Five Schoolgirl Goddesses Blocked the Door and Called My Dad!

Chapter 860: The five sons of the Sheng family bit the dog, and Su Chen arrived!

After digging three levels, there are about three or four hundred high-grade spars!

Then it's gone!

Su Chen asked the little white fox how much he wanted, and this time he had to reward him who found the treasure.

He found that animals hunting for treasure has a natural advantage over humans. Just like the previous Bazhen rooster, he smelled the scent of rice, which made him and the little white fox bond.

Now the little white fox has found a high-grade spar.

With so many high-grade spars, he can use the Ark very lavishly!

The high-grade spar that Ark consumes is really quite a lot.

Because the speed is fast enough.

However, in the secret realm, because the ark is tied to the little white fox, there is no need to consume energy.

"Master, give me ten. I like to play with it the most. Like glass balls, I didn't expect there to be so many here. It's great~ Now I can make up a glass ball chessboard~"

Glass ball!

This little white fox used high-grade spar as a glass ball.

Good job.

The owner Su Chen generously gave the little white fox ten high-grade spars to play with.

Then he was going to distribute one hundred high-grade spar to Bai Luo, Bai Luo said no, her high-grade spar was enough.

Moreover, finding the high-grade spar is Su Chen's spiritual pet and Su Chen's credit, and it has nothing to do with her.

Su Chen looked at Lin Wanxue. Lin Wanxue grabbed a handful of high-grade spar, stuffed it into Bai Luo's hand, and said softly: "Master, you have a share, you take it."

There are a lot of high-grade spar at home, Lin Wanxue is a trench, just grab a handful.

Grabbed six in one hand.

Bai Luo didn't decline this time, one hundred is too much, if six, it's acceptable.

Moreover, it would be a waste of time to refuse to resign.

Because the Sheng family had already entered in advance, it is better to hurry to the depths.

This was only outside, and I harvested three or four hundred high-grade spars, and the value of the treasures bred in it would only be higher!

At this moment, she was a little moved.

Su Chen and the others continued to push in.

When he came to a three-way intersection, the little white fox ran to smell the smell, and then smelled the smell of the Sheng family on a road, and called Su Chen which way they should go.

Su Chen's treasure map only marked the treasure in this place, but did not mark how to get in and get the treasure.

So now following the path of the Sheng family, there is a high probability that nothing will go wrong.


At this moment, in the deepest part of the rock, in the underground palace.

Sheng Yantang really relied on the formation of Sheng Guanghui pendulum to successfully break into the lightning center.

Touched the coffin!

But when the coffin was opened, the two sides diverged.

Sheng Yantang wanted to push it away, and Sheng Guanghui pushed the coffin cover back.

Sheng Yantang condensed his eyebrows, "Guanghui, what do you mean?"

"How boring is it to push the coffin away? Just cut it off according to four or six points, we are four, you are six!" Sheng Guanghui said.

"! What if there is only one treasure in the coffin? Guanghui, at first we said that we didn't divide it like that. We must find the treasure first and then divide it!"

"This coffin is a treasure. As for whether there is only one treasure, whether this treasure is on the fourth side or on the sixth side, it depends on whose luck it is!"

A vicious wisp flashed across Sheng Yantang's black eyes, "Guanghui, are you sure you want to divide it like this?"

"What if this treasure is between four and six, and it is chopped down with a single knife, and the treasure is destroyed?"

"The treasure is destroyed, and the value of the complete treasure can be said to be thousands of miles away! We are all the Sheng family. There is no need to divide the treasure at this time. Listen to Brother, first open the coffin and confirm the treasure inside, then we will follow the four rules. Six points. If there is really only one treasure, then cut this treasure into four or six points, or we can compensate for the treasure corresponding to your three brothers and sisters. You can choose this by yourself."

Sheng Guanghui said: "We are now choosing to cut the coffin into four or six points!"

Sheng Qitang was angry, "Sheng Guanghui, what are you doing, cutting the coffin into four or six points, what good is it for you?"

"Are you still afraid that we won't distribute treasures to you?"

Sheng Susu couldn't help but said, "It's my elder brother's credit that we can enter this thunder and lightning ban, why? Now my elder brother says he wants to cut the coffin into four or six points, it will do no harm to you! After all, if it wasn't for my elder brother, You can only watch this coffin! You can't get anything!"

Sheng Chaoliang said: "Yes!"

Sheng Yantang smiled and said: "Qitang, don't talk about it, Susu and Chao Liang are indeed right. This time we were able to get close to the coffin smoothly, and it was all glorious credit."

"Okay, just listen to the glory, and chop the coffin into four or six points. I and Qitang Six, you three brothers and four four, I will chop, how about?"

"Let's chop together!" Sheng Guanghui said.


As they said, the two waved the treasures in their hands and chopped them towards the coffin.

At this moment, when the two treasures are about to be cut down to the coffin, the two treasures simultaneously turned and slashed towards each other!

Hit it directly!

Sheng Chaoliang and Sheng Susu also attacked Sheng Qitang in the first place, holding Sheng Qitang, lest Sheng Qitang go to help Sheng Yantang attack their eldest brother!

All of them are a group of insidious and cunning people who are still in the thunder and lightning ban, and they have been beaten up for profit!

Fight for the coffin!

Although it was said that the coffin should be cut into four or six points, no one really cut the coffin!

They all want to take 100% of the coffin as their own!

"Sheng Guanghui, UU Reading, you are really a white-eyed wolf. I called you three brothers and sisters to hunt for treasure together, and you three brothers and sisters turned out to be wrong! Then I will give you a good education and education of the two "Xinyi" juniors today. How to write the words!" Sheng Yantang sneered, while magnifying Sheng Guanghui's moves.

Sheng Guanghui snorted coldly, "Sheng Yantang, don't advertise yourself. If you really will get a score of forty or six with our three brothers and sisters, I write the name of Sheng Guanghui upside down!"

"Those things you did before, have you forgotten yourself?"

"You don't do anything like killing people and stealing treasures!"

"This coffin, since I opened the ban to come in, it is my Sheng Guanghui!"

Killing crazy here!

Su Chen and the others.

Bai Luo's ears moved, and then raised her hand, she stopped.

After listening carefully, she lowered her voice and said to Su Chen and the others: "I have heard the sound, so let's take a look at what's going on inside, it seems like there is a fight."

"Okay." Su Chen nodded.

Gradually, Su Chen and the others also heard the sound of fighting.

Then after walking for more than ten minutes, they came to the entrance of an underground palace.

The underground palace is very big.

They stood at the entrance of the underground palace, looking down from the heights of the entire underground palace, only to see a few small figures.

At this moment, from this place, they could see a group of people who were struck by thunder and lightning in a place at the center of the underground palace.

"Sheng Susu!" Lin Wanxue recognized her at a glance!

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