Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 188 The Rain Country story ends

"Perhaps you are right, but the Country of Rain must not give up the opportunity for its own development when it has a huge advantage."

"Ninjutsu: Poison Senbon."

Hanzo threw out a lot of Senbon with Sansho fish poison.

Yahiko quickly used water escape to resist,

"Water Release·Waterspout."

A modified version of the Water Dragon Bullet Technique,

A waterspout soared into the sky around Yahiko,

Resisting the incoming poison Qianben.

The members of the Akatsuki organization below and Hanzo brought two to three hundred Rain ninjas and had a fierce battle.

But in terms of number of people,

The Akatsuki organization occupies an absolute advantage.

"Psychicism·Sansho Fish."

A huge sansho fish appears,

began to spit out huge poisonous mist,

Nagato saw this,

Resist it quickly,

"Wind Escape·Great Breakthrough."

Otherwise, the blackening is three times stronger, and the whitening is washed away.

Without Nagato before he turned black, Madara would have been in despair and felt that he couldn't afford it.

Otherwise, why would he be looking for Obito?

You don't use the Rinnegan at all, you just rely on the huge chakra of the Uzumaki clan.

Why do you still have mysophobia? If it's not yours, you don't want to use it at all.

However, his physical fitness is still very good.

Being able to contain the fighting power of Sanjiaoyu is not something that just anyone can do.

Xiaonan used paper escape and killed everyone in the rain ninja formation.

For ordinary ninjas,

Bloodstained Ninja is a dimensionality reduction strike,

"Yahiko, it's such a pity that such a powerful strength cannot be used by Yugakure."

"I won't be your lackey anymore. I worked hard to learn ninjutsu, not to use it in war."

"Pedantic brat, you didn't learn ninjutsu to protect the compatriots in the Land of Rain, but you pointed the tip of the knife at your own people for the sake of the enemy country. Do you think you are really right?"

"Do you think you were right for the many massacres you caused in the Kingdom of Earth?"

"Then tell me what to do if you don't kill him. If you don't kill him, he will kill you. This is the ninja world."

"The ninja world shouldn't be like this."

While the two were exchanging words,

The kunai in Yahiko's hand and the scythe in Hanzo's hand were constantly creating fierce sparks.

Although both sides are now evenly matched,

But it was obvious that Hanzo still had some energy left.

Although the concepts do not match,

But personally, he still approves of Yahiko.

If I hadn't seen the darkness of the ninja world, maybe I would have become such a guy,

Or maybe when he grows up and sees more, he will become like himself.

But at this time and at this point in the Rain Country, we can’t wait for you to grow up.

"Swordsmanship·Chain Sickle Two Stage Strike."

He smashed the kunai in Yahiko's hand.

"Water Escape·Water Breaking Wave."

Yahiko then responded with a water escape.

"Water instant body."

Hanzo suddenly appeared behind Yahiko,

"Wind Escape·Vacuum Wave."

Nagato quickly came to the rescue;

"Yahiko, be careful."

"Haha, I was careless, thank you Nagato."

"Paper shuriken."

After Xiaonan dealt with the rain ninja around him, he rushed over to help in the battle.

Hanzo looked in front of him,

standing side by side,

Konan, Yahiko, Nagato,

"I seem to have seen this scene before."

"However, as long as I defeat you, your men will listen to me."


Sanjiao Yujingfu heard the cry,

Come here quickly,

Hanzo jumped up to the top of Sanshou Yuifu's head.


That scene that year was exactly like this scene.

History is always a continual cycle of what happened in the past.

An hour later,

The four of them were fighting in full swing.

Konan's paper escape, Yahiko's water escape, Nagato's wind escape,

It all made Hanzo's eyes light up.

I never expected that talents like the Sannin of Konoha could appear in the Land of Rain.

Such talents,

It must be cultivated well,

The first step is to correct their naive ideas.

Hanzo's mind has changed;

Originally, I planned to capture them and send them to the battlefield to serve as vanguards.

But now he has a sense of cultivation,

At this time,

The weather from the Land of Rain has also arrived to add to the fun,

A continuous rainstorm came,

It gives this battle a different artistic conception.

However, this caused a lot of trouble for someone,

"No, Xiaonan, retreat quickly."

After Xiaonan's paper escapes encountered the rain, they softened and fell to the ground.

This moment of opportunity,

Naturally, he was caught by Hanzo,

"Water instant body."

Hanzo suddenly appeared behind Konan and held Konan hostage with the sickle in his hand.

Weather in the Land of Rain: You can’t blame me, I didn’t know that ninjas in the Land of Rain are afraid of rain. And I come every day, and I'm never late for a day. You should know that I don't mean to target anyone.

Yahiko and Nagato were stunned. They didn't know what to do next.

After the rain ninja outside saw Master Hanzo catching one of the opponent's leaders,

It also boosts morale.

They actually turned around and suppressed the Akatsuki organization, which had more people than them.

"Hanzo, how can you let Xiaonan go?"

Yahiko asked,

let her go,

Naturally, I will let her go.

But we have to wait until we break your naive ideas.

Love and peace are all false.

The ninja world has always been a selfish world.

Today I will teach you this truth.

"Let her go. No problem. As long as the red-haired ninja next to you kills you personally, I will let this female ninja go. What do you think?"

I want to tell you that even if the three of you are hesitant, why should others sacrifice themselves? How can anyone in the ninja world give up his life to exchange for the lives of others?


Before Nagato could react,

Yahiko had already hit the kunai in his hand.

Yahiko fell into Nagato's arms.

"You and Konan must live well."

After that,

Yahiko died.

Nagato's eyes couldn't stop shaking.

Konan and Hanzo opposite were also stunned.

Konan screamed in pain.


Hanzo: No, are there really people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for others? Also, why do you believe the words of an enemy like me? I said I would let you go if you died, would I really let you go?

Hanzang, who had experienced intrigues and deceptions in the ninja world for a lifetime, felt a sincere critical hit for the first time.


Nagato knelt on the ground and screamed in pain.

A huge statue of a strange man suddenly appeared on the ground behind him.

"Geido Statue."

Nagato didn't care and just input his chakra wantonly.

The Gedo Statue let out a huge roar,

and then attacked forward.

The salamander was killed with one slap.

If Hanzo couldn't be killed with one slap,

then two slaps, three slaps, and four slaps were used.

Finally, the angry Nagato manipulated the Gedo Statue to beat him into a pulp.

Konan came to Nagato's side,

looking at Nagato with black sticks all over his body,

she couldn't stop crying,

because of her, Yahiko died.

"Nagato!! Yahiko is dead."

"No, Yahiko is not dead. He will always be the leader of Akatsuki. He will lead the ninja world to peace. I swear."

Some things have changed.

Nagato's legs are still intact.

Some things have not changed.

Yahiko is still dead.

Nagato also took on Yahiko's dream and built a peaceful ninja world.

No matter what method is used! ! ! !

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