Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 40 The battle in the Rain Country has come to a temporary end

At this time, in a cave,

Tsunade was healing the wounds of Jiraiya who was seriously injured.

"Give up, Tsunade."

Orochimaru, who had just gone out to explore, came back to persuade Tsunade to stop treating Jiraiya.

"What are you talking about, Orochimaru."


The cave where the three were was shaking constantly.

"The rock ninja's earth escape will soon destroy this mountain. If you want to get out, you can't hesitate. You and I must leave immediately."

"And Jiraiya."

"It's impossible to get out with Jiraiya."

"That's why I used medical ninjutsu."

"Tsunade, it's wartime now. We can't reduce the probability for uncertain personal feelings."

"What probability."

"The probability of our survival is that one person is not good, two people are barely okay, and three people will only be wiped out."

Tsunade was shocked.

Orochimaru continued,

"You can continue to treat Jiraiya. No problem. I will send Jiraiya on his way."

If Jiraiya is sober, he will also hope that Tsunade will survive.

Just when Orochimaru was about to make a move,

"If you dare to take a step forward, I will kill you." Tsunade said,

"It seems that the three of us are restraining each other."

Tsunade continued,

"What, now it's clearly a matter of who is faster between the two of us."

Orochimaru was puzzled,

At this time, Jiraiya raised his hand tremblingly and made a "yeah" gesture,

Even so, Jiraiya still believed in Orochimaru,

"Jiraiya's trust will suppress you from making a move."

Tsunade said confidently,

You are the one who doesn't understand Jiraiya, Tsunade, Jiraiya also agrees with my idea very much, if you can survive, Tsunade, it's not a big deal for him to give up his life.

Orochimaru was more determined to take action.

"Teacher Orochimaru, am I here at the wrong time? I seem to have disturbed you three."


"Of course it's your dear disciple."

Uchiha Kamito slowly revealed his figure.

"Iwagakure Secret Technique: Camouflage Hide?"

"Eh, Teacher Orochimaru also knows it. It's a really good ninjutsu. I've made a profit again this time."

"What about the Iwagakure ninjas outside?"

"Rumor has it in the ninja world that you can't fight Uchiha one-on-one, but the Iwagakure ninjas outside can fight three Uchiha on average. What do you think will happen, Teacher Orochimaru?"

Orochimaru thought about the pair of Sharingan in front of him,

and a trace of cold sweat inadvertently flowed out.

(Uchiha: When it comes to oppression, we are second, who dares to say we are first.)

"By the way, Kamito, why don't I remember accepting you as my disciple?"

"Oh, really? It doesn't matter Anyway, I call Master Hokage, so don't worry about this little thing. "

"Humph, little rascal."

"Hey, thank you for the compliment, teacher."


At this time, on the battlefield between Rain Ninja and Konoha,

the blue-purple barrier still stood,

but a group of ninjas had been replaced,

the Aburame clan had all been replaced at this time, and were slowly recovering their chakras,

and Senju Hideki was like nothing happened,

the talent of the Senju clan was really enviable,

and he had already run out to clean up the remaining Rain Ninjas,

"Earth escape·Super Strength Rock Fist."

A punch was thrown down,

the ground shook,

and the splashing stones also injured many Rain Ninjas,

"In the name of Senju, I will stand in front of the formation, brothers follow me."

Senju Hideki put on a layer of rock armor,

with Super Strength Rock Fist,

it was like a big "Kai" emperor, and he killed them one by one.

"Illusion·Tree Binding Kill."

"In the name of the Yuhi clan, clear all enemies for Konoha."

"Konoha Style·Three Moons Technique."

"In the name of the Moonlight clan, fight to the death."

"Fire Style·Great Flame Bullet Technique."

"In the name of Mitarashi, we are definitely not inferior to others."


"In the name of the Hyuga clan, die, Gentle Fist·Eight Trigrams Sixty-four Palms."

Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi led their clansmen to harvest the lives of the remaining Rain Ninjas.

Hyuga Hiashi and Nara Shikaku were watching the overall situation from the side,

ready to check for loopholes at any time,

"Gentle Fist·Eight Trigrams Empty Palm."

Hyuga Hiashi slapped over and killed a Rain Ninja who pretended to be dead and wanted to sneak attack the Konoha ninja,

"Be careful, it's too stupid to die when you are about to win."

"Ah, thank you, Mr. Hiashi."

The rescued Konoha ninja blushed, he was too careless, he must be extra careful.

"Ninjutsu: Shadow Binding Technique."

Nara Shikaku also froze a Rain Ninja,

"Brother, pay attention."

"Thank you, Lord Shikaku."

The rescued Konoha ninja thanked him and wiped the Rain Ninja's neck with a kunai.

At the other end of the battlefield,

about a hundred or eighty Konoha ninjas were surrounding more than a dozen Rain Ninjas.

At this time, Namikaze Minato was fighting these more than a dozen Rain Ninjas alone.

Dodge, move, move instantly, cut throats,

Minato played with these more than a dozen Rain Ninjas in the palm of his hand,

One of the Rain Ninjas collapsed,

"Why, why do you insult us like this."

"Insulting you, no, I just want to hone my dodge and killing skills. I don't usually attack my companions, so for you enemies, I can finally let go and hone myself, so thank you ah."

Namikaze Minato showed a big smile,

Sincerely thank you,

"Ah, kill you."

This rain ninja felt that Minato was deliberately provoking him;

Shouting and rushing forward,

A second later, a big hole appeared in the rain ninja's throat and he fell to the ground.

Two minutes later, all the rain ninjas fell to the ground.

The other ninjas watching applauded and said,

"Minato, that's not bad."

"When we go back, I guess I can be promoted to Jonin."

"Minato, my girl has just entered the ninja school. She is not very different from you. Do you want to think about it?"

"Beast, your girl is only five years old."

"Minato is only eleven, is it a big deal to be six years younger?"

"Anyway, you are just a beast, Minato. My daughter works at the ninja hospital. She is seventeen years old now. As the saying goes, a female junior holding a gold brick will hold two gold bricks when she is three years older. You should think about it carefully."

"Asshole, you won't let me marry my daughter, but you rush to marry me instead. You want to save face, you can."

Two people who are arguing about marrying their daughter are about to start fighting.

The people next to me tried to dissuade him frantically.

Minato took advantage of this moment to

Run away quickly,

It's terrible to rush into marriage.

It feels more dangerous than fighting a dozen rain ninjas.

Besides, I already have Kushina, who wants your daughter?


Ahem, calm down, Kushina hasn't promised me yet.

An hour later,

Aburame Shigan asked Aburame Shiguro,

"Are you sure all the poisonous insects inside are dead?"

"Don't worry, these poisonous insects will die naturally within three minutes of leaving the body of a living creature. Besides, I can also sense the breath of life of the poisonous insects. There is definitely not a single poisonous insect alive inside now."

"All right."

Aburame gave the order before,

This large barrier, where three thousand rain ninjas were buried, collapsed.

The war between Konoha and Amegakure has also officially come to an end.

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