Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 88: Changes in the Hyuga Clan and the Reasons for the Changes

"One two, one two."

"Do you want to be free?"


"Do you want the honor?"


"Then what are you going to do now."

"Train hard and fight bravely."

"No, you are all a bunch of rookies now, a bunch of rookies who can't even go to the battlefield. Do you know what the first thing to do on the battlefield is?"

"Don't be afraid of life and death and move forward bravely."

"Wrong, absolutely wrong. The clan has spent so much money and so many resources just to let you die on the battlefield?"


"Remember, you have been trained by the clan. If you exchange ten for ten, it is not a loss. If you exchange for one hundred, it is a profit. Can you do it?"


"Why not, you bunch of trash, you have armor that can withstand ninjutsu (C-level ninjutsu), plenty of military food pills, a lot of detonating charms, new bugs from the Aburame clan, and the new soft fist improved by Rian , why can’t you do it?”

"We can do it."

"Yes, only in this way can you get this glorious mark."

Hinata Ruo, who was lecturing, proudly pointed to the mark of the caged bird on his head.

There's something wrong with the style of painting.

Hinata separated her family,


Now there is no Hinata family separation;

The Hyuga clan seems to have become a little strange.

On the playground of the Hyuga tribe,

Hinata Waka is training the new generation of Hyuga boys passionately,

It's just that the corners of his mouth that can never let go look very strange.

"Good day, your dad, is he mentally ill?"

"Well, maybe, he is indeed a little too excited, but that's understandable, isn't it? Uncle."

"That's right, haha. The nature that has been suppressed for so many years is finally released. He doesn't have to vent it out."

The tea house next to it,

The retired patriarch of the Hyuga clan and Hyuga Hinata were drinking tea.

Looking at the excited Hinataruo outside,

There is also an unstoppable smile on the corner of his mouth,

Now that the old patriarch has retired,

Then of course the current patriarch is,

"Damn it, why do you have to ask me to do so much work!!!"

Hinata Hinashi pushed away a large pile of scrolls in front of him.

It says,

"Hyuga Senior Citizen Lounge Construction Plan"

"Hyuga Heroes Memorial Hall Construction Plan"

"Hyuga Warring States History Compilation Project"


I opened this scroll,

It is densely covered with trees,

I took a closer look,

Only then did I realize that it had two words written on it,

Give money.

"Ah, brother, the Hyuga clan leader is so busy with his tasks."

Hinata Hizashi said while picking up the scroll,

"It's impossible, Hizashi. I used to help my father a lot. His daily job was to drink tea, attend banquets, say a few words of um, um, um, and then it's over. How could he be so busy?"

Hinata Hizashi complained angrily,

Cough cough cough,

My child, why else would I retire so soon and work every day, work every day, then why should I still be the leader of the clan? Isn’t that a pure cow?

This is the idea of ​​the old patriarch Hyuga,

I can’t make any money, and I don’t have any free time, so I’m a fool to become the leader of this clan. I don’t have the burden of the family (Hideki Senju), the clan members to support (Shigan Aburame), and support for my sister (Kami Uchiha). People), I want to marry a wife (Inuzuka), why should I work so hard? As Rizu said, my cousin is sick, so you should encourage him.

This was Hinata Hinata's idea.

"Brother, these are cousin Ri'an's ideas. He said that he wanted to improve the treatment of the entire Hyuga clan and create a sense of happiness."

"Good day Hinata, I shouldn't have agreed to your reforms."

Hinata Hizu roared,

five years ago,

How many steps does it take to change the Hyuga clan?

Answer: The following steps are required:

The first step is that the Hyuga clan will never be slaves, which is a bit of a joke.

Hyuga Rian's original words: "Can't we hire those small chores outside? We have to instruct our own people to do it. Are we, the Hyuga clan, so mean?"

When other people heard this, they made sense.

So now, there are many civilians who clean, wash and cook in the Hyuga clan, all on their own volition. We, the Hyuga clan, are not short of money. If you spend more money, you can even ask the Hokage to sweep the floor for you.

Sarutobi Hiruzen:? ? ?

Not talking about you,

"Minato, this is your reward for today."

"That's great, good day. After saving for seven days, I can finally give Kushina a piece of clothing. I'm happy."

Minato Namikaze held the two hundred taels of reward in his hand and said happily,

A bowl of Ichiraku ramen regular version costs thirty taels.

Minato was very conscientious to earn two hundred taels just by sweeping the floor in one day.

As for why Minato didn't do the mission?

There are more wolves than meat. The nearly 20,000 ninjas in Konoha are all staring at the task bar.

Namikaze Minato was a non-competitor, so his life was naturally tight.

I'm a little off topic, let's get back to it.

As for hiring civilians, will there be spies sneaking in?

Tsk tsk tsk,

I haven't met him yet,

But it should be fun to catch spies with your eyes.

Perhaps it was also because the Zong family could no longer instigate family divisions at will, so the relationship between the two gradually eased.

The second step is to separate the family and protect the safety of the clan family.

Hinata Rin's original words: "The laws of our ancestors must make sense, so as a branch family, we must protect the safety of the main family at all times and anywhere."


"I hate you guys, I want to play with my friends, what are you doing."

A young master of the main family shouted at his two branch family guards.

The two frosty-faced branch family guards had scared away several people who were looking for this young master to play.

"The mission of the branch family is to protect the main family to the death, and we are just standing by and did not stop you, young master, from playing with others."

"But you scared everyone away, is there any difference between that and stopping them?"

This is the treatment of the younger generation of the main family,

The young and strong generation of the main family,

At night,

It is the period when new life is about to be conceived,

As a result,


A young jonin of the main family kicked the door in front of him away,

The veins on his head were exposed,

The appearance of opening his Byakugan,

Staring at the two branch family guards in front of the door,

"What are you trying to do? It's 10 o'clock in the evening, and this is my bedroom."

"The mission of the branch family is to protect the main family to the death. Night is the most dangerous time. We must always pay attention. If necessary, we will open our Byakugan to protect the safety of the main family."

"Ah, don't."

A disheveled Hyuga woman rushed He quickly escaped from the room,

"Ah, no, today is my first time."

The main family's jonin collapsed and knelt on the ground, crying bitterly,

The two branch family guards exchanged glances,

"It seems a bit cool."


As for the elders of the main family,

"I said, I tolerate standing outside when sleeping; I tolerate standing next to you when eating; I have no objection to you following me at any time when shopping, playing chess, fishing, and drinking tea; but now I am going to the toilet, aren't you going too far."

An old man pointed at the two branch family guards in front of him and shouted in anger in front of the toilet,



The old man put down his handprint,

"Next time, the time will be doubled."


The next day,

the branch family guards in front of the old man became eight, and they were still the kind with white eyes.

Hinata Rin'an's original words,

"The main family master punished us, it must be that our protection work was not in place, and the main family master's security level was directly raised to the highest."

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