Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 75 The flow of Uchiha's funds depends entirely on kind people

In the next period of time,

The Security Department has roughly become like this,

Eight hundred law enforcement officers happened to divide Konoha into,

There are eight areas: east, south, west, north, southeast, southwest, northeast and northwest.

The most central part is near the Hokage Building. If someone can escape the eyes of the ANBU and commit crimes in this area, then the security department probably won't find anything when they come.

However, life in the Security Department has been going well recently.

In the past, law enforcement always had to ask this and that for fear of arresting the wrong person.

Now, once the image bugs are revealed, those who make mistakes, stir up troubles, and commit crimes cannot deny it at all.

Either you follow me and go to jail, or a member of the Uchiha Security Department takes you to jail personally.

In the past few days, the residents of the village have looked at the law enforcement officers of the Uchiha Security Department with a kind of awe.

How do you describe this feeling?

More than 80% of the security personnel felt very happy.

The security personnel with less than two floors remaining felt that they could not show off and needed to be secretly happy.

In short,

With some operations by the divine minister, the Security Department regained the backbone he deserved.

Law enforcement agencies should be so tough,

As long as we don't investigate unjust, false or wrongful cases, no one can target us.

Of course, a high monthly salary also helps a lot. A monthly salary of thirty thousand taels a month means a monthly income of tens of thousands.

As for whether the divine minister can do it?

It can only be said that in the security department under the management of the divine minister, salaries are paid one month in advance.

In the words of the Minister of God,

"No matter how much I pay, how much work do you do for me? If one day I can't afford it, you can go out and find another job."

What a generous boss, no, what a wise leader,

The head of the Uchiha Security Department must be a godly head,

However, the monthly salary of more than 800 people, and the monthly salary of some small and medium-sized leaders is even higher.

It almost gave Uchiha Lei a headache.

Although he also likes this high-paying life,

But he can't ignore the future of the security department. He still likes the atmosphere of the security department under the hands of Kamito.

So when I saw Uchiha Kamito returning from training,

Find him immediately,

"Minister God, you can't do it like this. There are 800 executive staff, each with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan. Not counting the increases in various captain positions, one monthly salary will cost 24 million taels, let alone Talking about other miscellaneous things, we have to spend more than 26 million taels a month."

Uchiha Kamito knew what he meant;

"Senior Lei, there is no need to worry. What do you think our members of the security department will do when they have money?"

"What will you do? Eat, have parties, buy ninja tools, furniture, etc. I'll probably save the rest."

"Yes, as members of the Security Department, their faces are already well-known in Konoha. They can't gamble or go whoring, but no matter what, their money will definitely be in Konoha. To be honest, it will be in the fire. "

"But high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen won't give it to us for free. Do you want to rob it?"

"Senior Lei, how can this vulgar and friendly sponsorship be called robbery? They handed us the money, and we protected their assets from being robbed by anyone. This is a very friendly transaction."

"But isn't this just collecting protection money?"

"Sigh, Senior Lei, what you say is very unpleasant. It's just cooperation. You and I cooperate voluntarily. There are hundreds of merchants in the Fire Country. If our two six million taels are divided equally, they can't do anything. It’s just a few tens of thousands taels.”

"That's not enough."

"Aren't there still high officials and nobles?"

"How dare you attack them."

"Stupid, what does illusion do? I took the money and they didn't say it was wrong. How come it wasn't a correct transaction?"

"Well, I can't tell you what you said, but what you said seems to make more sense, but I always feel like something is weird."

"Well, all the questions are free. I just happen to practice with you to consolidate your ninjutsu."

Uchiha Lei's eyes suddenly widened;

I am here to report and correct the mistake. I am a very loyal minister.

I don't want to be beaten.

"I still have something else to do..."

"turn down."

Uchiha Kamito interrupted Uchiha Lei's excuse,

If you come here to cause trouble for no reason, who will you punish if you don't punish them?

When the security department became more and more prosperous,

It also caused stress reactions in some personnel,

Therefore, it is true that some people can only share hardships but cannot enjoy blessings together.

In the Hokage's office,

Seeing that the situation was stable, Shimura Danzo also retreated from the defense line.

The top four members of Konoha gathered again,

"What do you think of the Uchiha Security Department's actions?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke first,

"Uchiha is a cancer in the village. Now while the situation is still stable, we must eradicate this cancer as soon as possible."

Danzo Shimura spoke first,

"No, the Uchiha barely suffered any damage on the Kirigakure battlefield. Forcibly erasing them now will cause great damage to Konoha."

"By the way, speaking of this, what did you do, Danzo? Didn't you agree to consume the Uchiha's vitality? Why is it that after a battle, there are very few Uchiha who are even skinned? Is it possible that you still Will protect Uchiha."

After going to bed, Koharu and Mito Kadoyan spoke in turn. They really didn't understand. They hated Danzo, the Uchiha clan, the most. Not to mention the evil tricks, at least they had to use them to kill Uchiha.

"Humph, I have my own plan, and I need to tell you about it."

Danzo Shimura snorted coldly,

Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. You just want to use my hand to severely injure the Uchiha, and then you will come out to be good people and win the favor of the Uchiha clan, while I will become an outcast and have a betrayal on my back. Companion, I, this big stain, will never be able to become the Hokage in the future. Hmm, how can I not see your dirty thoughts?

Hiruzen Sarutobi, Koharu Koharu, and Mito Kaden: Is it possible that whether you do this kind of thing or not, you won't be able to become Hokage? If there is a pig in Konoha who has the possibility of being elected Hokage, its probability is much higher than Danzo's.

"This matter has passed. What we need to discuss now is what to do next. This time the Uchiha is coming in a menacing way. There may be some conspiracy behind it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen changed the topic back,

Uchiha clan: We didn’t do anything. Don’t have paranoia about being persecuted.

"Cut off funds, find people to go to the security department to cause trouble, and set off a wave of public opinion."

Danzo Shimura came up with three old tricks. In the past, when Uchiha was disobedient, he would use these three tricks to hit every one accurately.

"It's useless, funds. The funds of the Security Department have been delayed for two years under various excuses. We can't get the previous funds back; making trouble, the people of the Uchiha Security Department are like crazy people now, Northwest District More than a hundred people on one street were dissatisfied with the methods of the security department and went to make trouble. As a result, they were all arrested. Those who resisted had at least one arm. Now they are very arrogant; as for public opinion, now in Konoha, their security department members The reputation is very good, and he also said that this is how the criminals should be treated."

Mito Monoyan said,

He also felt that Uchiha was becoming more and more difficult to deal with.

Danzo Shimura also fell silent,

"Find a way to cause something to happen between the ninja clan and the security department, and let them ninja clan dog eat dog."

"Good idea."

"Great idea."

When the three of them took a look, it turned out to be Sarutobi Hiruzen's idea.

As expected, it's up to you to be evil, Hiruzen.

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