After the women's five-person team + one dog won a great victory,

Inuzuka Nami waved her hand,

"Today's celebration dinner, I'll treat you to the three-color meatball shop."


"Long live my eldest sister."

"Long live my eldest sister."

You can fight and you are generous. If you don’t become the eldest sister, who will?

As for why the three-year-old Nami Inuzuka has enough money to treat four people and one dog to dinner?

All I can say is,

Everyone will never understand the value of the saying that girls should be rich.

Especially this girl's father is a very rich man.

(Inuzuka: I'm sorry, I'm talking about you. Although I can't compare to the coal boss, I still have quite a fortune after working hard for so many years.)

After eating the celebration banquet,

Hinata Hinata walked happily on the way home,

Today I completed my first group fight with my sisters.

Although this is something wrong,

But I’m really, really happy.

I must share it with my mother when I go back.

By the way, there’s also Uncle Ri’an,

Dad, forget it.

(Hyuuga Hinashi: How come I just let it go? It turns out that I am an outsider.)

If he found out, he would definitely scold Hinata.

Hinata didn't want to be scolded.

That's it,

Three boys, who were probably two or three years older than Hinata Hinata, quietly chased after them.

Will Hinata Hinata,

Surround tightly,

Hinata Hinata looked at the three people who were a head taller than herself.

My legs can't stop shaking,

"Well, what can I do for you?"

Hinata finished speaking intermittently,

In the weak voice, there was fear that could not be hidden,

"Huh, is this the Hyuga clan? It's not that powerful. What's the point of dragging?"

"That's right, Hinata Ginda is just pretending to be the first in the class. What's so great about it?"

"What is the Hyuga clan? They are just white-eyed monsters. They are not like Rendu."

It turns out that the three of them are students in a ninja school.

Because I couldn't stand the top one in the class, Hinata Hinata, so I was ready to vent my anger on Hinata Hinata, who was also from the Hyuga clan.

"Hey, white-eyed monster, show me your white eyes. Don't you think you're awesome?"

"What's so good about white eyes? Hey, you monster with white eyes, kneel down and apologize."

"Kneel down. Your white eyes disgust us. Please apologize."

"Kneel down and apologize."

The voices of the three little boys grew louder and louder,

Hinata Hinata's tears have fallen,

But I wiped it off with determination,

Father said that the Hyuga clan should not be embarrassed when they go out.

"If you don't kneel down yet, beat her."

"Hit her."


"How can you bully others?"

It was Naruto Namikaze who said this, with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

He couldn't stand this kind of bullying.

(Inuzuka: It’s broken. My ninja is despised by the prince. I won’t be left in the dark.)

Seeing that the three boys still wanted to take action,

Namikaze Naruto rushed forward quickly,

"Get out of my way."

The three little boys also changed their targets,

He started punching and kicking Namikaze Naruto.

Hinata Hinata looked at Namikaze Naruto who was being beaten repeatedly because of her, and finally couldn't hold back her tears.

Cried loudly,

Then he rushed up,

Pushed away a little boy,

Standing with Namikaze Naruto,

The little boy who was pushed came back and was ready to continue his attack.

This time the target is two people.

After all, the physical gap between two and three years old is quite large.

"How brave, no one in Konoha has ever made me so angry."

"Tai Chi·Reverse all directions."

Three invisible forces brought the three little boys into the air.

The three little boys who saw themselves suspended in mid-air also knew that they might have gotten into a big trouble and met the legendary ninja master.

He quickly begged for mercy,

"I'm sorry, Ninja-sama, we were wrong. We won't dare to do it next time."

"Ninja-sama, you misunderstood, we were just joking with them."

"Please let us go."

Hinata Rian ignored the various words of the three little boys.

Came to Hinata Hinata's side,

"Hinata, how are you? You're not hurt."

Hinata Hinata cried louder when she saw Hinata Hinata.

"Wow wow wow wow, Uncle Ri'an."

"Wow wow wow."

Hinata Hinata hugged Hinata Hinata's neck and wouldn't let go, and started crying crazily.

"Hinata, be good, Uncle Ri'an is here, no one can bully you, don't worry."

While coaxing, he patted Hinata's back.

"Little brother, he is a man. If you have something to do in Konoha, please mention my name Hinata Rian."

Namikaze Naruto, who was originally suffering from a bruise and swollen face, now suffered another beating.

Don't say good day Hinata,

Even Minato and Kushina,


Maybe only the two of them could recognize it.


Hinata Ri'an looked at the three little boys who kept yelling,

"It's a pity. They are all children and cannot be killed."

Rixiang Ri'an transports power to the Dantian,

Apply force to the throat,

A very loud sound,

The sound resounded throughout Konoha, which was about to enter night,

"Kami Uchiha, get over here."

Aburame Shigan in the underground research room,

Hearing Ri'an's roar,

Something happened, and Ri'an seemed to have never been so angry before.

"Teacher Orochimaru, I'm going out for a while."

"Okay, go ahead."

After getting the response,

Shigan Aburame turned into a bunch of bugs and disappeared into the research room.

Orochimaru looked at Aburame Shigan who had left,

Thinking again of that voice just now,

"The feelings of your generation are much stronger than ours."

The Inuzuka Clan's eldest house,

Inuzuka Nami is hugging Inuzuka Nami,

Listen to her talk about today's glorious achievements,

Inuzuka Hariko pouted beside her,

If you have the ability, go find a man by yourself.

You know what it is like to steal a man from my mother.

(Inuzuka Nami: Mom, are you serious? I’m only three years old.)

(Inuzuka Haruko: I don’t care, I don’t care, I should be the only one who embraces Harumi.)

At this time,

The voice of Hinata Rian passes through,

Inuzuka's expression changed.

"Good day, something happened over there. I'll go take a look. Nami should follow her mother carefully."

"Well, you go ahead."

"I know, dear daddy, Nami will be obedient."

After the Inuzuka tiger left,

Inuzuka Hariko and Inuzuka Nami looked at each other.

They all said in unison,


Office of the Minister of Security,

Uchiha Kamito is worried,

Did he eat the dinner that Yumei cooked?

Or should I have this dinner made by Chanel?

Still don’t eat it?

Or eat them all?

Because in his perception,

The aura that broke out between the two women behind him was very terrifying.

Uchiha Yumi and Uzumaki Kana stared at each other closely,

They are all trying to prevent the other party from using any small tricks.

It was also at this time,

Hinata Ri'an's voice came over,

Uchiha Kamito quickly stood up and walked out.

Good day, you have really helped me a lot. No matter what you say, I will definitely take care of it for you.

Apart from these few people,

Minato Namikaze was ready to rest at home.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has not been involved in Konoha affairs for a long time,

Mitomonitis, which is leading the decline of its roots,

Xiaochun went to bed not knowing what she was doing.

They were all mobilized.

Shikaku Nara, the head of the Nara clan, turned over naturally and continued sleeping.

In Konoha, there is nothing that can irritate that guy Ri'an.

It's a waste of time if you go there.

Sleep, sleep.

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