Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 18 The unlucky Konoha rebel ninja, the new god of logistics, the Inuzuka clan

At this time in Konoha,

Akimichi BBQ Restaurant,

Tsunade's class and Sakumo's class,

are having dinner here,

Tsunade and Hatake Sakumo are drinking and talking,

"Sakumo-senpai, your class is chasing an elite Chunin, so fast, and still captured alive, Sakumo-senpai, you are still as charming as ever."

Hatake Sakumo's face is slightly red,

Thinking of the process of this mission,

I can't help but feel a little ashamed,

"Our mission target this time is Konoha's rebel ninja - Shengkui Master, he has the combat power of an elite Chunin, he used to be a staff member of Konoha's ninjutsu research and development department, he has a wealth of theoretical experience, but his endurance is a bit problematic, once the battle lasts more than five minutes, he will lose, famous for his physical skills Kato Ying The hand of Kato Ying, the attack is frequent and swift, so be careful. "

"One more thing to add, this mission is your first combat mission, so I will not take action unless it is a life-and-death moment, but Kato Ying's hand is extremely fast and cannot be rescued in time, so you'd better deal with it as a life-and-death battle, lest you have no chance to regret it at that time."

After Hatake Sakumo explained some information,

he handed the information scroll to Nara Shikaku,

prepared to watch how they completed this pursuit mission,

I originally wanted to take out the booklet to watch,

but thinking about these students who make people worry, I should be more serious,

and do the D-level mission next time.

Nara Shikaku opened the information,

and read the information above skillfully, as well as several possible locations, and several countries that are very likely to escape.

Why do you say skillfully?

The previous hundreds of D-level missions were also passed in this way,

and there were several times when I completed the mission in advance and then took the mission, such as a certain fat cat.

It really makes Hatake Sakumo worry-free.

If I had known that it was so easy to teach students, only a fool would have joined the Anbu. Not only does it work all year round, but the salary is not very high. It's just a slave.

Well, I hope this traitor doesn't run too far, otherwise it will take a lot of time just to travel.


an hour later,

50 kilometers outside Konoha,

in a remote wooden house,

an old man with a hunched body and sparse hair,

was greeted with a set of unexplained combos,

"Human Bomb Chariot."

"Shadow Binding Technique."

"Mind Chaos Body Technique."

"Partial Multiplication Technique·Super Push Hands."

"Shadow Imitation Technique."

"Illusion Technique·Gold Binding Technique."

"Wire Rope."

"Detonating Talisman."

"Sealing Technique."

The old man instantly turned into the appearance of the rebellious ninja Shengkui Master,

but he had fainted deeply at this time,

Hatake Sakumo saw that the task was completed, so he walked out,

and saw the miserable appearance of Shengkui Master,

and felt a chill in his heart,

if I had been hit by the first move, I guess the end would be like this.

The hearts of children nowadays are really dark.

"How do you know that the target of the mission is here? According to the mission scroll, he should have been close to the border. Is there something in the scroll that I don't know?"

The wisdom of the Nara family is really terrible,

"That's not the case, but he was unlucky."


Shikaku took out a shadow bug,



a blue light screen appeared,

it was the image of the rebel ninja Shengkui master using the transformation technique to transform into the appearance of an old man,

Now young ninjas are doing missions like this,

This is much more efficient than the Anbu, and it saves time for exploration and identification,

Why is your pursuit mission different from mine,

I didn't play like this when I was in the Anbu,

The most important thing about the pursuit mission is to chase.

"So, you already knew that the rebel ninja was hiding here."

Hatake Sakumo said,

"Not really, it just happened that Shigan had placed bugs here and happened to run into him."

Shikaku said calmly,

Coincidentally? I happened to take a picture of someone else's transformation, guess whether I believe it or not.

"Then what happened? What happened after Shigan saw it? Just left it alone."

"We were originally going to deal with it and use it as food for Shigan's bugs. But then the mission came and everyone was too busy, so we were going to come back and deal with him. But our class's mission was exactly that. Teacher Sakumo, you see, we just happened to be in luck."

Coincidence means that the village didn't need to issue a mission and could have solved it by paying a reward, but now we have spent a lot of money in vain.

I am the one who shares the money, so it doesn't matter.

Hatake Sakumo gave a thumbs up,

"Well done."

He encouraged his students generously.

After cleaning up the scene,

Sakumo's class returned to the village to hand over the mission.

At this time, Shengkui Master, who was in a deep coma: Didn't we say that I was the protagonist of this chapter? Through careful calculations and clever layouts, I successfully confused Konoha's intelligence and made them think that I was at the border of the Land of Fire, but in fact I was hiding not far from Konoha. Such a brilliant tactic under the lamplight is not worth a little more space, I am wronged, I also want the picture.

After the mission was over,

Sakumo brought his students to the Akimichi BBQ restaurant for dinner.

Dingzuo was from the Akimichi family, so he could get some discounts.

Otherwise, how could the reward be enough for Dingzuo to eat?

Shigan, Kamito, Good Day...: Why do we always have gatherings at Akimichi's house? We can't afford to eat elsewhere. Now Kushina is added to the list. It was originally invited once for one person, but now it has become two. If you invite an individual to join forces once, you will know how terrifying Kushina is. If Minato takes her down, you will be the one with the most will of fire.

Minato: .......

Then I met Tsunade who was already eating.

"Speaking of which, you are faster. It's such a long road from Konoha to the capital of Fire Country, and you have to escort the convoy. Our class completed the task with a little bit of luck. Just like that, you are faster than us. Did you find that What a shortcut?"

Hatake Sakumo was still very curious.

You must know that escorting a caravan is one of the most troublesome tasks for ninjas.

It’s time-consuming and labor-intensive, the goal is big, it’s a lot of trouble, you earn little, and you may even lose money if you’re not careful.

I originally thought it would be good for Tsunade's class to come back in three days, and the escort arrived in one day.

However, there is a gambling house in the Land of Fire, and Tsunade is the leader of the class.

So you get the idea.

As a result, I came back today.

This is so surprising.

Hearing this,

Tsunade let out a long sigh;


Inuzuka came to the caravan,

"Are there any living creatures in your cargo?"

Although it is strange why someone would ask,

However, the person in charge of the caravan quickly stood up.

"Ninja-sama, there is no cargo, just masks, clothes, knives, metals and other items.

"Are these all members of your caravan? How many people are there in total?"

"Yes, they are all, twenty-five people in total."


"Sealing scroll."

Inuzukaru sealed all the goods into the scroll,

"Coming out to pick up guests."

A group of ninja dogs with slightly dull hair came out and picked up all twenty-five people.

There are also several ninja dogs standing guard around the area.

"Target capital, let's set off."

"Woof woof."

Under the leadership of the leader Inuzuka Yu,

It takes an hour to bring it back, add the goods and inventory, and do it all at once.

Tsunade hasn't left the village yet, but her mission has been completed.

Tsunade still looked confused when she got the mission completion scroll in her hand.

When I saw the scroll, the comment read: Next time, please let the Inuzuka clan accept the escort mission of our caravan, or we can name the Inuzuka clan to accept the mission.

There is also a line of large characters at the bottom: Inuzuka Logistics, the eternal god.

What are these?

Tsunade waved her hand and handed over the mission scroll.

I brought my team here to have barbecue.

Then I saw,

Sakumo Ban who was a little behind him.

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