Five Schoolgirl Goddesses Blocked the Door and Called My Dad!

Chapter 869: Shock! The first batch of people sent back turned out to be Shengjia Tianjiao...

"Five school flower goddesses blocked the door and called my dad! (!

These are the top arrogances of the Sheng family, if they are all dead in the secret realm.

Even if people outside the secret cannot see the live video, there are so many monsters and monsters in the secret realm. After the Sheng family came in and checked it, they could finally find out from the clues that these were all related to Su Chen.

Nowadays, every big family is scarce of talents.

Especially Tianjiao.

Those are the elite reserves of their younger generation.

If all the ten princes of the Sheng family died in the secret realm, then the elites of their generation would have faults, and the Sheng family would really go crazy.

It's okay if you die one or two, if you die, you'll have a fault.

This is why it is clear that when talents are scarce, the five big families have to join hands to organize this good luck academy trial, and let the contestants sign a life and death contract before entering the secret realm.

It is for them to experience the true life and death, because once these arrogant people go to the realm battlefield and fight against the people of the abyss race in the future, it will be a test of life and death every time.

Because the people of the Abyss will not show mercy to the humans!

The five big families arranged this to allow the Tianjiao to experience life and death, so all the contestants were arranged with jade medals. After crushing the jade medals, they can leave the secret realm, be rescued in despair, and save their lives.

They also don't want the Tianjiao to die in the secret realm.

After all, every Tianjiao who dies is a loss for them.

It means that there will be one lack of power in the realm of health maintenance and even the realm of eclosion.

Su Chen nodded, "Yeah."

The three bodies were quickly burned to the point that only bones were left.

Lin Wanxue suddenly said, "Hey, why is this bone different from the others? It's black? The other two bones are white."

Su Chen looked in the direction Lin Wanxue was pointing, and indeed saw that the bones of a corpse were black.

"This is Sheng Chaoliang's corpse." Su Chen said.

Bai Luo's face became heavy when he saw the black bone, "How could this happen to the Sheng family's direct line?"

"What's wrong, Teacher Bai?" Su Chen asked Bai Luo.

He had never burned a corpse before, and he didn’t know what color the bones would be after the corpse was burned.

According to burning other things, after burning, they are generally black.

But now, in front of the three corpses, one bone was burnt black, and the other two bones were white.

He also knew there might be something in it.

But I don't know what it is.

Lin Wanxue said: "Husband, generally normal corpses, after cremation, the bones should be white, because there are many chemical elements in human corpses, which will be exhausted after burning, and the remaining bones are inorganic matter. The main thing is calcium. After being burned, calcium is calcium oxide. Calcium oxide is a pure white substance. Therefore, the bones of normal corpses should be white after cremation."

"The bones of Sheng Chaoliang's corpse are black and there is a problem."

Lin Wanxue is a policeman. Sometimes when solving crimes, she will encounter cases of cremated corpses. Therefore, she knows that after the corpse is cremated normally, the color of the bones is white instead of black as imagined.

Bai Luo said: "Xiaoxue is right. After cremation, the bones of a normal corpse are white, but the bones are black, especially the black that exudes from Sheng Chaoliang’s bones. It is not after chemotherapy or sickness. The black bones of his corpse, but..."

"I don't know if you still remember the black warriors sent by Ola Hilton that you met outside the territory."


At this moment, outside of secret.

Sheng Yantang appeared at the entrance of the secret realm, and then Sheng Guanghui also appeared.

The two looked at each other, and neither said a word.

But it can be seen that there was a flash of panic in their eyes.

Sheng Leigang, who was playing chess with Jiang Jinbo on the organ beast next to him, was chatting with Jiang Jinbo in a chic suit.

Suddenly, the two felt that the entrance to the secret realm was teleported back to the person.

I thought it would belong to the Al Qaeda family.

Or Su Ye or Lin Wanxue.

Because they have the lowest level.

If you encounter irreversible danger in the secret realm, you will definitely take the lead in smashing the jade card and leaving the secret realm.

Although he will lose his qualifications to continue to participate in the trials of the Good Fortune Academy, at least he is still alive.

Jiang Jinbo looked over, because he was also worried that it was Su Ye or Lin Wanxue who sent it back.

However, after seeing the person who came out, he made a ‘yah’ in surprise.

Sheng Lei didn't look at it for the first time. He turned his head and looked at it after seeing Jiang Jinbo who was sitting opposite him making a ‘huh’.

As soon as he looked over, the black piece he was holding in his hand fell directly onto the chessboard.

The whole person also stood up swiftly, and instantly appeared in front of Sheng Yantang and Sheng Guanghui from the organ beast.

He didn't believe that the first batch of people to be sent out of the secret realm turned out to be the top talents of their Sheng family: Sheng Yantang and Sheng Guanghui!

Sheng Yantang is the realm of the late stage of herbal medicine collection!

Although Sheng Guanghui is in the middle stage of the herb gathering, his strength is not weaker than the ordinary late stage heroes!

How is this going?

Before he asked, suddenly, a few lights and shadows appeared in front of him, and then four people appeared.

It was Sheng Wei and the other four who crushed the jade card from the secret realm and sent it back!

Moreover, the four of them turned pale, and their eyes were full of horror.

It wasn't until they saw the scene in front of them that they felt a sense of ease of regaining a new life.

Suddenly the secret realm entrance sent back six Shengjia Tianjiao, and even Shengyantang, the most powerful Tianjiao of the Shengjia, also returned, and the leaders of the various teams waiting around looked sideways and watched.

I want to see what's going on.

Because they would never have thought that the first batch of people sent back would be from the Sheng family!

"What's the matter?" Sheng Leigang asked with an extremely embarrassed expression.

All of a sudden, six Shengjia Tianjiao came out, not to mention his bet with Jiang Jinbo, and he was defeated.

Just say that this face can't survive!

Other families worse than them have not crushed the jade medals and sent them back to one person. Their Sheng family just returned six...

What a shame!

Moreover, Shengwei and the others, who just came out, still have a sense of joy of regaining a new life, not the slightest sense of shame that they have lost their qualifications to enter the good fortune academy because they crushed the jade medal!

I really want to blow him up.

Hearing Sheng Leigang's inquiry four people immediately bowed their heads in fear.

Sheng Guanghui's face was embarrassing, even because he didn't see the Sheng family back again, his face was extremely embarrassing!

Because it means that not only his sister Sheng Susu is dead! And his brother Sheng Chaoliang is also dead!

Otherwise, it is impossible for Sheng Chaoliang not to come back before Shengwei and the others.

It won't be this time, I haven't come back yet!

Suddenly, two relatives died, Sheng Guanghui didn't know how to explain to his parents.

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