"Measure them and I will order a set of clothes." Song Jiang paused, "Two sets!"

How to change just one set? !

"Thank you for your generosity." Morgan smiled.

At this moment, a strange sound sounded.

It seemed like a bullfrog was croaking.

"Gu~Gu Gu~"

This is the sound of hunger.

"Didn't you have breakfast?"

Everyone looked at each other, and someone took courage: "Yes, sir."

"Go to the nearest KFC and order 100 set meals." Song Jiang tapped his fingers on the table and raised his head, "Which of you can cook?"

The women in the crowd glanced around and raised their hands tremblingly.

"You will be responsible for cooking from now on. I remember that the supermarket has a staff canteen. The meal price is $10 per person per day, three meals a day."

Song Jiang recalled the layout of the supermarket. Currently, there are no assigned dormitories, only a few small lounges. "As for the accommodation, I will look for some nearby houses in the next few days. You can handle it on your own during this period."

The crisp voice fell, and the room fell silent for a moment. Everyone opened their eyes and looked at him blankly.

Before this, none of them could believe that someone was willing to provide them with three full meals a day and even a warm place to live.

At this moment, Song Jiang was God in their minds!

At this moment, Song Jiang continued.

"I heard you were late this morning?"

Morgan's body tensed up instantly, "Mr.——"

Song Jiang raised his hand to shut up first, "Can someone tell me the specific reason?"

Everyone clenched their fists nervously. If they were not deeply impressed by Song Jiang just now, they definitely don't want to leave a bad impression on Song Jiang now!

"I" looked like a teenager of fifteen or sixteen years old, with wheat-yellow skin with a few sparrow spots. "Sir, I played football for too long yesterday and overslept." He said sincerely, with timidity flashing in his eyes. .

Song Jiang nodded and looked at the remaining people with encouraging eyes.

Everyone looked at each other to take courage.

"Kevin called my dog ​​ugly and I had a fight with him, so I was late!"

"I'm lost in the park. The roads over there are so complicated!"

"I have a fever and my head is a little confused."

Song Jiang nodded from time to time as he spoke in detail.

"Very good, you are all sincere people." After his words fell, everyone heard a smile appear on their faces.

"But I don't like employees who are not punctual."

For a moment, everyone's bodies tensed up.

"It won't happen again."

The light voice was like a stroke, but no one was relieved, they just understood.

This gentleman cares about time and discipline.

"Morgan, please count everyone's sizes later, and I'll find a factory to process them."

"Yes." Morgan subconsciously straightened his chest.

Song Jiang looked at him and laughed, "Okay, go back to work."

"Okay! Sir!!"

There was a loud voice, and some people in the crowd rushed to answer. Morgan glared quickly and then spoke.

"Yes, sir!"

This was what everyone was pouring out. When Morgan was left at the end, he was about to close the office door when he heard something.

"Morgan, I'm looking forward to seeing their changes."

“They will become your most loyal employees!”

Morgan said with certainty. When he turned around, he looked at the loose crowd in front of him with a cold look in his eyes.

He thought maybe he should buy a pointer.

The next day, the employees who received brand-new work uniforms screamed loudly. The noisy sound made Edwin and others not far away frowned.

"There's no order at all."

One person said, then looked at the employee service handed to him.

The red and gold T-shirt is an extremely eye-catching color that he usually cannot accept.

Well, I just have to accept it.

He muttered silently and took off his suit and put on a T-shirt. The material was actually more comfortable and softer than expected.

"What are these two words?"

"It should be Chinese."

"Teng, Sheng?"

Along with the hesitation, there were excited shouts in the distance: "Oh, that's so cool, I like the color!"

"Look at the big words on his back, we will have a gang in the future!!"

"Oh my god! I want to follow sir forever!!"

The employees who had eaten and drank enough had obviously gained a bit more color on their faces, and the grayness of yesterday had disappeared.

Their task today is to unpack the arriving goods and place them on the designated shelves.

“Wow! A product I’ve never seen before!!”


Someone was pushing a trolley in a novel way, carrying boxes after boxes of snacks.

Morgan's eyes were as bright as light bulbs. When he saw someone unable to resist temptation and trying to hide, he would step forward without hesitation and whip his ass hard with a whip!

Don't stop even when he screams!

"If there's another time! Go back to your garbage dump!!"

With a cold voice, Morgan picked up the snacks that had fallen on the floor and put them on the shelf, with indescribable disdain and boredom in his eyes.

"I wouldn't mind chopping your fingers off!"

When the voice fell, he kicked the man hard, causing him to hug his knees like a shrimp and howl in pain.

Others shuddered at his horror.

Morgan looked at them, showing his sharp teeth.

"You won't have a next chance! I promise!!"

Despite the strong warning, someone still committed the crime until the end of the day. Morgan did not hesitate to fulfill his promise. He threw him outside the supermarket like a chicken, and even confiscated his clothes.

Leaving the naked man lying on the ground in embarrassment.

"No, you are not qualified!"

Morgan laughed, "Did you see it?"

A group of people standing behind him swallowed their saliva and only heard his cold voice.

"Don't be the next him."

While speaking, he turned around and showed a hideous smile.

"I will teach you the way my mother treated me, and become an excellent employee."

Mother's way?

For some reason, everyone shuddered.

Morgan's shadow loomed in their hearts.

Even in the middle of the night, "Morgan is too cruel to us, we must resist!! We can tell the gentleman!"

"No! Morgan will whip us to death before that!!"

"He is the devil!!"

Amid the panic, the next morning, Morgan still held his whip and patrolled them like a prisoner.

Some people even couldn't help but speak.

"Morgan, we won't steal bread."

"Really?" Morgan's eyes were full of doubts when he spoke. He never dared to overestimate the moral level of the slums.

"We won't!"

"Yes, I guarantee it!"

We can't stand your whip! !

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