Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 92: Aburame Shigan's wealth code, why the Land of Fire is the Land of Fire


Akimichi Izakaya,

The organization of fifteen people gathered again,

Another rare gathering,

It’s been the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th... time this year,


Take some time off,

Let's get together if nothing happens.

That's it for Konoha,

Eating by yourself is also eating, isn’t it also eating with friends?

However, in a gathering of fifteen people, it is impossible for everyone to chat together.

can be roughly divided into these combinations:

The best friend combination of Hariko Inuzuka and Kushina Uzumaki,

The two of them were chatting quietly about something.

It’s just that this face seems a little red.

But what can girls talk about? Nothing bad can happen.

The honest combination of Choza Akimichi and Shiguro Aburame,

Dingzuo: "Do you want to eat?"

Zhihei: "Well, it tastes good. These are edible honey worms. You have to try them."

Dingzuo: "Wow, it's so sweet. Is it honey?"

Zhihei: "The latest product of the Shangshui River Clan, No. 24 Queen Honey."

Dingzuo: "How much does it cost? Can I buy some?"

Zhihei: "Dingzuo, if you want to eat, you can come as long as you like. I'll take care of it, but you can only come alone."

Dingzuo: "Zhihei, you are really my best friend."

Yamanaka Haiichi:? ? ?

Nara Shikaku:? ? ?

The flower growing combination of Yamanaka Haiichi and Aburame Shihui,

Haiyi: "What, you oil girls actually have a way to improve the reproduction of flowers."

Zhi Hui: "Actually, it's not ours anymore, it's the bees of the Shangshui River Clan. Their bees will help with pollination when collecting nectar. It seems like this. Anyway, the flowers grow particularly well in the area where they keep bees. ”

Speaking of this, Aburame Shihui suddenly felt a line of sight staring at her.

It was the bright-eyed Yamazaka Haiichi,

"Then, do you want me to take you to see it later?"

"Then why are you embarrassed? What time."

? ? ?

This should be a promise, right?

After thinking carefully, Aburame Shihui came up with this answer.

The complaint group of Namikaze Minato, Hinata Hizashi, and Hinata Hizashi,

"Hizashi, Hizashi, do you think they did the right thing? As a ninja, you should complete tasks safely and make money. Robbery is nothing."

Namikaze Minato righteously accused the behavior of another group,

I am working hard and working hard, how can you make a fortune?

"That's right, that's right."

Hinata and Hinata echoed wildly,

Let you make money without me, I also want to be rich,

And damn good day, you’ve already made so much money, yet you’re still asking me for money.

Hinata Hizashi could only keep laughing.

Comforting his teammates and his grumpy brother,

I kept sighing in my heart,

Do you think that's inappropriate? It's obviously jealousy.

The last one is left, the most important and well-known combination with no lower limit,

"Shikaku, do you really not consider participating? I earn much more than you."

Uchiha Kamito said jokingly,

He remembered what Lu Jiu said before that something would definitely happen to his capital chain.

"No, Nara's land and medicine business are enough to be self-sufficient, and too much money is not a good thing sometimes."

Nara Shikaku said calmly,

"However, how can you still get money with your method? Are those nobles and wealthy businessmen fools? Will they allow you to steal money for five years?"

This is something Nara Shikaku doesn’t understand.

When did robbery become a sustainable business?

"Hehehe, you don't understand this."

"Zhiqian's idea."

Hinata Rian jumped out and interjected,

"Then I understand that it was Zhiqian's idea."

When Shikaku said this, he looked at Uchiha Kamito specifically.

"Good day Hinata!!!"

"Grandpa is here."

The two of them ran away and had a fight again.

"Zhiqian, how did you do it? Won't those nobles and wealthy businessmen resist?"

Nara Shikaku quickly sat down next to Aburame Shikan.

I’m not ashamed to ask, this is my Nara Shikaku’s way of ninja,

"It's roughly like this. In the first year, the gods were really too cruel. They used force. Although it was all black money, dissatisfaction would still accumulate in my heart. It just depended on which day it would explode. So I went there in the second year. I met those wealthy businessmen and high-ranking officials once.”

"Wait a minute, I heard that this matter started with you first. Why do you have the nerve to go see them?"

"Well, how should I put it? To use the exact words of those wealthy businessmen and high-ranking officials, compared to gods, I am simply a saint."

"Well, how should I put it? It has to be considered the first achievement of a god."

Nara Shikaku said helplessly,

A worse villain appears and turns the previous villain into a good guy. How can this be justified?

"Then what?"

Nara Shikaku continued,

"I saw that their attitude was so good, so I was embarrassed to do anything again, so I started doing business with them."

You didn't go there just because you wanted to rob them again.

Nara Shikaku thought very unscrupulously,

"Then it's so easy for them to start doing business with you, the person who robbed them?"

"They can tell the difference between being robbed and doing business, and I promised them that as long as they do business with me, gods will not rob them anymore."

"Well, it is really hard for them to resist this temptation."

Nara Shikaku thought for a while,

Doing business with a villain not only reduces one villain, but also helps him block another villain, so two villains are reduced at once, it's a huge profit, simply.

Even if he himself can't refuse,

Should the style of the Nara family also change? Overt conspiracy seems to be the way to go in the future.

"What kind of business are you in?"


"Coal? Burnable black stone? That stuff, can you afford such a huge expense?"

"Lu Jiu, don't underestimate the value of coal. Coal can provide heat. Do you need to burn fire when cooking? Do you need to keep warm in winter? Do you need it in the bathhouse... And coal is something that only the Fire Country has. Why is the Fire Country called the Fire Country? Isn't it because of this thing? The Thunder Country is full of cliffs, the Earth Country is full of iron ore, and the Wind Country has sand. The Water Country, a tiny island, has nothing. Coal Coal is a unique business and a necessity of life. It can also be exported. How can it not make money? "

"It's so profitable. Didn't they know how to do it before?"

"Yes, but how can they dig so much coal? It's still the hard-working civilians. The more ruthless ones make some slaves work hard. But how can they compare with the insects in our oil girl's family? They work 24 hours a day, don't get paid, don't need to rest, and replace the next batch when this batch dies. With this efficiency and production capacity, what can those coal bosses use to compete with me? "

The oil girl Zhigan became more and more excited as she spoke.

Such a simple way to make money is faster than robbing.

"Zhigan, do you have anything else to trade with them?"

"Yes, the royal honey and flower honey from the upper stream are more popular. "

"Count us three portions for the pig, deer and butterfly."

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