The next day.

The plane flew over Alabama, leaving a white trail.

The huge American Airlines plane taxied on the runway, and the passengers in the plane listened to the announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now arriving at the Alabama airport. The temperature outside is 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not unfasten your seat belts before the plane stops."

The sweet voice echoed inside the plane. Three minutes later, the cabin of the plane was opened and the passengers got off the plane one by one.


After Song Jiang took his luggage, he looked at the strange yet familiar scene in front of him, and he silently hugged his backpack to his chest.

Learned the lesson last time.

This time!

It will definitely not be robbed! !

Just as he looked around, Morgan and Edwin, who were waiting with yellow banners not far away, identified the pedestrians coming and going.

Black, no.

White, no.


Yes! !

"Sir! Here!!"

As his thick palms waved in the air, Edwin next to him raised a striking yellow sign.

【Come here! 】 (Come here!)

"Come on, welcome back!!"

Accompanied by a somewhat exaggerated tone, the noisy sound attracted the attention of passers-by. In their weird eyes, Song Jiang quickly found the organization and walked over with a smile!

"Morgan, long time no see!"

A black and a yellow figure hugged, Morgan laughed, "Fortunately, this flight was not delayed, this is a great luck."

"Thank you for your hard work, Song." Edwin smiled, he patted the Chevrolet parked next to him, "Do you want to go up and try it?"

"Of course."

Accompanied by a crisp voice, Edwin opened the car door and made a gesture of invitation, accompanied by Song Jiang's bending over.

The flash in the distance flickered.


The gangster who successfully captured the picture breathed a sigh of relief, and he looked at the profile of the Chinese in the camera.

I believe that

someone will be interested in this information-after all, this is the boss of the supermarket gang!

The mysterious Chinese!

"Thanks to me for following Morgan's route, otherwise I wouldn't have made this money!" With laughter, the professional sneak photographer quickly sent a message to the nearby gangs.

.【Only $500 will get you the information of the gang supermarket boss who has been causing you troubles during this period! 】

A few minutes later.

【Your account has received a transfer of $500】

【Your account has received a transfer of $500】

【Your account has received a transfer of $500】


The mobile phone kept vibrating, it seems that this photo is more popular than expected!

One hand for money and one hand for delivery!

As the information was loaded, the local idle organizations and gangs saw this new photo.

The Chinese man with half of his face turned sideways, his eyes were blocked by the car frame, and he could only see the cunning Edwin bowing respectfully next to him, and the dangerous eyes of the bear-like Morgan.

The photographer - seemed to have been discovered.

And Song Jiang, who was completely unaware, was already sitting in the Chevrolet, experiencing the most comfortable service.

Edwin, who was driving in front, was talking about interesting things that happened in the supermarket. Only Morgan had a dangerous look in his eyes. I don't know what he was thinking.

One hour later.

Song Jiang arrived at Tengsheng Supermarket. Before he went in, he saw the clean and tidy ground outside. Even the pedestrians walking next to him exuded a special fragrance.


His nose moved slightly, and he was a little confused. "Perfume?"

"No, a shower gel is very popular recently, sir, maybe you can take it back and try it." Edwin smiled naturally and walked forward, "You really should see these lovely employees, they are much better than a month ago!"

"Really?" Song Jiang took a step forward with some expectation. The automatic induction door opened, and the cool breeze coming in made him breathe comfortably.

This weather!

It's still cool with air conditioning!

What came into view was a row of cashier counters, each of which was equipped with a clerk, and many customers were queuing in an orderly manner at the back.

As the goods were scanned and paid one by one.

"Ding ding ding--"

The goods were put into the shopping bag one by one, and the salesperson smiled brightly.

"I wish you a safe journey, welcome to visit next time!"

The warm blessing made the white people who were shopping couldn't help but nod, "Thank you!"

For first-time shoppers, both the goods and the service attitude of the store clerks made them extremely satisfied.

Song Jiang looked at the state of each salesperson, and saw that everyone had a ruddy face, and no one was gray a month ago.

Very good.

It means that the food was still very good during his absence!

"Morgan, the training is good."

"Of course, this is my job."

Morgan's mouth corners raised, he looked at the employees who were working hard, and his eyes were fierce when Song Jiang turned his head.

Keep it up!

"Sir" Edwin said, "Please follow me."

"During this period, I designed a new set of moving lines, which have been put into use. At present, the effect is good."

Accompanied by a low and hoarse voice, Song Jiang was led forward. As soon as he entered, he saw a huge snack area, potato chips, nuts, candy...

Followed by various seasonings, kitchen disposables, and various instant foods that only need to be heated-step by step, he unknowingly visited most of the supermarket.

It can be said that this set of movement routes fully demonstrates Edwin's personal level.

"Excellent! Edwin, you are better than I thought!"

"If I can make the supermarket better, everything will be worth it." Edwin pushed his glasses and smiled.

As the group patrolled the supermarket, all the shop assistants they saw were wearing uniform clothes with bright smiles, and they were actively helping customers all the time.

"They did a great job."

Song Jiang sighed, and the people following him couldn't help but nod. Just as he was about to receive the compliment, he saw the young man in front of him change the subject.

"Then let me see their usual level, go to the monitoring room."

? !

The pupils of the management shrank, you? !

You don't follow the routine!


Morgan just shouted, Song Jiang patted his chest with his hand.

"Don't worry, I'm not as strict as you think."

What is the art of leadership?

China knows much more than the United States!

No matter how good the surface work is, it is what it is usually like.

He doesn't look at performances, he wants the usual.

As Song Jiang walked towards the monitoring room, everyone swallowed their saliva and followed behind nervously.

"Call up the surveillance footage for this month. I randomly watched 7 days."


As the large screen began to show the images of these 7 days, Edwin's brain worked quickly, thinking about what happened in this month?

Employees threatened thieves with guns, employees helped customers beat up mistresses, employees and gang members fought, Morgan fought one against three...

"Hiss--" He took a breath, if Mr. Song knew this.

Can I still manage this supermarket? !

As his heart was pounding, the screen on the computer just froze at a woman in uniform kicking a customer in the butt.


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