couldn't spend all my money.

After getting married, money is never enough.

Save money quickly,

He is a good man in the ninja world, but he vowed to give Kushina a happy married life.

"Start counting votes now."

"Inuzuka Yu, Namikaze Minato."

"Orochimaru, Namikaze Minato."

"Orochimaru, Namikaze Minato."

"Good day Hinata, Minato Namikaze."

"Inuzuka Yu, Namikaze Minato."

"Orochimaru, Namikaze Minato."


There will be a big wave later,

The waves of Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato,

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also very happy.

But after more than half of the votes,

Everyone who was listening to the vote-singing looked a little wrong.

The old Hyuga clan leader, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Mito Kaden, and Koharu had the ugliest expressions on their faces.

Something is wrong,

All voting cards follow a pattern,

No matter who is in front, there will always be Namikaze Minato behind.

What a random thing, a Namikaze Minato,

Aburame Shigan, Inuzuka Inuzuka, Hinata Ri'an, and Uchiha Kamito: He can become Hokage without any help from us. It's too exaggerated. Didn't you Sarutobi Hiruzen do something?

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Don't ask me, I don't know either.

Konoha villagers who voted: The first candidate must be the most suitable, but the second candidate is generally not very important. Just choose the delivery boy. Others are really good, and the delivery is great every time. He's quick, he's polite, and he's very handsome. Oops, I can't think about it anymore, otherwise he will be the first choice.

Due to a big loophole in Sarutobi Hiruzen's plan, there was no provision for the difference between the first choice and the second choice.

In the end, it can only be counted based on the total number of people.

"Congratulations, Minato Namikaze has become the Fourth Hokage of Konoha."

Namikaze Minato:? ? ? My takeout order hasn't been delivered yet.

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