Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 50: Fire and Thunder Battle 2

"Zhenhong, Zixiao, of the two people in front, the older one should be a senior member of Kumogakure, and the younger one is at least one of the right-hand men of the future Raikage, and is most likely the future Fourth Raikage."

Senju Hideki pointed at the two Kumo ninjas in front and said,

"Future Raikage?"

"At least the left and right hands."

The eyes of Yuhi Zhenhong and Mitarashi Shixiao became excited.

This brat had to be killed, what a credit it must have been.

Uncle Ye saw the two newly arrived Konoha ninjas staring closely at Ai,

I knew that Ai's identity might be exposed,

Damn Kumogakure spy,

"Ai, don't look back for a moment, run away."

"I don't."

"Do you want me to die on the battlefield in vain?"


"Lan Dun Dun·Black Spot Cha. Let's go quickly."

After Uncle Ye finished speaking,

Along with the dark lightning, it rushed towards the three people of Konoha,

"Uncle Ye!"

Ai wiped the corners of his eyes and quickly ran towards the Cloud Ninja position.

"Hideki, let's stop this old guy. You hurry up and chase the younger one."

Yuhi Zhenhong said,

"No need."

"Earth Escape·Multiple Earth Current Walls."

Earthen walls blocked all the incoming Lan Dun.

"Tudun·Tu Lao Tangwu."

A large semi-earth ball surged up from the ground, covering Uncle Ye and Hideki in the middle.

Within the dark boundary,

Hideki and the other three stared eagerly at Uncle Yun Renye in front of them.

"Hmph, there are only three little brats from Konoha who want to stop me, Kumogakure Jonin, without even looking at what I am."

"It seems that Yunyin's old guy only has a tough talk."

Senju Hideki said,

"Hideki, why don't you catch that Kumogakure brat? Compared to this old guy, that brat should be the bigger one."

Yuhi Zhenhong looked at the Yun Ninja across from her in preparation,

Mitarashi Shixiao also went to the other side and surrounded him.

"Zhen Hong, this is a battlefield. What is more precious than an elite jounin? Even if there is a future, his value at this time is not as good as the old guy in front of me. He may not be the best in this term."

"Kumo Ninja's Abby combination?"

Zhenhong and Zixiao both exclaimed at the same time,

If you look at it this way, it’s really not a loss at all.

"It's really ridiculous. How can I be worthy of being the third-generation Raikage-sama's deputy? This generation is not worthy of me. I'm just a loser who failed to win."

Uncle Ye laughed at himself,

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether you admit it or not. We can just assume that you are. Can a dead person explain anything?"

"What an evil Senju brat. He even uses the dead. He has no ninja principles like your dead Second Hokage and takes his life."

"Lan Dun·Li Fu Suo Yan Su."

"Turong Tulong Spear."

"Fire Release: Dragon Fire."

"Illusion, this is not the case."


On the Yun Nin command stage,

Tutai saw Ye being wrapped in a ball of earth,

He instantly realized that something was not good.

"Troy, bring a thousand Kumo ninjas to join the battle quickly. We will rescue Ye now."

"Yes, Lord Todai."

Nara Shikaku's side,

Through the perception of the mountains,

Knowing that Yun Ninja has mobilized a large number of ninjas,

Seeing the huge Earth Escape dumpling in the battlefield,

I know Hideki must have caught some serious person,

"Father, next, the leading ninja of the Yun ninja will definitely attack the earth escape group. You and Uncle Yamanaka, see if you can kill the leading ninja of the Yun ninja."

The Nara clan leader smiled and said,

"Sit back and wait, we are the best at Nara and Yamanaka."

"Shikaku, this little thing is taken care of by your uncle."

The mountain chief patted his chest and said proudly.

The two clan leaders quickly joined the battlefield with a thousand ninjas.

"Haiyi, get ready, it may be the most dangerous wave soon."

"Well, I'm going to check on Ding Zao to see if his chakra has recovered well."


After Yunyin Magnetic Release Ninja Troy arrived with his troops, he quickly found a way to reach the Earth Release Tuanzi.

Looking at the huge Tudun dumpling in front of me,

"Use ninjutsu quickly to break this dumpling and rescue Ye..."

Before he finished speaking,

"Shadow Binding Technique."

"The art of disturbing the mind."

"Shadow head-hanging technique."

There was a click,

Troy's neck was broken, and he fell to the ground vomiting blood.

His eyes were fixed on the Yamanaka clan chief and the Nara clan chief behind the dumplings.

"Lord Troy."

"Lord Troy."

"Damn it, it's Konoha's Nara and Yamanaka, Ino Shika Butterfly is here."

"Whatever, there are only two of them, kill them to avenge Lord Troy."


"Super push palm."

A huge palm struck and knocked away a cloud of ninjas.

"You two are still so efficient."

Chief Akimichi said with emotion,

"Don't say that. We are not that strong anymore, but there is a trace of negligence on the battlefield. It is because the group in front of us attracted our attention. Damn it."

The Nara clan chief said,

"It's really like before now."

The mountain chief said with emotion,

"Yes, then Zhulu Die has been established again, Battle Formation No. 1."

The Nara clan leader smiled and said,


The Akimichi clan leader stood in the front,

The Nara clan leader was in the middle, and the Yamanaka clan leader was behind the Nara clan leader,

The most classic Pig, Deer and Butterfly battle formation.



Touchai saw Troy falling to the ground easily,

his neck was completely twisted,

although he knew he was being plotted, he couldn't help but cursed,

When he fell, the morale of the Cloud Ninja dropped by more than half, and with the unknown night of life and death,

"Damn, it feels like I was completely plotted. Is this the wisdom of Konoha Nara?"

There is no need to think about anything else. If there is a Nara in a battlefield of Konoha, then the commander is this Nara. If it is not him, then there is a better Nara.

"Send the order, all troops attack."

"Dodai, isn't it too fast? It's been less than an hour."

"One hour? In one hour, two thousand Kumo ninjas would have died long ago. Give the order quickly. We are now facing Konoha's Ino, Shika and Chou clans. Facing a smart man like Nara, there is no other way except to fight head-on."


Under the leadership of Dodai, the remaining 4,000 Kumo ninjas all joined the battlefield.

The battle escalated again.

The remaining troops of Nara Shikaku also joined the battle.

The remaining Ino, Shika and Chou all formed teams to join the battle, causing considerable casualties to the Kumo ninjas for a while.

The Kumogakure's black thunder troops, swordsmanship troops, and ninjutsu enhancement troops also caused considerable casualties to Konoha.

Six thousand Kumo ninjas and five thousand five hundred Konoha ninjas continued to fight and risk their lives on the battlefield.

The dying Konoha ninja raised the detonating tag and hugged the Kumo ninja beside him to die together.

The Kumo ninja who was burned to charcoal also swung his last knife with all his strength before losing consciousness.

A huge meat grinder is gradually forming.

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