Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 209: Baseline test, Akimichi Chouji's potato chip friendship is a great success

ninja school,

In class A of first grade,

Already many, many little carrot heads have come in,

Elementary school students have a society of elementary school students,

Although it was just our first meeting, we were already vaguely divided into two camps.

The girl faction headed by Inuzuka Nami,

And the boys’ faction who was squeezed out by the girls’ faction,

(A man from Grade A, Class A: Are we so hopeless?)

The two camps sat clearly separated,

All the boys were speechless for a while.


Uchiha Sasuke: There is no one next to me, so I can study better. (Straight A student)

Akimichi Choji: That’s great, so you don’t have to share it with them. (foodie)

Nara Shikamaru: Great, there are no girls around, so the trouble is at least half reduced. (smart person)

Aburame Shino: It doesn’t matter, no matter who I sit next to, no one can feel my presence. (mysterious man)

Inuzuka Kiba: The abominable Inuzuka Nami is one step ahead of me again. I must prove to everyone that I will be the Inuzuka Wolf King this time. (Those seeking power and usurping the throne)

Naruto didn't have so many ideas. He also tried to smooth the big bump on his head.

Mom was so cruel. Why can't it go away even after almost an hour?

Ninja School Teacher's Office,

The outstanding young teacher of Ninja School——Umino Iruka,

I'm trying to cheer myself up,

Logically speaking, Iruka, who already has several years of work experience, would not be so panicked.

But it also depends on who is taking it.

In Class A of the first grade,

There is a son of the Hokage,

The son of the Uchiha clan leader,

The daughter of the Hyuga clan leader,

The son of the Nara clan chief,

The daughter of the mountain chief,

The son of the Akimichi clan leader,

And the daughter of the Inuzuka clan leader,

With so many descendants of the ninja clan, if one of them fails and something goes wrong, who can take the responsibility?

(Aburame Shihui: So if you are not a clan leader, do you not have the right to have a name?)

But Iruka is still very confident,

Although many people are afraid to take this class,

But he believes that difficulties are opportunities,

As long as he seizes this opportunity,

Face the difficulties,

The future in the ninja school is bright.

Just thinking about it,

Iruka walked to the door of Class A, first grade.

Keep taking deep breaths,

"Come on, Iruka, you must be able to do it."

"Even if this is a group of the most disobedient children, no matter how naughty they are, you have the ability to teach them well. Come on, Iruka, you can definitely do it."

Iruka pushed the door open with all his strength.

"You all should stop making noises and keep quiet."

Iruka just finished speaking,

He found that the thirty or so students in the class looked at him with strange eyes.

So embarrassing,

What should I do if I die in front of the whole class on my first day as a teacher? It’s very urgent.

Iruka had no choice but to pretend that he was fine.

Walk straight to the podium,

"Hello everyone, my name is Umino Iruka. If nothing else happens, I will be your homeroom teacher for the next six years. If you encounter any problems during your studies, or in school life If you have anything you don’t like, you can come to me and I can help you solve it.”

There was silence down there,

Even more embarrassing,

But it's okay,

Fortunately, I still have a trump card,

There's nothing Konoha's kids can't refuse, and of course it's ninja games.

"Tomorrow, we will conduct a basic test. The test method is one vs one. Ninja duel. The winner will advance and the loser will be eliminated. The final winner will become the monitor of our first-grade Class A. What do you think?"

Battles, promotions, eliminations, and the position of squad leader,

I don't believe you kids are still indifferent.

The fact was just as Iruka expected,

When Iruka finished speaking,

The expressions of the students below must have changed differently.

There are various types of them,

Inuzuka Nami, Inuzuka Kiba, and Naruto all had their eyes shining,

If training isn't for a fight, it's all meaningless.

A radical warlord through and through.

Uchiha Sasuke: The position of squad leader must be mine, and the winner standing at the end must be me. The glory belongs to Uchiha!

Shino Aburame: If I become the squad leader, people won’t ignore me anymore.

These two are Machiavellian factions aiming for the position of squad leader.

Nara Shikamaru: It's so troublesome. Being the class leader is the most troublesome thing, but you can't be at the bottom or have to be scolded by your mother. This is the most troublesome. If you get a similar ranking, it should be fine. .

This is a standard lazy guy.

Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura also had their eyes shining,

Very good,

I can see Sister Nami showing off her power again,

Are these two the nymphomaniacs of Nami Inuzuka?

After Iruka’s suggestion,

The class became obviously more active.

After everyone quickly introduced themselves,

Then he started peeking at the people around him.

I don’t know who will be whose opponent tomorrow.

Iruka was also very satisfied when he saw this scene.

I just said that they are all children and there is nothing difficult to control.

Isn't this casual?

Take it easy.

"Okay, it's already noon, everyone, find a place to eat lunch, remember not to leave the school without permission, and remember to go to class at 2 pm."

As soon as Iruka finished speaking,

the children in the classroom rushed out immediately.

The class was over,

who would stay in the classroom.

The field outside the classroom,

actually had a green shade,

which was perfect for a picnic.

The girls had already spread the tablecloth,

and were ready to enjoy lunch.

The boys' side was very simple,

sitting on the ground was a dining table,

lying on the ground was a hot bed.

"Brothers, look carefully, this is the treasure of our Akimichi clan."

At this time, Akimichi Choji finally used the seal scroll that he had been holding tightly in his arms since entering the school.


Potato chips fell all over the sky,

A mountain of potato chips was formed,

"Wow, Choji, you are awesome."

"Choji is awesome."

Naruto and Kiba took the lead in creating an atmosphere,

For a while,

On the boys' side,

the cheers of "Choji is awesome" began to ring out continuously,

which made Akimichi Choji very happy,

Dad, your method is really useful.

Use it a few times later.

(Akimichi Choji: You loser, what are you talking about? I don't have a son like you, and I will never see you again.)

"Haha, no, no, everyone, eat quickly, these potato chips are the most delicious, I declare in the name of the Akimichi family."

"Wow, long live Choji."

"Long live Choji."

Uchiha Sasuke looked indifferent,

"Humph, I won't do such a childish thing."


But the potato chips in his hand betrayed him, in fact, he was also one of them just now.

Naruto held potato chips in his hand,

looking at Hinata who had no food in front of her,

his brows tightened,

Has this little girl been bullied again? Doesn't she have anything to eat?

"Choji, give me a few more bags, I'll return them to you tomorrow."

"Oh, here you go, but you said you'd return it, so you must remember to return it."

If you borrow money from the Akimichi family and don't return it, the Akimichi family won't say anything to you.

But if you borrow food from the Akimichi family and don't return it, the Akimichi family will chase you to the ends of the earth.

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