Five Schoolgirl Goddesses Blocked the Door and Called My Dad!

Chapter 858: Wife, your master is so powerful

Bai Luo said: "They haven't come out yet, let's go, go in first."

At the same time, the voice of the little white fox sounded in Su Chen's mind, "Master, I can smell the smell, it is indeed a woman and four men, and they have just arrived, maybe two hours before us. "

"Their realm does not exceed the realm of collecting medicine."

The geniuses who entered the Secret Realm this time to participate in the selection competition of the Good Fortune Academy, except for their family of three, only Hu Lun was in the late stage of the fate, and the rest were in the realm of medicinal gathering.

These five people, one woman and four men, are not the Bai family nor the Jiang family.

Because only Jiang Muxue is a female among the geniuses of the Jiang family, Jiang Muxue is not in this area.

In other words, it is very likely that these five people are the Sheng family.

But I’m not sure, go ahead and have a look!

In the five medicine-gathering realms, Xiao Bai is in the middle of the medicine-gathering stage on their side. Although it has not fully recovered, the monster's middle-stage medicine-gathering stage is the latter stage of the medicine-gathering stage that can hit humans.

In addition, Bai Luo was in the late stage of medicine gathering. Although he only recovered 70% of his strength, he was definitely very strong.

And he, before only in the late stage of the fog, already had the ability to fight the transcendents in the early stage of collecting medicine. Now, he has broken through to the late stage of burning the lamp, and his body has once again undergone transformation.

In the late stage of collecting medicine, he was not empty at all.

In addition, there is a system, afraid of a fart, come in!

Immediately, he nodded to Bai Luo and the others, "Go."

Su Chen originally wanted to be in the forefront, but Bai Luo said to let her come. She had been outside the territory and entered such caves and had experience.

Let Su Chen protect Su Ye and Lin Wanxue in the middle, after the little white fox breaks.

When arranging these things, Bai Luo was very strong, and without giving Su Chen a chance to refuse, she went straight to the forefront.

Su Chen spread his hands towards Lin Wanxue, as if saying to Lin Wanxue: Wife, your master is so strong.

Lin Wanxue winked at him and asked him to listen to her master's arrangement.

Four people and one beast walked towards the cave.

On the left side of the stone mountain, there is a cave three meters high and two meters wide.

Although it was not too late at the moment, there was no light source and no lighting hole inside, so after entering a depth of five meters, the inside was already black.

Bai Luo took out four Ye Mingzhu, which was the size of a football, and handed them to Su Chen, one for each.

With Ye Mingzhu, the cave is no longer black.

Although it is not as bright as the daytime outside, but you can see the surroundings, at least when you walk, you won't bump into things.

Of course they have mental power, even in the dark, they will not hit the wall.

Lin Wanxue asked Su Chen in a low voice, "Husband, what are the treasures inside? Someone even knows."

"And they have arrived first, I don't know if they can get it right now."

Su Chen didn't know what the treasures were, because the system only rewarded the treasure map.

However, everything rewarded by the system must be extraordinary.

Moreover, there were another group of people who found here, presumably those people must also know that there are treasures here, and after entering the secret realm, they directly killed here.

It is likely to be from the Sheng family.

Because the geniuses of the Jiang family did not get a map of the secret realm, Bai Luo only had a broken map in his hand, and the people of the Sheng family might have a complete map.

The people of the Sheng family did not go to Daotai Mountain first to fight for Daotai, but first came here to find the treasure, which shows that this treasure is definitely extraordinary!

He told Lin Wanxue his thoughts.

Bai Luo, who was walking in front, heard this and said, "It is indeed from the Sheng family."

She saw a torn piece of cloth on a wall with the Shengjia totem embroidered on it.

Let the Sheng family take the initiative to find the treasure, presumably, it is definitely not easy!

It seems that there will be a hard fight to be fought later!

The things that my apprentice and apprentice husband fancy, she who is a master, even if it is robbed, she who is a master must help them to grab it!

Su Chen tried to use his mental power to probe to see where the Sheng family’s people are now, but after his mental power was released, it was discovered that these mountains and rocks had the effect of blocking mental power.

His mental power can only be released where he can see, and if it exceeds his eyes, it won't work, he can't even turn the corners!

He asked Bai Luo and Lin Wanxue if they had this situation.

"Similarly, this kind of rock is called flaming rock, which has the effect of obstructing spiritual power. A mansion built with this kind of rock can block the spiritual prying of others. However, this kind of rock is very rare. Such a big flaming rock mine." Bai Luo said.

As soon as Lin Wanxue heard Bai Luo say this, her eyes lit up, "Husband, let's dig some and go back. Then we will build a training room for you separately, and use these rocks to build it!"

It is indeed a treasure trove, even this stone is a rare ore!

Su Chen said: "Okay, when we come out, dig some back!"

He has a lot of space, digging a pile of flaming rocks and going back madly, there is no problem at all.

Su Chen and the others continued to go deep.


At this moment, in the deepest part of the rock, in a rocky underground palace.

There are a lot of fire flame crystals in the underground palace. If the previous fire flames were stones, then the fire flame crystals here are already very pure, pure as transparent and shiny as crystals.

These crystals have created a huge coffin. The coffin of is placed in the very center of the underground palace.

There are eight stone pillars made of flame crystal around the coffin!

Each stone pillar has a full diameter of one meter!

It is huge, and the height also leads to the top of the underground palace, at least ten meters!

Eight stone pillars formed a formation.

This formation made thunder and lightning flash around the coffin.

Sheng Yantang and the others have tried many times, but they can't get close. If they want to break into it, they will be attacked by thunder and lightning.

As soon as this lightning hits them, it can directly scorch their hit skin!

Great lethality!

Sheng Susu was too impatient and eager, and a wig was directly burned by lightning. At this moment, he was facing Su Chen's shaved bald head, and there were black marks on his bald head that were injured by lightning, and he was very embarrassed.

She is now in a very irritable mood, although she took a wig from the space ring again and put it on, but her bald head has been seen by everyone present, including Sheng Yantang and Sheng Qitang.


She hated the old and ugly man who shaved her head!

I hate Su Chen and Jiang Weihai!

Because that old and ugly old man must have been Jiang Weihai or Su Chen who deliberately humiliated her!

"Sheng Qitang, we have spent half an hour here, and there is no way to crack it, I don't believe you don't! Quickly take out your cracking method, we divided the treasure, and then went to Daotai Mountain!" Sheng Susu urged. .

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