Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Xunyou's project managers raised their heads and looked at each other with disdain.

How ignorant!

Just over 10 million? !

The proud smiles showed nothing of their excited yelling last night.

At this moment, Song Jiang, who was sitting in the main seat, also tightened his grip on his pen. It was really an exaggerated figure.

10 million in a single day.



The corner of Ji Ziping's lips raised, "Xunyou predicts that the game Miracle Nono can achieve a monthly revenue of 100 million!"

The benefit of monthly output of 100 million——! !


Someone's water glass dropped to the ground by mistake, and countless pairs of blazing eyes stared at him.

What is the concept of 100 million a month? !

I can say that without any doubt!

They have defeated 99% of companies! !

Who makes more money than us? !

Who makes more money than Teng Sheng! !

“Well done!!”

Song Jiang paused and raised his head, "The reason why the game Miracle Nono can appear is all due to the exploration, study and integration of everyone at Xunyou day and night!!"

He stood up while speaking!

Applaud without hesitation!

"Snap, snap, snap!!"

Amidst the loud applause, others stood up one after another and clapped their hands.

"Here! Thank you for your hard work!!"

"Pah, pah, pah—"

"Pah, pah, pah, pah—"

Amidst the surging applause, Xunyou's management raised their heads in enjoyment, their faces turned red, and they were proud!

Miracle Nono is successful!

Naturally, it depends on their efforts!

After a while of encouragement, everyone slowly sat down.

At this time, the project manager of Xunyou started to be smart, "This game depends entirely on the suggestions given by the boss!"

"Yes! This game is thanks to Mr. Ji!"

“Without Mr. Ji, this game wouldn’t exist!!”

Under the strong encouragement, Ji Ziping coughed and said, "Shut up."

The project managers fell silent and looked at Song Jiang secretly.

Song Jiang laughed.

"What do you want?"

A simple word that made everyone sit up straight.

Countless eyes were focused on Ji Ziping, and everyone knew that Song Jiang could always afford it.

What does Ji Ziping want?

Shares? money? right?

“The Miracle Nono project team is understaffed and needs to expand.”

? ?

Brother, are you talking about this? !

Even Xunyou's own family members had horrible looks in their eyes, and they were all filled with hatred!

I want shares! !

Otherwise, you won’t be able to get much even if you make so much money! !

Oh my boss! !

At this time, Song Jiang also gave a reply.

"All the money earned from the game was used for expansion in the early stage." He paused, "Yesterday, I noticed that the fabric material on the 3D model was very rough and the mold was a bit worn."

"Currently, technology is limited, and it is a bit difficult to completely simulate reality." Ji Ziping said.

"Then develop it independently."

Song Jiang concluded: "If there is technology in the market that is better than ours, then learn from it. If there is no technology in the market, let us become one!"

"Yes!" Ji Ziping quickly recorded it in his notebook.

"You go to Sun Lai's place later. If there's no problem, recruit a whole team over."


After discussing the details in detail later, the meeting continued.

After everyone reported the sales situation last month, Song Jiang nodded.

"The meeting is almost over now, go back early."

A person stood up to pack his things. Ji Ziping closed the pile of notes the moment he stepped out the door.

A voice stopped him.

"You really don't want anything?"

The people who had already walked out of the door suddenly stopped in their tracks, and their ears perked up.

In a mood of anticipation, they heard.


The two crisp words were spoken without any pause. He thought for a moment and added.

"I have everything I want."

I have everything I want——

A few years ago, he would never have imagined that he could reach such a status at such an amazing speed!

Even money seemed to him like a string of numbers.

What drives him now is a sense of accomplishment!

It’s a feeling of satisfaction that comes from taking care of everything with your hands!

"..." Song Jiang was silent for a moment and then laughed.

"That's good."

"Alas -" the eavesdropper sighed, and the next second.

"And you?"

Countless pairs of ears pricked up again!

Ji Ziping turned his head and looked at the somewhat surprised man.

What do you want?

Are you satisfied?

His eyelashes trembled slightly, with a hint of embarrassment.

"I, I want a lot."

He raised his head slightly, and his dark pupils reflected Ji Ziping's figure.

"Now, where did we go -"

The air is quiet.

Everyone turned around subconsciously, their pupils shrinking slightly.

Ji Ziping was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"That's good."

He turned around and took a deep breath——

not enough! !

Not enough at all! !

He originally thought that the current prosperity was enough to satisfy Song Jiang!

It turns out - you!


Weird laughter rippled in the corridor, and everyone had complicated expressions.

They thought they had seen through this Tengsheng CEO!


People cannot be judged by their appearance.

Desire cannot be measured.

His ambition seems stronger than anyone else! !

At this time, Song Jiang, who was sitting in his seat, was humming a song and slowly packing his briefcase.

Xunyou's affairs have settled down.

I haven't been to Youyao's place for a long time.

I wonder how the progress is there?

In his thoughts, his footsteps have subconsciously walked towards the research institute.


Half an hour later.

Research institute.


Song Jiang stood in front of the door, looking at the pile of plastic lunch boxes and garbage bags on the side. He took another look and saw a piece of paper with some oil stains on the wall.

"I remember that Pei Gangjie pays attention to details?"

With doubts, he picked up the disinfection equipment on the side and disinfected his whole body.

5 minutes later, he knocked on the door.

There was no movement inside the door.


No one?

Just as he pressed the handle, the door opened with a click.

"Didn't I tell you? The food will be placed directly at the door!"

The irritable voice and bloodshot eyes made Pei Gangjie stunned for a moment, "Aren't you that, that who?"

"Song Jiang."

"Oh! Right Song Jiang!!" Pei Gangjie suddenly realized and turned his head, "You Yao, your boss is here!"

You Yao stared at the hamster in the experimental chamber, like a wooden man.

Seeing his reaction, Pei Gangjie was used to it: "Crazy again."

"Come in." He took a step back, "I'll talk to you for 5 minutes at most."

"Ah? OK."

Song Jiang nodded obediently and stepped onto the floor of the laboratory. He subconsciously scanned the surroundings. The table was in chaos, and the floor was also filled with various test tubes.

Seven or eight hamsters in different states in the glass jars were eating food, a kind of vegetable sprinkled with powder.

Standing on the other side of the experimental table was Xu Can. He had greasy hair and the same bloodshot eyes as Pei Gangjie, but he somehow made people feel that he had a sense of madness, maybe it was the weird upturned corners of his mouth?

Song Jiang became more and more silent.

He hadn't come for two months?

What happened?

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