Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 235: Aburame Shigan is praised, Kakashi suddenly becomes stupid

The three of them looked at the source of the sound.

Then I saw a very horrifying scene,

Aburame Shigan's body slowly walked over,

Picked up his head,

placed on his body,

"Well, it's reversed. It's okay, okay, just twist it and it'll be fine."

There was a loud bang,

Aburame Shigan's head finally returned to its original position.


One share, no,

Three gusts of cool air,

Penetrating the top of the three people's heads to the soles of their feet,

Is this really something we should see in the ninja world?

Shigan Aburame was still adjusting her body.

"The compatibility is surprisingly good, the new bug is not bad, it works well,"

Then he looked at Ai and Kirabi,

Ai and Kirabi took a step back together.

No matter who sees the inhuman monster,

There will be a moment of fear.

But after the fear,

Ai reacted instantly,

"Bi, if you can't kill him once, just kill him twice."

"Okay, brother."

At the same time, Kirabi was also communicating with the Eight-Tails in his body.

"Xiaoba, I may need your strength later."

"No problem, feel free to take it and use it. It just so happens that I also want to know the details of the guy in front of me."

Yatsuo also stared closely at Aburame Shigan across from him.

It seems that it has seen this kind of monster before, but why can't it remember it?

"Aren't you going to retreat? Sure enough, the iron-headed kid like Yunyin is the most annoying. The strategy of attacking Yunyin first in the previous two battles is indeed correct."

"Multiple insect clones."

Aburame Shigan quickly creates seals,

Red parasites come from all directions,

Insect clones were condensed.

"Is there more than one such monster? Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Super Audio Thunder Shock Knife."

Compared to Ai's hesitation,

Kirabi was much more determined,

The knife was directly entangled with the violent thunder chakra, and it was like a newly condensed insect clone slashing away.

The sizzling sound of electricity sounded,

This insect clone was also slowly split into two halves.

But something horrifying happened again,

The split insect clone did not dissipate, but slowly began to heal.

He even bound Kirabi's sword tightly to his body,

Kirabi quickly let go and backed away.

"Brother, everyone is a monster like that just now, Bage Yalu."

"What, than, let's go."

Ai made a quick decision,

Facing this unbeatable monster, we must not move forward recklessly.

The three cloud ninjas quickly withdrew,

After seeing that there was no danger,

Jiraiya asked a few questions,

"Zhiqian, you let them go so easily?"

This was not like the style of the Aburame Shigan he knew.

Jiraiya just finished speaking,

All the other insect clones collapsed.

Only the original insect clone remained,

"Senior Jiraiya, do you think too highly of me? This base hasn't been established for a long time. How can I have so many means?"

"Well, I always thought you were the most powerful one of your generation."

Jiraiya's words were not a compliment at all.

He really felt that way,

Because he has been exposed to Minato more or less throughout his life,

But if there is a very difficult task that needs to be completed by one person,

The one they feel most at ease with must be Aburame Shigan.

The most important thing is that no matter what kind of task, Aburame Shigan’s clothes never seem to get dirty.

This is something that is incomprehensible at first glance and extremely terrifying when you think about it carefully.

(Shigan Aburame: Is there a possibility that after the insect clone dissipates and condenses, the clothes will also be restored?)


"Secret Technique: Poisonous Insect Jade."

"Konoha's poisonous insect user, everyone needs to retreat quickly."

Marki quickly commanded,

But it's too late,

More than a dozen sand ninjas were already kneeling on the ground.

Keep screaming,

The skin on my body also began to turn purple quickly,

began to fester,

When Ma Ji saw this, he could only become cruel.

Taking the few sand ninjas left around him, he prepared to retreat.

But in the empty forest,

Suddenly there was a harsh sound,

"Thunder Release Chidori."

Hatake Kakashi suddenly appeared,

There was a violent electric light on his left hand,

In an instant, it stabbed into Ma Ji's chest,

Marky spat out a mouthful of blood,

Feeling my body getting weaker and weaker,

There is only one thought in my mind,

I must take one away,

"Wind Escape·Wind Blade."

Kakashi looked at the wind blade approaching very quickly in front of him,

There is nothing we can do at this time,

The Chidori is a ninjutsu that allows rapid advancement.

The emphasis is on killing with one blow.

If the enemy does not die after one blow,

That means he's dead.

It was at this moment,

"Insect World Wall."

Shiguro Aburame instantly used the teleportation technique and rushed here.

In order to speed up the operation,

Aburame Shiguro directly wrapped the phosphorus bugs around her arms,

He crossed his arms and stood in front of Kakashi.

However, the decisive blow from Sunagakure elite jounin Ma Ji was not so easy to accept.

In the end, Aburame Shiguro paid the price of a pair of arms and a long scar on her face.

Save Kakashi,

"Brother Shiguro!!"

Kakashi looked at Shiguro Aburame with both arms broken,

and was extremely panicked.

If he hadn't been greedy for merit and reckless,

Brother Shiguro wouldn't have lost his arms to save him.

"Kakashi, don't be sad yet, stop the bleeding for me, or I'll die first."

"Oh, oh, oh."

Kakashi quickly helped Shiguro Aburame to stop the bleeding,

but even so,

Kakashi was still depressed,

"Don't be depressed, it's just two arms, it's worth it in exchange for your life."

"But, those are your two arms."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, and, why don't you hurry up and get my arms back now? Lady Tsunade might be able to fix them for me."

"Oh, yes, yes, yes."

Kakashi was also After reacting,

they still have the best medical ninja in Konoha,

Kakashi immediately wanted to pick up the two arms of Aburame Shiguro,

Aburame Shiguro saw this,

and was shocked,

"Hey, Kakashi, be careful, there might be my phosphorus bad bugs on it, don't let me just save you, and you get killed by my bugs again, who can I explain to then."


Kakashi also quickly stopped his actions,

and kept patting his chest,

I forgot, forgot, almost forgot, can I touch the bugs of Shiguro's elder brother?

Aburame Shiguro is also speechless now,

Why does it feel like Kakashi has become stupid since I appeared?

Kakashi is also confused,

Why does it feel like I have become impulsive after Shiguro's elder brother came out?

Could it be!

Could it be!!

Aburame Shiguro and Hatake Kakashi looked at each other secretly.

Through this window of the soul,

they came to the same answer,

it must be Kakashi's (Shiguro's elder brother) problem.

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