Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 185 The Uchiha God Who is Having a Great Time

Uchiha Kamito walked out holding Uchiha Itachi,

Uchiha Shisui followed Kamito closely,

"Ah, be careful, you're going to hit someone."

Uchiha Kamito turned sideways,

Avoiding a very anxious uncle next to me,

"Hey, why are you, a blind man, still so flexible? Ah, it hurts so much."

Uchiha Itachi received a blow so hard that his brain collapsed.


There was even a tall bump on his head.

"It's not polite. Don't mention other people's physical shortcomings directly in the future."


Uchiha Itachi snorted,

But he didn't dare to say anything. He knew that he had done something wrong in this matter.

"By the way, Itachi, I heard that you have a girlfriend. It's true."

Uchiha Shisui stretched out his ears,

This is a must listen.

"No, no, don't talk nonsense. I'm only five years old, how can I have a girlfriend?"

Uchiha Itachi blushed and waved his hands wildly,

"It's okay if you have it. Besides, I'm not the only one who knows it. It's called Quan, right?"

"No, no, we are just good friends."

"Really? That's great. Your mother just went to warn that little girl named Quan and tell her to stay away from you?"

"Ah, why, mom, how could she do that?"

"I lied to you. Just admit it openly. Besides, you're not the first guy to have a girlfriend at the age of five."

Uchiha Itachi instantly became curious,

"Then who is the first person?"

"The current Inuzuka clan leader, he stole the Inuzuka clan leader's daughter when he was five years old. Now he is the current Inuzuka clan leader. What a despicable guy."

Inuzuka: You can talk about your deeds, but don’t say it in such a vulgar way, okay? My position as clan leader was obtained by strength. If you don’t believe me, ask everyone? My performance is obvious to all.

After walking for an hour,

Arriving at the land of the Hyuga clan,

"Kai, are you increasing the weight again? How many times have I told you to do it step by step? Are you going to tire me out?"

A very irritable voice came,

"God, you blind man, why did you come here to find me?"

Uchiha Itachi looked at Uncle Kamito proudly at this moment,

See, even if you educate me, others will scream.


"Kid, think of something healthy."

Itachi hugged his head, which had grown a big bump again, and rubbed it frantically.

When you wait for me to grow up, there will come a day when you are too old to move.

"Bastard Cataract, do you keep your eyes open every day? You know I'm so far away. Hey, why is the caged bird on your head gone?"

"How do you know? You can't pretend to be blind. You can see this."

Rixiang Ri'an came towards me,

His forehead was now extremely smooth, and the caged bird curse mark had long since disappeared.

He looked at Kamito Uchiha doubtfully;

Use your white eyes to carefully observe the nerves in his eyes,

It's not perfect, it's blind.

After hearing Hinata Rian’s question,

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui nodded wildly,

They have always felt that their uncle (master) is not blind.

Boom boom.

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui hugged their heads at the same time,

"Adults speak, children, don't think nonsense."

"Fuck, haven't you learned how to read minds? You know what the two children are thinking."

Hinata Ri'an looked shocked;

I didn't expect you, the Uchiha Kamito, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to learn such disgusting ninjutsu.

"Don't think too much. I hit them both because I know them both very well. I'm sure they won't think well at this time. As for you, you usually have a very obscure chakra in your head, but it suddenly disappeared today. I just guessed.”

I see,

The three of them suddenly realized,

However, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui discovered a loophole at the same time.

"Uncle (Master), what should we do if you guess wrong and we don't actually think that way?"

"I guessed wrong. If you don't think that way, then it's all in vain. Isn't it natural for an uncle to beat a nephew, and for a master to beat his apprentice?"

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui bit their silver teeth lightly,

There will always be a day when you can no longer walk.

"This is how you Uchiha families educate their children."

Uchiha: Please do not promote your personal behavior to the collective.

"Stop talking about me, tell me about the caged bird. Didn't you call him a Hyuga badge of honor? Cancel it anyway."

"It's not cancelled, but didn't you tell Minato last time that the Skynet plan is already quite complete? Then our Hyuga clan will be absolutely safe in the village. Then why are we still carrying that curse seal? When we go on a mission Just engrave it.”

"How can a caged bird be so smart if it's so casual?"

"No, there is a kind of seal-breaking bug in Zhiqian. The Gaga is good at breaking this kind of curse seal. When you need to leave the village, you can just engrave it. Moreover, we have launched various levels and various patterns. Next time you have the time, I’ll take you to see it.”

"Isn't that organization still there? Are you being too presumptuous?"

"It's okay, Shigan has developed a new kind of insect, called the Four Elephant Seal Insects. You should know the effect. Who comes and who dies. And wasn't that person killed by Shigan? People in Konoha are not that crazy anymore. ”

"Oh, in that case, give me the money."

"Money for what?"

"Our Uchiha family's Skynet has protected your Hyuga clan, shouldn't it be time to pay some protection money?"

"If I want money, I won't give it to me. If I want my life, I won't give it."


The two of them chatted one sentence at a time.

Itachi and Shisui next to him were confused.

What is that organization, that person, what are you talking about? The adult world is really difficult to understand.

"Two thousand eight hundred and seventy-one."

"Two thousand eight hundred and seventy-two."

A familiar voice came,

Hinata Ri'an looked shocked;

"My uncle, please calm down."

Uchiha Kamito sensed Hinata Hinata's busy figure,

Smile sweetly,

Why are you here today?

Isn’t it just for this scene?

"Itachi, Shisui, let's go."

Uchiha Kamito led him to Hinata Rian's training ground.

Once you enter here,

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui were both stunned.

They are all broken wooden piles after all,

old bandages,

And, the weather is fine, but only the wet ground in the training ground,

"Take a good look, you two. Have you ever seen the earth soaked with sweat?"

What! ! !

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui widened their eyes at the same time,

Looking at this piece of even muddy land, it is actually soaked in sweat.

Then he looked at the ninja in green tights with shocked pupils,

He did all this! ! !

"Uncle, Uncle Kai, please let Xiao Anzi go. How can I explain to Uncle Dai if you are like this? How about we take a break? Just ten minutes."

"Good day, brother, youth is the time to burn it hard."

The young Metkai, while receiving acupuncture massage from Hinata Ri'an, drank a lot of water and said his classic youth quotes.

How does Uchiha Kamito feel now?

In the middle of a hot desert,

The scorching sun is in the sky,

chapped lips,

eyes helpless,

At this time, an "Ice Sprite Waterfall" suddenly dropped from the sky.

It's just refreshing from head to toe.

So cool,

Good day Hinata, you want to have this day too.

"Kai, just practicing hard with your head covered will have no effect. It just so happens that your godly brother comes here with two powerful juniors, why don't we give it a real fight."

"Okay, Shisui."

Uchiha Shisui was stunned;

Pointing at himself blankly,

Then he looked at Metkai, whose blood was already boiling with excitement.

He said intermittently,

"I'll fight him. Master, I haven't offended you recently."

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